いかん、寝不足が続いております。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
先日は、BMX(Bicycle Motocross)の決勝、男子バレー、柔道などなど私は色々忙しかったですが、BMXはルールが分からないものの、あのエキサイティングな競技の技にだんだん自分が自転車に乗っているくらい気分だけは自転車に乗っておりました。ですから、空中で自転車ごと数回転なんかしたりして、ちょっと疲れておりました笑。
落ち着いて考えてみると、大の大人が明らかにサイズが小さく、ブレーキなし、ハンドルぐるぐる…。こんな状態でどうやってオリンピック競技になったのか…面白いものだな、と、ふと思うのですが、そんなBMX(Bicycle Motocross)、起源は諸説ありますが、有力とされているのは1960年代後半にアメリカ・カリフォルニア州で始まったというものらしい。オートバイ・モトクロスレースに憧れた子供たちがダート路に作ったジャンプ台や坂を自転車で走って遊んだこととされています。
Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.
Recently, I have been watching the live broadcast of the Paris Olympics late at night every day. I can’t help but watch the games and am a little sleep-deprived, but how about you?
The other day, I was busy with BMX (Bicycle Motocross) finals, men’s volleyball, judo, etc. Although I don’t know the rules of BMX, I was riding a bicycle so fast and so excitingly that I felt like I was riding a bicycle myself. So I was a bit tired after doing a few spins on the bike in the air, lol.
I thought about it and wondered how a grown man could have competed in the Olympics on such a bike, which was obviously so small, with no brakes and handlebars going round and round. It is interesting to know how BMX (Bicycle Motocross) became an Olympic sport in such a state… There are various theories about the origin of BMX, but the most popular one seems to be that it started in California, USA, in the late 1960’s. The most popular theory is that it started in California, U.S.A., in the late 1960s. It is said that children who longed for motorcycle motocross racing started riding their bicycles on jumps and hills built on dirt roads.
It is hard to know what kind of things can happen to make a sport become an Olympic sport. As the human race evolves, new sports are being born, which means that there will be many more sports to come.
Just as there are new sports being created and added, there are also sports that will disappear. Nowadays, you may be familiar with baseball and softball, but in fact, the familiar “tug of war” at athletic meets was actually an Olympic event.
Tug of war? Really? I am sure there are not many people who know about tug of war. Tug of war was held from the 1900 Paris Olympics to the 1920 Antwerp Olympics (the 7th Olympics).
Tug of war is a sport that was adapted from the skill of pulling a tug of war, which was once essential for sailors, and it became a popular sport because the period coincided with the start of the modern Olympic Games. However, many of the contestants were not tug-of-war specialists, but rather athletes from other sports, and the sport was later discontinued in order to reduce the overabundance of competition.
Although it is no longer an Olympic sport, I would be interested to see how it will be revived one day, if ever.
I went to bed a little early the other night, but when I closed my eyes, I found myself completely flying through the air on my BMX bicycle…. Oh no, this is a serious illness.
Have a good day.
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