


いよいよ夏本番です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















その土の中にいる時間は、なんと3~17年にもおよびます。 セミの種類にもよりますが、3年以上も土の中(暗黒の地下生活)にいるとは驚きです。地中で長い時期を成虫になるために過ごすことはよく知られていますが、地上に出てきてからのセミの寿命は、1週間から1カ月の場合も。




















Hello everyone. This is Staff T.

Thank you very much for coming to the appraisal session yesterday in the heat of the day.

The rainy season has ended here in the Tokai area, and summer is finally in full swing. The days are coming when we will have to put aside the unruly swell of our hair and fight against the intense sunlight. The cicadas, which until now seemed to be chirping subduedly, will be singing with increasing intensity.


Even elementary school students know that the life of the cicada is short and ephemeral, despite its loud chirping. Cicadas are often seen on the side of the road in the summer after their fleeting lives, but perhaps they are not fleeting because “the life of a cicada is long.


Incidentally, there are about 34 species of cicadas in Japan in total. The kuma-zemi, whose chirping is often heard in the Nagoya area, and the abura-zemi, whose wings are brown. The tsukutsukuboushi, which is a species of cicada that appears at the end of summer, is one of the most common cicadas.

Cicadas are also divided into large and small ones, such as the abrazemi, which belongs to the large category. It is said that the name “abrazemi” comes from the sound it makes as if it is frying something in oil, and it lays its eggs on tree trunks during the adult summer season. The eggs hatch during the rainy season of the following year.
The hatched larvae burrow into the soil, where they spend most of their lives.


The difference in soil hardness (water retention rate) when they burrow into the soil is one of the reasons why different species live in different habitats. When the hatched larvae burrow into the soil, if the ground is hard, the larvae need a lot of force to burrow into the soil.

On the other hand, if the ground is soft, less force is needed. From this point of view, it seems that the difference is that large cicadas are found in areas where the ground is hard, and small cicadas are found in areas where the ground is soft.

The reason why it is easier to see large cicadas in urban areas is because the soil is hard.


Cicadas spend from 3 to 17 years in the soil. Depending on the type of cicada, it is surprising that they spend more than three years in the soil (dark underground life). While it is well known that cicadas spend long periods of time underground to become adults, the lifespan of a cicada once it emerges from the ground can range from one week to one month.

Once a cicada becomes an adult, its life span is said to be about one week, but it is also said that it can live for about one month if the environment is suitable. However, it seems to be quite difficult for cicadas to live outside for a long period of time because of the many external and natural enemies, including humans. For example, the cicada’s natural enemies include humans, crows, cats, birds, carnivorous bees and ants, and many others. It is very difficult for cicadas to survive on the ground.


Incidentally, only the male cicada can emit a call. The male cicada emits such a cry in order to signal the female. Because of this, it is said that males and females have a higher chance of meeting than in other insects. This is the reason why they are considered to have a fleeting life span, as they fulfill their mission in the little time they have to live in order to procreate.


Cicadas also differ in the time of their appearance and the duration of their chirping, depending on the species. Cicadas have different times of the day and different times of the day when they are singing.

The kuma-zemi sings in the morning. When there are a lot of them, they sing all day long.

Abura-zemi chirps early in the morning, then takes a break and chirps in the afternoon.

Minminzemisemisemi sing during the day when the temperature is higher.

Tukutukuboshi and Ninii Zemi are all day long.

The brown-headed cowbirds sing in the morning and evening.

One of the reasons for this is that cicadas chirp at the same time of the day, which makes the female cicadas lose their way.


By the way, if a cicada were the same size as a human and perched on Tokyo Tower, how far do you think its voice would reach?

The answer is as far as Kagoshima Prefecture.

Isn’t that amazing? And how can a cicada make such a loud cry with such a low-calorie food source as sap?

Cicadas are only visible to us for a short period of time, but they appear on the ground with their full potential. Not only are they short-lived, they are also long-lived when you think about it. It may seem ephemeral, but in fact, it may be said that it has a strong and vigorous life.


See you soon.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


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