


日進市白山宮足王社の社殿がとても進化系でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




























昔、飯田街道の裏街道と呼ばれた街道が日進市藤島町にあり、商人や旅人達が道中の足の安全を祈願する足名椎神をお祀りするほこらがあり、時代の流れと共に街道を行き交う人々も少なくなり、 街道隣接(藤島町大根)の山本邸に祀られていたものを終戦前後に当宮に勧請したのが起源とされるようになり、「足腰の神様」として有名になりました。























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It has been a hot day, but even so, my friends and I decided to go out somewhere. The other day, I went to “Hakusan Shrine” in Nisshin City, Aichi Prefecture, which I had been curious about.


What a surprise…it was just the usual shrine tour…but it was a little different.

Seeing is believing. Let’s take a look at the pictures for now.


This is Ashio Shrine in Hakusan Shrine in Nisshin City.


The date of establishment of Hakusan Shrine is unknown, but the presence of an ancient burial mound in the shrine’s precincts suggests an early date. It is said that Ujikiyo Niwa Wakasa no Mamoru, the lord of Hongo Castle (moved to Iwasaki in 1523), first performed rituals at the shrine.

In recent years, the shrine has been visited by tens of thousands of worshippers throughout the year for many festivals, including the summer Kayanowa Festival.


The Ashio Shrine is located in the Hakusan Shrine, where a legendary stone is enshrined that if one rubs the stone with one’s hand and caresses the affected part, the pain will be gone.


In the old days, there was a road called “Ura-Kaido” in Fujishima-cho, Nisshin City, where merchants and travelers prayed for the safety of their feet along the way. It is said that the shrine became famous as the “God of Legs and Backs.


The “pain relief stone” is located behind this shrine pavilion, directly under the central deity in the main hall of Ashio Shrine.


The shrine pavilion is very innovative. The corridor, which is integrated with the roof of the shrine building, undulates in waves, and from within this space, one can feel the greenery behind the shrine building and the refreshing breeze.


The basic axis of the shrine is north-south, and the path taken by visitors is not a one-way straight line, but a diverse and circuitous one. The shrine is made of a combination of thin trees, and visitors are invited to worship while feeling the light leaking through the gaps between the trees and the breeze from the forest. The shrine was designed with the intention that visitors will feel at one with the forest when they walk into the “Cave Approach,” filled with light and the soft curves of the trees behind the sacred body, touch the pain-taking stones, and return home.


Behind the sacred body is a “cave path” filled with light and soft curves of wood, and when you enter the path, touch the “pain-relieving stone” (currently not accessible by hand), and return home, you will feel at one with the forest. This shrine pavilion is designed in such a way that you do not just worship from a distance, but rather, as a part of the forest, you touch God as if you are close to Him, and you hope that you will be able to step forward to experience His presence again.


I first visited the shrine without knowing the intent of the design, and when I later learned the intent of the design, I realized that it was exactly as I had expected. I was right. I visited the shrine without realizing it and touched the “pain-relieving stone” on the “cave path” (although I did not actually touch it), which made me feel closer to the shrine and made my visit to the shrine more fluid. And even if you move away from the worship hall, the view will forever remain as an impression.


I was also surprised to see that the architectural style of the shrine, whether Shinmei-zukuri or Taisha-zukuri, does not always have to be a specific one.

The Ashio Shrine is very innovative, but I am sure that the desire to worship the gods with care and comfort is the same in any shrine building. Today, I prayed for the health of my legs and feet, and left Hakusangu Ashio Shrine with a fresh and innovative feeling.


I wish you all the best.












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