


今年もご近所城山八幡宮茅輪くぐり、始まりました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















先ず、茅の輪の前に立って軽く礼。左足からまたいで輪をくぐり、左回りに回って元の位置に戻ります。 次に茅の輪の前で軽く礼をし、 右足からまたいで輪をくぐり、右回りに回って元の位置に戻るそうです。各神社にて多少の違いはあるとは思いますが、後ろの方などがおりますと早くせねば…と、焦りもあってか、毎年のごとくミスっております笑。

















城山八幡宮 大茅輪くぐり
日時:7月15日㈪~17日㈬ 9:30~21:00
交通手段:地下鉄東山線 本山駅、覚王山駅



Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It seems that summer festivals were held in various places during this three-day weekend, including the Gion Festival in Kyoto, and here in Nagoya, the summer festival season has finally started with the fireworks display at the Port of Nagoya!

However, there are always concerns about bad weather during the summer festivals held at this time of the year, as the rainy season has just ended or is about to end.

The summer festival will be held again this year at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine in the neighborhood of Fumikosha Antique Art House.
The “Oochi-wa Kiguri (thatched-rope procession) and Summer Festival” will be held from July 15 (Mon., holiday) to 17 (Wed.), 2024.

Ouchi-no-wa-kuguri, also called “ring-kuguri” or “thatch-ring-kuguri,” is an event to pray for good health, protection from bad luck, and safety in the home by passing through a large thatch-ring set up in the shrine precincts. I am sure that there is a ring at your neighborhood shrine during this season.

This is a summer ritual to pray for good health and longevity, to get rid of all illnesses, to get rid of various troubles, to get rid of pestilence and disease, and to be blessed with good health and longevity by the action of thatch. Every year, Staff Y forgets how to go through the thatched roof and gets nervous, but is it just me?

Let me review it a little,
First, stand in front of the thatched ring and bow lightly. Then, you cross the ring with your left foot, turn to the left, and return to the original position. Next, you stand in front of the thatch ring, bow lightly, step over the right foot through the ring, turn clockwise, and return to the original position. I am sure there are some differences between shrines, but I always make a mistake every year, perhaps because I am in a hurry to get to the back of the line… lol.

I am always in a hurry to get it done, and I miss it every year. I am afraid that I will not be able to receive the prayers for good health, good health, good luck, and long life… I am so greedy that I have to do it all over again, but it is really not a good way to go around the circle every year.

I put such things aside for a moment, and I immediately put up the owner’s “purification ashi” that I went around the ring the other day in the store. A purification ash is a kind of “kanten,” which means to invite good things by changing “ash” to “yoshi,” so I would like to be in this space and do something good. The cool appearance of ASAHI ASHI, which was quickly stretched out, invited good things to happen and also brought a sense of “coolness” by making the gloomy weather a little lighter.

The “Great Kayawa-kuguri” at Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine will be crowded with stalls from the evening, so if you have time, please visit the shrine.

I am ready to go through the shrine in style this year, but I will probably be in a hurry, but I will be there after work.

I will probably be in a hurry, but I will be there on my way home from work.

Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine Grand Kayuri (thatched-rope procession)
Date and time: July 15 ㈪~17 ㈬ 9:30~21:00
Address: 2-88 Shiroyamacho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
Access:Honyama Station or Kakuouzan Station on the Higashiyama Subway Line
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN









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