


あまり理解していなかった銀製品の純度とは(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

In my previous blog, I wrote about the history of silver production, and this time I would like to talk about the properties of silver and the purity of silver products.


After the Age of Discovery, silver came to be distributed in large quantities all over the world. Since then, silver has been used in various kinds of silver products and has been a part of people’s daily lives.

Today, silver products are often given as gifts to celebrate milestones in people’s lives, such as job-hunting, childbirth, silver wedding, 60th birthday, and retirement. In Europe, it is said that if a baby is fed with a silver spoon, he or she will have a happy life and never have to worry about food for the rest of his or her life.


The silver case on display at Fuhkosha was also presented to Mr. Taizo Ishizaka, a Japanese businessman, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs before World War II. It emits an austere light with a taste.


The purity of silver is expressed as a three-digit number, with 1000 being pure silver and the percentage of silver contained in the alloy.

As a general rule, the purity of silver used in the production of silver products is 925/1000 or higher, but depending on the product, purities such as 950/1000 and 970/1000 may also be used. The higher the purity of silver, the softer and more difficult it is to process, and the more easily it scratches, so other materials such as copper are added as an alloy to maintain a hardness that makes it easy to process into products.

In Japan, silver products are generally called “silver products” if the purity is 925/1000 or higher.

Silver 925” with a silver content of 92.5% is stamped with ‘925,’ ‘SV925,’ ‘S925,’ etc. Copper” is usually used for the 7.5% split in silver 925, but zinc, aluminum, nickel, and cobalt may also be present.

Among 925 silver, only those pieces in which only copper is used as the remaining 7.5% of the alloy are called “sterling silver. Sterling silver originally denoted the purity of British silver coins.

In Japan, according to the standards set by the Jewelry Association of Japan, any metal mixed with metals other than copper cannot be called sterling silver.


Sterling silver is made of only copper as a split metal, giving it a bright white shine close to that of pure silver. Silver 925 may have a slightly yellowish tinge, and if it contains nickel or cobalt, it may have a bluish tinge. Some people have allergic reactions to nickel, so care should be taken when using it as jewelry.

Both sterling silver and 925 silver have a tendency to tarnish. This is because silver reacts with a small amount of sulfur in the air to form silver sulfide. The degree of discoloration depends on how the item is cared for and how often it is used, so care should be taken to wipe off any dirt after use and to be careful about how it is stored.


At the recent Wimbledon Tennis Championships, a gold-plated sterling silver men’s championship cup and a sterling silver “Rosewater Dish” platter as the women’s trophy are handed to the winners after the final. The actual items are kept in a museum, and the winners are given miniature replicas.


I was surprised when I learned that the gold medals in the Olympics were also silver, but I believe that the athletes are not concerned with such trivial matters and are competing with more noble aspirations.


I will see you next time.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


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