


みんな大好き富士山(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)



































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today in Nagoya, the weather is a little bit chilly and not so clear. The other day it was unusually warm, and I had to think that there is no such thing as three cold and four warm days…. Staff Y is feeling a little tired these days, but I hope everyone is feeling well.
We are all looking forward to spring, but I was thinking the other day, “Hey, hey, if you come here so soon, I’ll be confused…” The other day, I thought to myself, “Hey, if they come that early, I’ll be confused.


By the way, the other day, I was talking with my sisters and we got into a conversation about Mt. Fuji. We started by talking about our recent trip to the Gotemba Outlets, and they sent me some pictures they had taken of Mt. Fuji, which was so dynamic that it looked as if it was right there in front of us. No matter how many times I see it or where I look at it from, Mt.


It goes without saying that everyone living in Japan loves Mt. Fuji as much as they love cherry blossoms, but even so, I have never heard of anyone who hates Mt. Fuji is also ranked as one of the most desired mountains for sightseeing not only by us but also by visitors from overseas, so there is no doubt that it is a mountain that attracts people from all over the world. Fuji is full of indescribable charms, and we would like to capture its inexpressible charms in images.


It seems that I was not the only one who felt this way. It seems that too many people have contributed too many photos of Mt. Fuji, resulting in a collection of more images than required for an encyclopedia.

Wikipedia is an Internet encyclopedia, not a Mt. Fuji image submission site,” and we ask everyone to refrain from uploading any more photos. In fact, this “not a site for posting pictures of Mt. Fuji” statement appeared in 2009, when Wikipedia initially admonished its enthusiastic users in warm terms. Fuji, but please refrain from using multiple images of the same type, as it can bloat the page.”
So, as well as the cherry blossom photos, the fever to capture Mt. Fuji in a beautiful image by all means was apparently more than I had imagined.


Wikipedia seems to have removed this description, but if you click on the Mt. Fuji page of the Japanese Wikipedia, you can see many photos taken from various angles by internet users around the world, which is like searching for Mt. Fuji in a gallery or on Flickr Fuji is the most popular mountain in Japan in this sense as well.


Fuji is also popular in Japan in this sense. When we were talking about this, I asked him if he would like to see both the cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji,” and a luxury-level plan came to mind. I am not confident in my photographic skills, so I am secretly planning to go and see the scenery with my own eyes this spring…but if I can do it, I will try to post some pictures when I forget about it, so please forget about it for now.


So please forget about it for the time being.
















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN






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