ふと感じる違和感に悩んでおります(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
Hello everyone. This is Staff T.
Unfortunately, today’s weather in Nagoya is not so good, and rain has started to fall. I am thankful that it has been warm for the past few days, but it is hard to be happy about it because it also brings pollen with it.
As Staff Y tweeted the other day, this is the time of year when we have the “what to wear problem.
As is commonplace, I too am faced with this problem. Of course, I have to think about how to adjust for the heat and cold and what to wear for the season, but what bothers me more than that is that I feel that nothing I wear looks good on me.
What bothers me more than that is that I feel that I don’t look good in anything I wear. I used to think I looked good in clothes (according to my own standards), but one day I suddenly feel something doesn’t feel right. I have heard that this feeling comes on suddenly, and as usual, it is weighing heavily on me as well.
It is not that I have changed my body shape drastically, but when I look at my reflection in the mirror, I often think, “What is it? I often feel like, “What is it? It is said that your skin turns a corner around the age of 25,
I wonder if this is the turning point for clothes as well.
It seems that skin tone is a major factor in why clothes no longer suit me. As they get older, the elasticity and luster of their skin changes, and they look even older when they wear glamorous clothes like young girls. The difference between the two makes them feel uncomfortable, and they don’t look good in clothes that don’t suit them.
I have been researching and found that there are a certain number of women who experience this phenomenon. It makes me feel a little lighter to know that I am not the only one (lol).
The causes vary from person to person, such as changes in preferences due to age, marriage, childbirth, and other lifestyle changes.
This is just my case… As soon as I felt that something didn’t suit me, I started to think, “People might think I don’t look good in this” or “Is this appropriate to wear at my age? I am like a lost child, worrying about what people around me might think.
I don’t care what age you are, you can wear whatever clothes you like. They should be free to enjoy the clothes of their choice.
However, before enjoying myself, I am a lazy person by nature, and I really don’t like to think about coordinating my outfits.
So, I decided that the best shortcut for me was to go back to basic, basic clothes, and I got rid of most of the clothes I had. I felt a little sad to let go of the things I liked, and I also felt that it was tasteless to have only safe clothes left, but the good thing is that I don’t have to spend time thinking about this and that anymore.
The problem of not having clothes to wear has not gone away yet, but with the clothes I got rid of, my closet and mind will be refreshed and I will be able to welcome the new season.
See you soon.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN