


今年の漢字は「税」でしたね(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





さて、本日12月12日は「いい字 いち字」の語呂合わせで「漢字の日」。1995年から始まり、今年で29回目を迎えます。







そして揮毫(きごう)の瞬間のテレビ中継もおなじみですが、 その発表の20~30分前から、森貫主に手渡す筆に墨を念入りに含ませる男性をご存知ですか? 人呼んで「墨爺(すみじい)」。 この男性は「今年の漢字」の生みの親ともいえる方なのだそうですよ。


あの大書に使われている筆は、広島県熊野産の牛耳兼毫筆(ぎゅうじけんごうふで)。毛は白天尾(しろあまお)で長さ11.5cm 直径4.5cm、軸の長さ26cm(一番太いところの直径は約5.5cm)。奈良県産の墨を使用し、黒谷和紙協同組合の講師による指導のもと、京都伝統工芸大学校の学生たちが手漉きをした和紙に書かれています。








Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Today, December 12, is the 29th Kanji Day, which started in 1995.

The Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation holds a nationwide contest to select the kanji that best represents the year, and the kanji with the highest number of entries is announced at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto as the kanji that represents the year’s current state of affairs.

The kanji is written on a huge piece of Japanese paper by Kiyomizu-dera’s chief priest, Seinori Mori, and then displayed in the main hall of the temple to purify the year’s events and to wish for a happy new year.


As it is a tradition at the end of the year, I also look forward to seeing what kanji characters will be written each year, but what I look forward to even more is the powerful calligraphy that Seinori Mori writes on a 1.5 meter long and 1.3 meter wide sheet of Japanese paper.

Since 1995, Seinan Mori has written every Kanji character in the world. The kanji to be written for this year’s “Kanji of the Year” are not announced in advance, but rather are placed in an envelope on the morning of the announcement, with the contents hidden from view, and handed to the participants. In other words, the kanji are written on the spot, without any practice.

I have a bit of experience in calligraphy, but I would never have been able to write on such a large piece of paper in a single stroke. And I am sure it must have been extremely nerve-wracking in front of so many spectators and reporters. Therefore, I am probably more looking forward to the calligraphy than the kanji themselves.

The TV broadcast of the moment of writing the calligraphy is well-known, but do you know the man who, 20 to 30 minutes before the announcement, carefully pours ink into the brush that will be handed to Mori Kancho? He is called “Sumijii. This man can be said to be the creator of this year’s Kanji characters.


The brush used to write the large brush is a Gyujikengo-fude brush made in Kumano, Hiroshima Prefecture. The hair is white amao, 11.5 cm long, 4.5 cm in diameter, and the shaft is 26 cm long (the diameter at the thickest point is about 5.5 cm). It is written on Japanese paper handmade by students of the Kyoto College of Traditional Crafts under the guidance of instructors from the Kurotani Washi Cooperative Association, using ink produced in Nara Prefecture.

In calligraphy, ink transfer (when the ink in the brush runs out, the artist must add more ink and continue writing) is very important. It is very interesting to watch the process of writing this year’s Kanji characters with a brush that has been dipped in ink all the way down to the base of the brush.


The “This Year’s Kanji” can be seen at the Kanji Museum in Kyoto.

One of the highlights of the museum is not only the large brush strokes but also the frames designed to match the kanji, and the same “brush” and “ink container” that were used when the strokes were written.


See you soon.













骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN



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