


未知の世界は魅力的です(名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The other day, I had to kill a few hours by myself when I went out to attend to a patient at the hospital, so I visited the Nagoya Noh Theater, which is across the street from the hospital, for the first time.

I like to travel, but I am also a lazy traveler, so I tend to visit places only because I happen to be passing by.

Although I had almost no knowledge of Nohgaku, I was instantly fascinated by its traditional world, as if I had peeked into the entrance of a deep swamp.

Nohgaku (= Noh and Kyogen) is said to be the world’s oldest existing performing art. The roots of Noh theater can be traced back to the Nara period (710-794), when it was introduced from mainland China as a form of performing art for the masses called sangaku. Sangaku eventually developed into Sarugaku Noh, which incorporated theatrical elements. In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), Kan’ami, Zeami and their son became popular, and with the support of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun, they perfected Noh, a graceful form that incorporated song and dance.

In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), Noh became one of the favorite arts of warriors, and Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Ieyasu Tokugawa became lovers of Noh and loved to perform it themselves. Tokugawa Ieyasu, in particular, is said to have been familiar with Noh from an early age and continued to love Noh until his death.

The “Takasagoya” often heard at weddings is one of the Noh plays called “Takasago,” and was performed by warriors at weddings.

In addition, kyogen, a comical dialogue play, began to be performed between Noh plays, and it is said that Noh and kyogen were performed alternately on the same stage, thus creating the current form of Noh performance.

Noh plays are often tragedies based on historical figures or stories, and are performed with masks by the leading actors, whereas kyogen plays are comedies that amusingly depict the daily lives of ordinary people.


The Nagoya Noh Theater offers free tours of its exhibition rooms, and on the day I visited, there was an exhibition of five Noh masks created by Noh mask makers living in Aichi Prefecture. When I entered the exhibition room, I was overwhelmed by the 40 or so Noh masks hanging on the walls, and for a moment I had the creepy feeling that my legs were going to give way.


Noh masks are made of cypress wood and come in about 200 varieties, of which about 60 are basic forms. The main types of masks (omote) include masks of old men, masks of old men, masks of demons, female masks, masks of vengeful spirits, male masks, and Buddhist masks. A single Noh mask may be used in several different performances.

Masks struck from the Muromachi to Azuchi-Momoyama periods are called “hon-men,” and thereafter their basic forms are copied (imitated) and reproduced. Even age spots and scratches are copied. It is said that Noh actors play their roles as if guided by the masks. Therefore, they copy the masks exactly as they were in the past and perform with the power of the masks.

When a Noh mask is worn and the performer looks up, it is called “teru,” and when the mask is worn and the performer looks down, it is called “kumoru.” A mask that should be expressionless can appear cheerful or sad, and various emotions can be expressed with the slightest movement by the Noh performer. It is said that the essence of Noh, the “beauty of concealment,” is condensed in Noh masks.


Nagoya Noh Theater offers free guided tours of the stage about four times a month. It also has a delicious restaurant, so why not pay a visit?


See you again soon.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN




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