珉平焼 色鮮やかでポップな印象です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
そんな中、冬の季節の憂鬱で落ち込みがちな気分も明るくしてくれそうな、『 珉平焼 黄釉陰刻雲龍文 隅切角小皿 』が目に留まりました。
「珉平焼」(みんぺいやき)は、江戸後期の文政年間(1818~30)に、淡路島の南端、伊賀野村(現在の南あわじ市)で、賀集珉平(かしゅう みんぺい)によって始められた焼き物で、地名をとって「淡路焼」などと呼ばれます。
賀集珉平(かしゅう みんぺい)は、京から京焼の陶工・尾形周平を招いて、京焼のデザインや釉薬調合の技術を作品に取り入れました。そして天保10年(1839)には、当時の阿波藩の御用を務め、「御用御陶師」を称することを許され、藩主・蜂須賀公のお手窯として、主に花器、茶器などが作られました。
その後、明治4(1871)年に珉平が没し、衰退した後、明治18(1885) 年に「珉平焼」を継承して「淡陶社」が設立されました。そして明治34(1901)年には、輸入タイルと同レベルの国産タイルを完成させて、本格的にタイル生産を開始しました。

Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
Today in Nagoya, unfortunately, the sky has been cold and rainy since this morning. The coldness of my fingers is making me feel colder than I expected.
I have just started working here, and although I still don’t know what’s right and left, I can now afford to look at the masterpieces on display in the store for a little while.
One of the pieces that caught my eye was the “Sumiping Ware Yellow Glazed Square Dish with Inlaid Dragon and Cloud Patterns” that seemed to brighten up my depressed mood during the winter season. This small dish was made in the late Edo period and is also known as Awaji ware. They are also called “Awaji ware” and have a beautiful glossy color. They are easy to use even today and can be used not only for small snacks, but also for small objects.
Minpei-yaki is a type of pottery started by Minpei Kashu in Igano Village (present-day Minami-Awaji City) on the southern tip of Awaji Island during the Bunsei Era (1818-30), and is called Awaji ware after its local name.
He invited Shuhei Ogata, a potter of Kyo-yaki from Kyoto, and incorporated Kyo-yaki designs and glaze mixing techniques into his work. In 1839 (Tempo 10), he was allowed to serve the then Awa domain as an official potter, and was named “Imperial Potter”.
Sumimpei-yaki is characterized by its wide range of variations. It is said that there was probably no other kiln in Japan during the late Edo period that produced such a wide variety of pottery.
Another characteristic is the vivid colors. While traditional Japanese tableware is often associated with subdued colors, Sumimpei ware is very colorful and pops with red, yellow, and green colors.
The glaze is made from lead, and the bright yellow color is unique to lead.
Current law prohibits the use of glazes containing lead in food ceramics, so the eye-catching colors of these vessels are precious colors that cannot be produced today.
After Suminpei’s death in 1871, the pottery declined, and in 1885, the Tamito-sha was established to take over the Suminpei-yaki tradition. In 1901, the company began full-scale tile production, perfecting domestically produced tiles on the same level as imported tiles.
Today, this tile production has been taken over by Danto Holdings, and even today, pottery that is believed to be from that period can be found on the factory grounds.
Just looking at these colorful small plates will cheer you up. They are also relatively inexpensive, so they are ideal as collectibles.
See you soon.
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN