


やはり心が洗われる場所です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




































Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

night’s men’s World Cup basketball game was very exciting. I am a complete ‘mere’ fan, but I was wondering how a 3-point shot can be that good. It was like magic and went into the net. It was a true testament to the practice.

The story of the Japanese men’s team, which has experienced humiliation in the past, including losing all the games at the Tokyo Olympics, where they participated as the host nation, further amplified the excitement of the event. I am looking forward to the Paris Olympics.


Now, please bear with me as I continue from my previous blog. As we approached Ise Jingu Shrine, rain clouds started to form in the sky, and by the time we arrived at the station, it was pouring. Not wanting to turn back, we headed for the Inner Shrine by bus. The clouds that had been hanging heavy over the mountains gradually disappeared, and the mountains appeared divine and fresh. It was a different world from that of the city, and I felt refreshed by the scenery.

The Isuzu River is considered the washing place for the inner shrine of Ise Jingu, and it is said that people used to wash their hands here to purify themselves. Even today, you can go to the river to wash your hands, but unfortunately, due to the rain, the water was too muddy to put your hands in. However, we were all fascinated by the way each raindrop glistened in the sunlight.

My friends who visited the shrine for the first time also enjoyed the rainy Ise Jingu. After all, this is a place where one can feel the presence of something invisible.


Unlike other shrines, there are a few things you should refrain from doing at Ise Jingu. Since I was leading a group of friends on their first visit to the shrine, I looked them up again to make sure.

Although I could not see it this time due to the muddy water, if you look at the bottom of the Isuzu River, you will see many small coins sunk in the river. However, the temple staff told me that since this is a place for purification, I should refrain from throwing money into the river, which has been touched by many people and has accumulated dirt, because it would pollute the river.

If you want to make a money offering, there is a money box for Takimatsurinokami (the god of waterfalls) located right next to the Mitarashi place. Takimatsurinokami is said to be the guardian deity of the Isuzu River and the intercessor for the Inner Shrine. Many people pass by, but if you visit here after washing your hands, you will be interceded to Amaterasu, the deity of the main shrine.


Next, regarding monetary offerings, there are no money boxes in the main shrines of both the Geku and the Naiku at Ise Jingu. Instead, a white cloth is laid out. However, it is said that this cloth is not for making money offerings.

The Shogu was originally a place to pray for peace and tranquility in Japan, not a place to make personal requests. Therefore, paper money is forbidden and personal wishes are not allowed. For this reason, there is no money-offering box, but since there is no end to the number of people who make money offerings, a white cloth is laid out to protect the temple from money. Most people make money offerings without knowing that they are doing so.

The temple is a place to give thanks for the daily blessings and the opportunity to visit, and to make money offerings and personal wishes at the Aramatsurinomiya, a separate shrine that is visited after the Shogu.


Finally, let me tell you about the trees of Ise Jingu Shrine. There are many thick, straight, magnificent trees in the shrine, and you can’t help but want to touch them. In fact, I saw many people touching the trees, and the parts that people touched changed color. You may feel you can get power from touching them, but don’t do it because it will hurt the trees.

I hope you will visit Ise Jingu with a good feeling since you have taken the trouble to visit the shrine.

As a side note, I felt that the Ise Jingu Shrine is a place where there are no warning signs about the kind of behavior that should be refrained from.


After visiting the shrine, I was satisfied with my meal at Oharaicho and headed home. On the way back, we took the Kintetsu limited express train “Hinotori. The train was a far cry from the retro trains of the previous trip, but it had all the latest equipment, and the ride was very comfortable. The metallic red body of the train was very cool.


See you again soon.














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