


夏の妖怪でひんやりを探してみました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)












「水木しげる生誕100周年記念 水木しげるの妖怪 百鬼夜行展 ~お化けたちはこうして生まれた~ 」












ヤロカ水(やろかみず)は、江戸時代に尾張国 、美濃国 に現れた、「ヤロカヤロカ」と声を出す妖怪のようであります。今から2・300年前(江戸時代)雨が降り続き木曽川が増水。真夜中、川の上流で「ヤロカヤロカ」という声がしきりにするので、村人が「よこさばよこせ」と叫び続けました。すると川の水が急に増し、またたく間に村は水に飲み込まれてしまったという妖怪伝説。ちょっとリアル。



二龍松(じりょうまつ)は、愛知県豊田市の長興寺に伝わる松の精霊のようです。寺の門前には2本の松の木が生えており、2匹の龍のように見えるので人々に「二龍松」と呼ばれておりました。あるとき寺に2人の子どもが現れ、「すずりを貸してほしい」と住職に頼みました。住職がすずりと紙を与えると、子どもらは漢詩を書きあげて「千年の寺」「古殿 苔深し」などと祝い、二龍松の木陰で消えてしまったと伝えられているようですが、その残された書き付けは寺に安置され、長らく人々の崇敬を集めたようです。また、江戸前期の怪談本『古今百物語評判』にも「参州加茂郡長興寺門前の松童子にばけたる事」として記述されており、それによると松の木の童子たちが書いた文章は以下のように記されております。


客路三川風露秋 袈裟一角事勝遊
二龍松樹千年寺 古殿苔深僧白頭













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s hot again today…. I don’t even want to say this anymore, how is everyone doing in the air conditioner? Are you feeling a little sluggish, or are you suffering from gastrointestinal problems due to all the cold food you eat? I am one of them.


For those of you who are getting tired of summer and are planning to have a full-fledged summer vacation, I have found something a little different today to cool you down.


Here in Aichi Prefecture, the Nagoya City Museum has been holding a “Shigeru Mizuki 100th Birthday Celebration” since the other day.

The exhibition, “Shigeru Mizuki’s One Hundred Ghosts and Nightly Ghosts: How Ghosts Were Born,” is being held at the Nagoya City Museum from the other day.

is being held at the Nagoya City Museum. It seems that yokai are gathering in Nagoya in the middle of summer, and many works based on yokai by Shigeru Mizuki (1922-2015), one of Japan’s most famous manga artists, are being presented. Isn’t this chilly lol.


This exhibition, planned on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Shigeru Mizuki’s birth in 2022, seems to focus on the behind-the-scenes of his yokai creation for the first time among the many exhibitions of his work that have been held.

The exhibition will showcase Shigeru Mizuki’s valuable collection of yokai-related materials and manuscripts of his manga works, which have helped establish the culture of enjoying yokai in modern Japan, and will focus on his work in further enriching the yokai world established by his predecessors, while respecting its coolness. I am very interested in his achievements as well as his coolness.


I would love to visit this exhibition, which is perfect for summer, but the mention of yokai reminded me of something else.

When I visited the Iwase Bunko in Nishio City last year (in summer, I think), I learned about local yokai and did some research.


Isotengu (near Chita Peninsula, Aichi Prefecture)

The “Isotengu” is a yokai that is said to be a member of the kappa (water imps) family, although it is named after a tengu. According to a legend from the Chita Peninsula in Aichi Prefecture, while fishing on a dark night, two or three large fireballs flew into the air.


Yaroka Water (near Kisosangawa River, Aichi Prefecture)

Yarokamizu is a yokai that appeared in Owari and Mino provinces in the Edo period (1603-1868) and is said to have emitted a voice saying “yaroka yaroka. Two or three hundred years ago (during the Edo period), the Kiso River was swollen due to continuous rain. In the middle of the night, a voice kept calling “Yarokayaroka” upstream, and the villagers kept shouting, “Give it to us! The water suddenly rose, and in no time the village was swallowed up by the water.


Jiryomatsu (near Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture)

The Jiryomatsu (two dragon pines) seem to be the spirits of the pine trees at Chokoji Temple in Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture. Two pine trees grew in front of the temple gate and were called “Erlongmatsu” by people because they looked like two dragons. One day, two children appeared at the temple and asked the priest to lend them a tin. The priest gave them a tin and a piece of paper, and the children wrote Chinese poems and celebrated, writing such phrases as “the temple of a thousand years” and “the ancient hall is deep with moss” before disappearing in the shade of the Erlong pine tree.


Well, I have introduced only a part of the legends. The legends that are passed down with the yokai are very realistic. I have looked up various yokai in terms of their appearance, and found that some are cute and some are horrifyingly old, but I cannot tell what they really look like, so I will leave that up to your own imagination.


Anyway, it seems that there are quite a few local yokai, so if your friends are having trouble with their free research during the summer vacation, they may want to memorize a map with local yokai. If you are interested, you may also visit Shigeru Mizuki’s exhibition and trace the history of the area this summer.


Oh, and it is getting a little chilly now.


Have a good day.

















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN






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