昨夜のスーパームーン、とても綺麗でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




昨夜のスーパームーン、とても綺麗でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)











スーパームーンとは、天文学では「ペリジー・ムーン(perigee moon)」とも呼ぶそうでして、通常よりも大きく見える満月(または新月)を指しております。スーパームーンは通常の満月と比べるとその大きさは7%ほど大きく見えるのですが、ほとんどの人がこの差を感じることができないそうです。



また、本来天文学では「ペリジー・ムーン(perigee moon)」という呼び名であるのですが、「スーパームーン」というほうが一般的にはよく耳に致します。なんとその呼び名、実は1979年に占星術師のリチャード・ノエルによってつくられたそうでして、こちらの方がよりキャッチーだったから、ロマンチックだったから、イメージにあってたからでしょうか。ですが、あの満面の月をみておりますとさすがに誰しも「スーパームーン」と口から漏れるような気がいたします。





















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Last night’s supermoon. I hope you were able to see it in your area.

The fireworks display in Nagaoka was on TV, and the supermoon and the fireworks were a spectacular sight. As for our neighborhood last night, the supermoon showed us many different faces because the clouds were coming and going quickly. I could tell even in this residential neighborhood that the nighttime brightness was brighter than the usual moonlight.


I would like to review this for myself here, and I hope you will all bear with me for a moment.

A supermoon is also called a “perigee moon” in astronomy, referring to a full moon (or new moon) that appears larger than usual. A supermoon appears to be about 7% larger than a normal full moon, but most people do not notice the difference.

However, the brightness of the moon is clearly different, which can be clearly seen in rural areas where there are few neon lights at night. It was so obvious even in the vicinity of our house in a residential area.


Originally, in astronomy, it is called a “perigee moon,” but it is more commonly known as a “supermoon. The name was actually coined by astrologer Richard Noel in 1979, perhaps because it was more catchy and suited the image. However, when looking at that full moon, I think everyone would say “supermoon”.


Richard defined a supermoon as “a full moon or new moon that is at its closest approach to the earth in its orbit.” The moon’s orbit is elliptical and its distance from the earth changes throughout the year, so a supermoon occurs several times a year. The average distance from the moon to the earth is about 380,000 km, but during a supermoon, the distance is reduced to about 350,000 km.


However, it is said to be about 16% brighter than a normal full moon or new moon, and I personally think that this increase in brightness is more noticeable than the size of the moon. Furthermore, one of the phenomena that can be seen during a supermoon is that the tides rise and fall rapidly and the difference between high and low tides is large.


And as some of you may know, we will be able to see two super moons this year in August. The next supermoon will be on August 31 at 10:36.


Apparently, the second full moon that comes in the same month is called a “blue moon,” and it is also the largest “super moon” of all full moons, so the next full moon on August 31 will be called a “super blue moon,” which is quite unusual and gorgeous.

However, it does not mean that the moon will be blue. The August full moon was named “Sturgeon Moon” (sturgeon moon) by the Native Americans, and the name comes from the fact that sturgeon fishing was very active in August, I think we can call the 31st a “super blue moon,” but I hope the weather will be fine.


That’s right, a typhoon is currently making landfall in Okinawa, and we are sure that everyone in the Okinawa region has had a hard time keeping up with it. This summer is full of unpredictable events, such as the path of typhoons, extreme heat, and guerrilla downpours. I have heard that it is good to make a wish on the supermoon, so I made a wish last night for this summer’s peace and quiet. I was watching the super moon with such a feeling.


Have a good day.















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