ギリギリ間に合いました川瀬巴水(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




ギリギリ間に合いました川瀬巴水(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)







「川瀬巴水 旅と郷愁の風景」展

















そんな川瀬作品ですが、亡くなる74才まで40年間にわたり日本中を旅残した作品は600点以上。海外では北斎・広重と並び称され、頭文字から風景画の3H(Hokusai,hiroshige,Hasui)と呼ばれており、(新版画には他にも橋口五葉、吉田博、伊東深水など30名位の絵師がいますが、) 大人気のようで、多くの美術館やコレクターに収集されているようであります。あのスティーブ・ジョブズ氏もその一人だったようでして、今回の展示もジョブズのコレクションと同じ作品も展示されておりましたが、彼のコレクションからは、色鮮やかなわりと大きな景色を切り取った作品が好きだったことがわかります。










Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


This time, too, I got into my usual bad habit. I have been in the habit of attacking museum exhibitions on the last day of the opening period or at the very last minute. Recently, more and more museums require reservations in order to avoid overcrowding, but when there are no reservations, I tend to let my guard down. I was so close to visiting on the last day of the tour when I realized I was just in time…and I ended up visiting again on the last day of the tour. I have been alive for quite a long time, but this bad habit has never changed.


So, I rushed over to visit the “Kawase Tomoe Mizue: Travels and Art” exhibition.

Kawase Tomoe Sui: Landscape of Travels and Nostalgia” Exhibition

It is a traveling exhibition, and in Nagoya, it was held at Matsuzakaya Museum of Art in Matsuzakaya Nagoya until yesterday.


Kawase Boesui (1883-1957), the woodblock print artist we visited this time, was active from the Taisho to Showa periods. In an era of modernization, when towns and landscapes were undergoing rapid changes, Tomoe travelled around Japan in search of original Japanese landscapes, depicting seasonal landscapes where the lives of ordinary people still lived.

The four parties collaborated in unison, seeking to utilize more advanced techniques while continuing to carry on traditional techniques, and taking on the challenge of new colors and new expressions. The four parties collaborate as one and continue to challenge themselves to create new colors and expressions, seeking to utilize more advanced techniques while inheriting traditional techniques, and gaining popularity as the driving force behind “new prints.

The exhibition introduces the life of Tomoe Kawase, who was also called a “traveler’s poet” for his rich expression of the seasons, weather, and the transitions of time, along with his representative works from his early years to his later years. I was able to immerse myself in the lyrical world of Tomoe Sui at once.



Kawase Tomoe Sui, known as a “traveler’s poet,” continued to depict his travels and his birthplace, Tokyo, and seems to have been a leader in the new print genre of landscape painting. Tomoe’s first series of works based on his travels, “Tabi-miyage Dai-ichi” (First series of travel souvenirs), is regarded as a historic work that defined Tomoe as a printmaker. In this series, which was based on his travels in Tohoku, Hokuriku, Boshu, Shiobara, and other regions, Tomoe Sui depicted a variety of motifs that he favored throughout his life, such as the ocean, rivers and other bodies of water, rain, and the moon. In each painting, one can sense the concentration they put into this single piece, as if they were capturing this one moment in time. In particular, the rain and snow were rendered with great delicacy, and their pursuit of this technique was so delicate and wonderful that it is definitely worth seeing up close and personal.


In addition, there were many works such as “Twelve Views of Tokyo,” which started around the same time, that did not focus only on famous landmarks but also depicted the seasonal scenery of Tokyo from their own unique perspectives, following their own interests. Many of Tomoe’s landscapes are captured from the viewpoint of a single person with a certain perspective, without a “story” associated with the area, so to speak, and we can see modern expressions in his landscapes, which differ slightly from woodblock prints of the Edo period. I was thinking that these works were similar to the works of Kaburaki Kiyokata, which I had seen before…and that they were from the same period.


After the Great Kanto Earthquake, Tomoe Sui published “Twenty Views of Tokyo,” a series of 20 paintings that are representative of his work. From this series of works, two very popular works were created: “Shiba Zojoji Temple,” with its vermilion temple surrounded by white snow and a woman with a Japanese umbrella walking through the snow, which is full of the atmosphere of Edo, and “Magome no Tsuki” with the silhouette of a pine tree floating in the moonlit night. The “Moon over Magome,” in which the silhouette of a pine tree emerges in the moonlit night, are two of his most popular works. I used to live in the Magome area, and was a bit surprised to see such an elegant view of the moon, which I had never seen in the past.


Kawase traveled all over Japan for 40 years until his death at the age of 74, and left behind more than 600 works. His works are called 3H (Hokusai, Hiroshige, Hasui), which stands for landscape paintings, along with those of Hokusai and Hiroshige, and is very popular and collected by many museums and collectors (although there are about 30 other artists in Shinpanga, including Goyo Hashiguchi, Hiroshi Yoshida, and Shinsui Ito). Many museums and collectors seem to collect them. Steve Jobs was one of them, and this exhibition included some of the same works from his collection, but we can see from his collection that he liked colorful and rather large landscape cutouts.


I was standing at the exit, completely fascinated by the woodblock prints and feeling completely different from the way I felt at the entrance. No, no, no, it was not only me. I am sure that everyone who stands here must be fascinated by woodblock prints, and if you have a chance, please take a peek at the world of woodblock prints.



So, have a good day.















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN








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