幸せのお裾分け (愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎 - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




幸せのお裾分け (愛知県名古屋市千種区 骨董買取 古美術風光舎



























Hello everyone. This is Staff K.

As soon as I saw Staff Y’s post yesterday, I said “Wow! I was so excited to see the post of staff Y yesterday. I was one of those who wanted to visit the exhibition but was disappointed that I couldn’t make it.

The collaboration of Pokemon characters and various traditional techniques such as ceramics, lacquerware, dyeing and weaving, metalwork, woodwork, and glass. Even in the photos, you can feel the precision, delicacy, and boldness of the work! I found an article that said that a traveling exhibition will be held in Los Angeles, U.S.A., next month, and that a traveling exhibition in Japan is planned for 2024 and beyond, and I am excited about the prospect of a traveling exhibition in Japan.


On a different note, I attended my nephew’s wedding reception the other day. It had been more than 20 years since I had attended a wedding reception, and I had been fully prepared to wear a black tomesode, but due to various reasons, including the season, all the relatives decided to dress in Western-style, so I hurriedly searched for a dress and pumps.

I was relieved that everything was ready to go without a hitch.

After the ceremony in the chapel filled with greenery, which perfectly fit the concept of a forest wedding, everyone gathered in the lobby with an indoor balcony before entering the reception hall. It was just around noon, and we were beginning to get hungry, looking around the area, wondering what dishes would be served and whether they were ready yet.

Then the bride and groom appeared on the second floor balcony, the guests cheered, and something started falling from above. It was the “candy sprinkling” that had begun.

Do you all know what a “candy scattering” is? Staff K, who is from Aichi Prefecture, knew of it, but thought it was an event held when the bride leaves her home, and never expected to see it at a wedding venue.

I looked it up again.

In the Tokai region, especially in the Owari and Mino areas, there used to be a culture of “bride sweets,” a custom in which relatives would send the bride off by scattering sweets from the roof to neighbors and friends who had come to congratulate her when she left her parents’ home. This culture became “kashiwari” (sprinkling sweets), and everyone came to congratulate the bride and groom on their joyous departure.

The custom of “confectionary scattering” seems to have actually existed throughout Japan, with some saying that it has its roots in the rice cake scattering held at the ridgepole ceremony when a new house is built, and others saying that the old wedding ceremony consisted of the bride leaving her parents’ home and the bridal procession heading to the bride’s destination, but the bride was prevented from passing the bridal procession, which would have reduced the population in the village, so she gave sweets and money to the procession to get them to pass her. However, because the bride’s procession was blocked by people passing by her parents’ house, which led to a decrease in the population of the village, there are various theories as to the origin of this custom.

Perhaps due to the influence of a TV drama about a marriage in Nagoya about 30 years ago, people tend to think that the confectionary scattering is a custom unique to Aichi, especially Nagoya, but according to what I have heard, it is more popular in Fukui Prefecture. =It is said to be appropriate for celebratory occasions.

As time goes by, fewer and fewer people are coming in from their homes in their bridal gowns, and I have learned that these days it is becoming more common to incorporate the sprinkling of sweets as a wedding performance rather than as a traditional formality.

The scattered sweets had a prize in them, and there was a lot of excitement at the reception afterward. Unlike the bouquet toss, all guests and relatives can participate and have fun. I am glad that this heartwarming tradition continues in this way.

I also got my share of happiness (laughs).

See you soon















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





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