アイスクリームを食べて、宮島、厳島神社に行きたい(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
初めてこの地を訪れる方は、「一体、厳島と宮島、どちらが正しいのか」という疑問を持たれると思いますが、 実は、この島の正式な名前は「厳島」でございます。

Hello everyone, this is Staff N.
Today is ice cream day.
It’s getting hotter and hotter lately, so I’ve been wanting to eat ice cream.
International students seem to like Yukimi Daifuku and matcha ice cream.
It’s ice cream unique to Japan, and it might be popular with foreigners.
His recent favorite is taiyaki ice cream.
When he saw me warming the frozen taiyaki in the microwave, he was about to put the taiyaki ice cream in the microwave, so I stopped in a hurry.
The shape is the same, so I’m glad the ice cream didn’t get mushy.
By the way, N likes guts and mandarin oranges, watermelon bars, Häagen-Dazs, ice fruit, and Dippin’ Dots.
Please let us know what your favorite ice cream is.
An acquaintance sent me a picture of Miyajima the other day.
I’m envious of N because he’s never been to Itsukushima Shrine.
Itsukushima Shrine is the only Itsukushima Shrine in Japan that consists of a group of Shinden-zukuri shrine buildings and a large torii gate that stands in a place where the tide ebbs and flows.
It is said that the Kakujinja Shrine, Tenjinja Shrine, Noh stage, etc., which are connected by corridors to the left and right of the main shrine, are in harmony with the nature that spreads out in the background, creating a beauty that looks like a painting.
The enshrined deity is Ichikishimahime.
It is said that there are about 500 Itsukushima Shrines across the country, with Itsukushima Shrine in Hiroshima Prefecture, known as “Aki no Miyajima”, as the head office.
Since Ichikishima Hime no Mikoto was identified with Benzaiten, a member of the Seven Lucky Gods, our company was also called ‘Benzaiten’ or ‘Benten-san’.
The torii on the sea is famous, but when the sea level drops below 100 cm, it is said that you can walk to the big torii.
First-time visitors to this area may wonder, “Which is correct, Itsukushima or Miyajima?” Actually, the official name of this island is “Itsukushima”.
However, in the Edo period after Itsukushima Shrine was completed, Itsukushima came to be called ‘Miyajima’ because it was ‘the island where Omiya (Itsukushima Shrine) is located’.
Itsukushima Shrine has a guest shrine, and it is said that there are blessings for marriage, matchmaking, and beauty.
Designated as a national treasure, the shrine enshrines a total of 5 gods, and offers benefits such as victory, recovery from illness, and warding off evil.
The main shrine enshrines the three deities of Munakata, who are said to be the most beautiful of all.
Why is Itsukushima Shrine on the beach?
The entire island of Itsukushima Shrine was considered to be a sacred object, so to speak.
It is believed that the shrine was built avoiding the top of the island for fear of damaging the object of worship by cutting trees or scraping the soil.
In the first year of Suiko (593), Kuramoto Saeki, an influential person in Saekibe, built Itsukushima Shrine on the current location.
Miyajima is famous for deer, but why are there deer?
Miyajima’s deer are considered wild animals because of recent molecular genetic research and because most individuals spend a lot of time in the mountains.
Deer originally eat various plants in the forest, and from the viewpoint of preventing accidents and damage caused by being guided to urban areas, it is said that feeding is prohibited and grasslands such as grasslands are not created.
An acquaintance sent me a photo of a dog and a deer taking a walk, and it warmed my heart.
I was surprised to find out that deer can swim.
I had an image of being in the mountains, so I was surprised to see a picture of a deer swimming.
Some people have stolen souvenirs and food, so please be careful.
At Antique Fukousha, we also purchase antiques related to Itsukushima Shrine.
See you soon
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 Open
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