暦どおりの大寒ですね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




暦どおりの大寒ですね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)













Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


I was watching TV the other day and saw that the Japan Meteorological Agency has issued an “Early Weather Advisory,” which states that there is an increasing possibility that we will experience a record cold wave, which only happens once every 10 years or so. The cold weather is likely to start from this weekend, especially around January 22 and 23, with very low temperatures from Hokkaido to Kyushu, and severe cold weather will start from the weekend, especially on Wednesday, January 25, when the cold air will peak, with maximum temperatures below 2°C in a wide area and minimum temperatures below freezing across the board. Even in urban areas, caution is advised against frozen water pipes and other problems. There is also a possibility of heavy snowfall from northern Japan to the Sea of Japan side of western Japan, so we need to be very careful and concerned.

As you all know, Friday, the 20th falls on the 24th day of the lunar calendar, “Daichan,” and every year I wonder why General Winter arrives at this time of the year as if it were just in time with the calendar…. I always wonder why General Winter arrives at this time of year, just in time with the calendar….

I am worried about preparations, transportation, schedule adjustments, etc. due to the cold wave, but the other day I had a good thing happen to me that only this cold weather can bring.


The other day I bought some “chijimi spinach,” which is quite tasty. As some of you may know, this is a seasonal vegetable that is only available in the middle of winter and can only be purchased now.


Chijimi Spinach” is a traditional open field spinach that is grown in the cold season to withstand the cold, and grows with its leaves spread out and shriveled so that it sticks to the ground to get as much sunlight as possible. (The leaves become thicker, the sugar content rises, and the flavor increases.

The leaves are thicker, the sugar content is higher, and the flavor is more delicious.
Last night, we had bacon and spinach with egg and rice for dinner, and it was indeed a tasty dish that made me realize that I was getting good nutrition. It was indeed a spinach with a strong flavor that made me realize that I was getting good nutrition.



There are many other foods that are delicious during the cold season, such as chijimi spinach.

Cold rice cakes made with cold water, which is so cold that it can cut your hands, were thought to be pure and have spiritual power. etc.


It is said that all foods made during the cold season have a concentrated flavor, high quality, and high nutritional value, so the cold season is good for food in both senses. It must be a good time of year for food in both senses of the word.


My next target for this cold season is actually “big cold egg” lol. It is said to bring good luck if you eat it, and I can see the spirit of taking advantage of this cold weather…. Oh, well, it is a food that is only available during this season.


Have a good day, everyone














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