ねこの日です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




ねこの日です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















国芳といえば、無類のねこ好き。自画像も猫まみれです。そんな歌川国芳、日本橋から京都まで、東海道の宿駅の名前をもじった、猫の東海道を描いています。その名も「其まま地口 猫飼好五十三疋(みゃうかいこうごじゅうさんびき)」。「地口(じぐち)」とは語呂合わせのことで、国芳が50歳頃に描いた作品です。あまりピンとこない洒落もいくつかあり、親父ギャグ?ちょっと強引?というのもありますが、猫に免じてOKということなのでしょう。








Today is Cat Day.

If you turn on the TV, you will see cats appearing in many commercials and cat programs are aired every week. If you go to a bookstore, you will find that new cat photo books and cat books are published every month, and the “cat corner” is well-stocked. It is truly an age of cats that fills society.

Although it may seem that there is a bit of a traffic jam of “cat” content, statistics show that the number of cats kept by people is growing, and has even surpassed that of dogs, the absolute king of the pet world. The term “Nekonomics” has even been coined, and the economic impact of cats is said to be as much as 2 trillion yen.

The current cat boom, which has even become a social phenomenon, is not a new phenomenon. At least in the Edo period (1603-1867), there was a “cat boom” that far exceeded the current cat boom. Edo people bought cat contents and they were considered the best-selling standard among ukiyoe prints.


There was a history behind how cats came to be literally “cat-adorable” by Edo people.

It is said that Japanese people have long loved cats since Emperor Uda wrote about them in his diary. The Pillow Book also describes Emperor Ichijo’s beloved cat, and Komaro, Minamoto Rinko’s beloved cat, was made completely famous in last year’s historical drama “Hikaru Kimi e” (To the Loving Prince). This Komaro and Komari, a black-and-white cat that was Akiko’s beloved cat, appear as “Rikyu” and “Hansuke” in “Belabo.


Cats, once the pets of nobles and noblemen, gradually became popular among the common people as beneficial animals that could kill rats as time went by, and in the Edo period, cats came to be depicted as part of the scenery in ukiyoe prints. In the late Edo period, cats, which had been integrated into the daily lives of the common people, began to be depicted as the main characters in Ukiyo-e.


In the late Edo period, a painter named Kuniyoshi Utagawa produced a number of Ukiyoe paintings that could be described as “cat-obsessed.

Kuniyoshi was an unrivaled cat lover. His self-portraits are also covered with cats. Kuniyoshi Utagawa depicted the Tokaido Highway with cats from Nihonbashi to Kyoto, named after the stations of the Tokaido Highway. The name of the painting is “Myaukai ko gojusanbiki” (53 cat-owning tours). Jiguchi” is a pun on the word ‘jiguchi,’ and Kuniyoshi painted this work when he was about 50 years old. There are a few puns that do not really fit. A bit forced? But I guess it is OK because of the cat.


Kuniyoshi Utagawa was born after Shigsaburo Tsutaya died, so he does not seem to be able to get on board with the great drama “Belabo,” and in fact, he is not. He teamed up with Kyozan, the younger brother of Santo Kyoden, who was related to Tsutaya Shigesaburo, to market “Oborozuki Neko Zoshi” (Oborozuki Cat Paper), which was a big hit. Among Kuniyoshi’s works, there are even uchiwa (Japanese fans) with the faces of popular Kabuki actors of the time imitated as cats, which gives a glimpse of the enthusiasm of the time.

I don’t know if this will be depicted in “Belabo” or not, but I am looking forward to tomorrow’s broadcast!


See you all later.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN





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