【刀剣の扱いについて】自宅や実家で刀剣を見つけてしまった時は。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




【刀剣の扱いについて】自宅や実家で刀剣を見つけてしまった時は。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






















1. 見つけられた・家にある「日本刀」(長い刀や短い短刀など、大小を問わず)に、「銃砲刀剣類登録証」(登録証)が付いているか確認。



2. 登録証が見当たらない場合。










1. 善良な発見届出人に無用の迷惑をかけないよう、その取扱いに十分の考慮を払うこと。

2. 提示を受けた刀剣類は、貴重な美術品である場合もあることを念頭に置き、慎重に取り扱うこととし、刃渡り、目くぎ穴又は銘文の確認のためにこしらえを外すことが困難なときは、無理に外そうとしないこと。

3. 登録の希望については、発見届出人の意思を尊重して、登録に該当するか否かの判断をしないこと。

4. 刀剣類は、一時預かりの措置をしないようにすること。ただし、必要やむを得ないときは、この限りでない。


6. 発見・届出をした刀剣類であっても、登録を受けなければ他人に譲渡できず、登録以外の目的で所持した場合は違法となるため、その旨を発見・届出人に教示すること。

7. 都道府県教育委員会と連携し、発見届出後に登録審査を受けないもの又は登録審査の結果、登録にならなかったものについては、廃棄又は公立博物館等への寄贈の意思を確認するなど所要の措置を講じること。







Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


We often receive inquiries about swords.”I found a sword that belonged to my ancestor in my house, what should I do with it?”A family member who owned a sword has passed away, what should I do with the sword I had?
“I wasn’t interested before, but recently I found a sword that belonged to my ancestor in my house, please tell me how I can possess it in the future.I have found a sword, such as! What should I do with it?There are rules and regulations regarding the possession and handling of swords, so please take a look at them today.according to the “Law on Firearms and Swords Possession,” anyone is allowed to possess a Japanese sword that meets the criteria for registration by the “Firearms and Swords Registration Board” of each prefectural board of education and for which a “Firearms and Swords Registration Card” (registration certificate) has been issued.So, the first points to note are

1) Check to see if any “Japanese swords” (long or short, large or small) found or kept at home have a “Firearms and Swords Registration Card” (registration card) attached to them.


If you have the registration card, you may possess the sword as it is. However, you may need to report a change of ownership, so please call the person in charge of swords at the board of education listed on the registration certificate. Please call the representative of the local board of education and ask for the person in charge of swords (Japanese swords).
It is best to have your registration card ready at hand and provide the registration number. 2.


(2) If you cannot find your registration card.


In this case, too, please call the person in charge of swords at the local board of education and tell him or her about the situation.
We will be happy to consult with you. The important thing to remember is that the “Japanese sword” found should be left in its original state without being moved from its location. Please be careful not to move it without permission.

After that, you should proceed with the advice of the person in charge of swords at the Board of Education.

Normally, after the “report of discovery” process at the police department, the actual item and necessary documents are finally brought to the “Firearms and Swords Registration Board” of each prefectural board of education (*If you have a “report of discovery” instead of a registration certificate, you can bring the item to the board, which means you can bring it to the board), and if the item meets the criteria for registration, it will be issued a If the item meets the criteria for registration, a “Firearms and Swords Registration Certificate” (Registration Certificate) will be issued. Examination dates (once every one to three months) vary from board of education to board of education. Please contact the board of education for details.


How should swords and other items be handled? Here are a few points to consider


Do not send your swords to be sharpened until they have been examined for registration. If you find a sword, please leave it as it is. Please leave the swords as they are.


The following are points to keep in mind when handling a report of discovery (from the standpoint of the police, the following points should be noted).

1.Give due consideration to the handling of the sword so as not to cause unnecessary inconvenience to the person who notified of the discovery in good faith.

2. handle the presented swords with care, bearing in mind that they may be valuable works of art, and if it is difficult to remove the koshirae to check the blade length, eye nail holes, or inscription, do not attempt to do so by force.

3.With regard to requests for registration, respect the wishes of the notifier of the find and make no judgment as to whether or not the item is eligible for registration.

4. not to take temporary custody of the swords. However, this shall not apply when it is necessary and unavoidable.

5. It is acceptable for a responsible person who knows the circumstances of the discovery to report the discovery on behalf of the finder.

6. even swords that have been found and reported cannot be transferred to others without registration, and possession of swords for purposes other than registration is illegal, so the person who found or reported the discovery should be informed of this fact.

7. in cooperation with the Prefectural Board of Education, take necessary measures, such as confirming the intention to dispose of or donate to a public museum, etc., swords that have not undergone a registration examination after being discovered and notified or that have not been registered as a result of the registration examination.

Once you have completed the registration procedures and have been issued a “Firearms and Swords Registration Certificate” by the local board of education, please polish the sword to prevent rusting and keep it in a safe place. The registration certificate is also required when considering the sale of the sword, so please keep it in a safe place.


Although we have given a general explanation, we believe that each family has its own unique circumstances. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about handling, notification, purchase, etc.














骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN


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