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気付くのが遅かったですが・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)

















中国で「6」は「8」(「発」(fa ファ)と同じ発音であることから転じて、発展、繁栄などの意味)や「9」(「久」(jiu ジウ)と同じ発音であることから転じて、永遠、長寿などの意味)の次に「いい数字」とされています。「六六大順」(順調、うまくいく)などの言葉もあり、好んで使われるようです。












Hello everyone. This is T. Staff.


This morning I suddenly realized that yesterday was June 6, 2024.

For some reason, I get a little excited when I see numbers in a row.

Since I noticed it today, I took a look at some social networking sites and found that everyone was passionately collecting “6” and “R6.6.6.6” was trending.

It seems that everyone wants to line up more 6’s when the numbers are all lined up, and many people took a photo at “6:06:06 on June 6,” and then took a photo at “6:06:06 on June 6,” and then took a photo at “6:06:06 on June 6,” and so on. And there were also those who took pictures at “June 6, 6:06:06” and adjusted the humidity to “66%. I wonder if it was not by chance that they woke up early in order to take the same picture. I have nothing but respect for those who are weak in the morning.

Why do you feel so happy when the numbers line up? I feel that when people see the same number lined up, they associate it with good luck, and therefore their expectations rise and their moods are lifted. Apparently, this idea is a common perception that is widely shared around the world.




As for the number “6,” I feel that it is a number that we come into contact with rather frequently because the unit of time is a multiple of 6.

A year is 12 months, a month is (basically) 30 days, a day is 24 hours, an hour is 60 minutes, and a minute is 60 seconds, and the “12,” “24,” “30,” and “60” that appear here are all multiples of 6.


Is the number “6” a good or bad omen?

In Japan, the number “6” does not seem to have a particularly “good” meaning, but in China it seems to have a different meaning.

In China, the number “6” is considered to be the next best number after “8” (pronounced like “fa fa”, meaning development and prosperity) and “9” (pronounced like “jiu”, meaning eternity and longevity). It is also used in the Japanese language to express “good luck” and “good fortune”.

In addition, in the past few years, the use of “666” on the Internet by young people of Generation Z has led to the use of words such as “Super nice! That’s great!” and so on. Not only young people but also people of all ages now press “666” when they want to show “super nice” when they watch live broadcasts on the Internet.




On the other hand, in Christianity, “6” is an imperfect number and “666” is the number of the beast.
In the Bible, “6” is considered an imperfect number as it is one short of “7,” the number God created mankind with, while “7” is considered a holy number.

Also, “666” is considered the “number of the beast,” a symbol representing one monster described in the New Testament’s “Revelation of John,” and is also known as the “number of the devil. Revelation 15:16-18 says, “Herein is the need of wisdom. Let him who is wise consider what the number of the beast means. That number refers to man. And that number is 666.”
It is written, and over the years “666” seems to have been associated with many things, including the devil and anti-Christians.



As for me, when I hear “666,” I think of the American horror film “The Omen” (1976), about the terror caused by Damien, a child of the devil born on June 6 at 6:00 a.m. The film was made in the United States in 1976. The number “666” may conjure up images of “bad luck” and “bad numbers.


Nevertheless, if you see the same sequence of numbers over and over again, or are somehow curious about them… such numbers are also known as angel numbers and are said to have a message. While enjoying it like fortune-telling, you may be able to find hints to help you look at yourself.


See you soon.













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