スポーツの日何をしますか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




スポーツの日何をしますか(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)









しかし、皆さんご存じのこととは思いますが、「体育の日」が制定された当初は、「10月10日」に定められていました。では、何故「体育の日」は、1966年の10月10日なのでしょうか? これは、1964年の東京オリンピック開催に由来しています。









実際にどうなったかというと、台風の影響で開会式前日まではぐずついた天気だったようですが、当日は一転して快晴。「世界中の青空を全部東京に持ってきてしまったような、素晴らしい秋日和でございます」 というアナウンサーの言葉は、語り継がれている名言ですね。








Hello everyone. This is Staff T.



Unfortunately, the weather is going to break from today, but how are you doing over the three-day weekend? Today, I could hear the cheerful voices of students at a nearby elementary school, as if they were on a field day. Tomorrow is Sports Day.




In 1966, “Sports Day,” originally called “Sports Day,” became a national holiday. It was established as “a day to engage in sports and promote a healthy mind and body. The current “Sports Day (Sports Day)” has been designated as “the second Monday in October” since 2000 (Heisei 12), when the “Happy Monday System” was applied.

However, as you are probably aware, when “Sports Day” was first established, it was set on October 10. Then, why was “Physical Education Day” set on October 10, 1966? This is because of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

It was established to commemorate the opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, which was held on October 10. So, again, the question arises, “Why did you choose October 10 for the opening ceremony?” The question arises again, “Why was the opening ceremony held on October 10? There is a story that the opening ceremony was decided because October 10 was a “special day with clear skies.

Going further back in history, there was a time before “Sports Day” became a national holiday.

This “Sports Day” was based on the “Sports Promotion Law” established in 1961, and Article 5 states that “Sports Day is established to promote understanding and interest in sports among the public at large and to encourage people to actively engage in sports.

Sports Day” at that time was not a “national holiday” although it was set on the first Saturday in October; it may have been established as “Sports Day” because the date was also close to the “Sports Day” that existed before 1964.




Is it true that the opening day of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics was set on October 10 because it was a “special day with clear skies”?


The term “singular day” is used to refer to a day when a specific type of weather, such as “clear skies,” appeared more frequently than on the days preceding and following it, based on the results of weather conditions over the past several decades. In the “Handbook of Meteorology” published in 1959, the year the Tokyo Olympics were decided to be held, October 14 and November 3 were listed as specific days with clear skies, but October 10 was not listed. However, it is true that the weather was taken into consideration, and based on statistics from the Japan Meteorological Agency and the opinions of experts, October 10 was chosen as a Saturday with a very high probability of clear skies, around the time when typhoons and autumn rain fronts pass from Tokyo.

The typhoon had made the weather a little sluggish until the day before the opening ceremony, but on the day of the opening ceremony, the weather turned around and the skies were clear. The announcer said, “It’s a beautiful autumn day, as if we brought all the blue skies of the world to Tokyo,” which is a quote that has been passed down from generation to generation.







The “Sports Day” season is the season of athletic meets. Recently, more and more schools hold their athletic meets in the spring, but I think that athletic meets are one of the most popular autumn traditions. Another nice thing is that the second Monday of October is a three-day weekend every year. The weather is nice and perfect for physical exercise, so I think I will take this opportunity to become familiar with sports and think about my health.

See you soon!













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