秋の有言実行の旅、行って参りました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




秋の有言実行の旅、行って参りました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


Today is the last day of a three-day weekend. How is everyone doing?

Unfortunately, the weather here in Nagoya is not so good. Today, some of you may be at home reviewing the recent Rugby World Cup or immersing yourself in the aftermath of the event. Although the result of the Japanese team was really disappointing, everyone would like to send a shout of praise to them, saying, “Thank you for a great game! It was a really good game, and everyone wants to send a shout of praise to them. I have been a big fan of rugby for a while now, and it is my dream to be there to support the World Cup someday. I would like to thank the Japanese team for their hard work.


Well, in the midst of such consecutive holidays, I tweeted the other day about the inauguration of the national treasure “East Pagoda” at Yakushiji Temple, and I said that I would like to visit the temple someday. To my surprise, I visited Yakushiji Temple the other day. Since I visited Nara on a special occasion, I went on a day-trip to the temple for a bullet-free night drive.



On the first day of the consecutive holidays, we finally arrived at Yakushiji Temple, which is located in the precincts of the temple.


The Yakushiji Temple is so large that it was difficult to get a full view of the temple.



The red pagoda on the left is the West Pagoda and the brown pagoda on the left is the East Pagoda, which was completed in April 2023 after 12 years of dismantling and major repairs.

In the 1300-year history of Yakushiji Temple, many buildings have been lost to fire, earthquakes, and typhoons, but the East Pagoda is the only remaining structure from the original construction of Yakushiji Temple and is the oldest structure in the Heijo-kyo Capital.

The East Pagoda has six roofs, but the interior is actually a three-story pagoda. The smallest roofs (the first, third, and fifth from the bottom) are called “mokoshi,” which are decorative roofs, and Yakushiji Temple is the only pagoda that had a mokoshi roof on each level. The balance of the large and small roofs is so beautiful that it is said to be “frozen music.


Although the east pagoda has undergone partial renovation several times, it was completely dismantled and repaired for the first time in its history in 2009, and the work was completed in February 2021. During this major renovation work, the four phases of the “Eight Phases of the Buddha” by Shinya Nakamura, a recipient of the Order of Cultural Merit, were newly enshrined in the temple.


According to the “Yakushiji Temple Engi,” the “Eight Phases of Shakyamuni” statues representing the life of Shakyamuni Buddha were enshrined in the east and west pagodas when the temple was built. They were made of clay, and many of the original “eight-phase Shakyamuni statues” were damaged, but the remaining fragments and records indicate that many statues of Buddha, including Shakyamuni, were enshrined against the backdrop of rocky caves and mountains and rivers. The eight phases of the Buddha’s life are reproductions of eight very important scenes in the Buddha’s life. In the East Pagoda, the first half of the Buddha’s life, from his birth as a prince in the Kingdom of Shakyamuni to his ordination and enlightenment, was reproduced.


Photography was prohibited inside both the East and West Pagodas, so I do not have any photos of the actual pagodas, but the visitors could trace the life of Lord Buddha by tracing each of the four sides of the pagodas.

Evoking such a feeling of 1,300 years ago, we left Yakushiji Temple and continued our journey in Nara.


Have a good day.















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