お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 98




文明の時間旅行に奔走する秋。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨とう買取古美術風光舎)














































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


We have been blessed with fine weather this fall and have been busy with various things, but I would like to introduce something amazing that I happened to see in person when I was in Tokyo for the National Treasure Exhibition the other day.

I myself am unable to explain what is so great about it, but I would like to share with you what I saw. I was able to see the supercomputer “supercomputer” with my own eyes. I was first of all surprised to be able to see it in person, but….








Supercomputer is an abbreviation for supercomputer, which is said to be hundreds of thousands of times faster than a personal computer, and is capable of performing large-scale, advanced scientific and technological calculations that are difficult to solve using ordinary computers.


Although not a familiar presence, supercomputers actually support our daily lives in various ways. For example, weather forecasting has long been a well-known use of supercomputers. Current weather forecasting predicts future atmospheric conditions by calculating observed temperature, pressure, humidity, and other data into equations based on the laws of physics, and supercomputers come into their own in situations like this where a large amount of calculation is performed immediately.


You have probably heard of the supercomputer “Fugaku,” which was used to analyze simulations of recent infectious diseases.

Furthermore, with the advancement of technologies such as AI and IoT, the number of situations that require a large amount of calculations is dramatically increasing, and supercomputers are attracting more and more attention day by day. Recently, supercomputers have been used in a wide range of applications, from the development of new drugs to the prediction of climate change, such as in the development of drugs to treat recent infections.


Among such supercomputers, we were lucky enough to visit the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s



I learned for the first time that there are two categories in the world ranking of supercomputer performance: “TOP500,” which compares performance using average calculation speed as an index, and “Green500,” which competes for power-efficient high-performance calculation (I already don’t know what that means…). While the achievement of RIKEN’s “Fugaku” in the “TOP500” in June 2021, which was the world’s best for three consecutive terms, is still fresh in our memories, the Japanese large-scale operational supercomputer that achieved the feat of being the world’s best in the “Green500” is the supercomputer developed by the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Center for Academic Computing and Information Technology The first Japanese large-scale operational supercomputer to achieve this feat was TSUBAME 3.0, a supercomputer developed by the Tokyo Institute of Technology’s Center for Scientific and International Information Studies.


The TSUBAME project started in 2006, and “TSUBAME2.0” announced in 2010 recorded 2.4 PFLOPS, the fastest computation speed in Japan at that time. The power consumption of a single TSUBAME unit sometimes exceeded 10% of the power consumption of the entire Ookayama campus of Tokyo Tech during peak hours, and the person in charge of development at the time was summoned by the university. The development team started full-scale research on energy saving in parallel with the system operation of “2.0”, and the performance is impressive and the power consumption is also quite good.


Nowadays, from the perspective of SDGs, it seems natural that developers need to face the issue of power consumption, but at that time, they must have been one step ahead of others in their awareness of the problem. And the long years of research paid off: in 2017, TUBAME 3.0 became the first Japanese company to achieve the world’s highest energy-saving performance!


The TSUBAME project was originally launched to promote scientific and technological research using computation, and therefore, it is widely open for use not only within the university but also by research institutes outside the university and private companies. The TSUBAME project was originally started to promote scientific and technological research using computation.


When the project started in 2006, only a handful of people could use the high-performance computer, but now there are about 5,000 registered users inside and outside the university, and about 1,500 active users in the last fiscal year. Professor Toshio Endo of Tokyo Tech’s Center for Academic and International Information Center says that this is probably the largest number of users for a supercomputer in Japan.


Also, when considering research plans, it seems that the scale of computing resources that can be handled on a daily basis tends to limit the content and ideas, and this supercomputer can be used by anyone at any time without such problems. In other words, while performance is the first priority of a supercomputer, it is only when it is widely used that its value can be demonstrated, according to Kento Aoyama, a researcher at Tokyo Tech’s School of Information Science and Technology.


The fourth generation of TUBAME is under development, and there are high expectations for the future activities of the TSUBAME project.


By the way, I heard that it consumes a lot of power, so I wondered if this room was getting hotter. I entered the room with some trepidation, wondering if the room would be too hot, but it was not hot at all. And although I could not understand the true magnificence of this “TUBAME 3.0,” I could feel the breathtaking beauty of the energy of the cutting-edge wisdom of human beings. I also realized that I am living in this time period.


It was an autumn trip back and forth through the time travel of civilization in this way.

Have a good day.












骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN





鉄瓶が気になる今日この頃(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術品買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





























鉄は一度熱すると冷めにくく、保温性が高いのが特徴です。 厚みのある南部鉄器はとくにたくさんの熱を蓄えるので、水や食材を入れても温度が下がりにくく、調理中に温度ムラができることもありません。


鉄瓶に少量の水を入れて、亀の子タワシで優しくサビを落としよくすすぎ、 お茶パックに入れ緑茶の茶葉を鉄瓶に入れ、水を8分目までそそぎ30分ほど沸騰させます。









  1. 蓋を外し、鉄瓶の内部を水で軽くすすぎます。 (スポンジやタワシでこすらないでください。)
  2. 鉄瓶の8分目ほど水を入れ、沸騰させます。
  3. 沸騰したお湯を捨てます。
  4. 湯を沸かして捨てるを2~3回繰り返した後、お使いください。


欠乏性貧血の症状は、頭痛やめまい・動悸・息切れ・全身の倦怠感・集中力の低下・食欲不振などが挙げられます。 その他、筋肉中のミオグロビンが減少すると、筋力低下や疲労感などの症状が見られる場合もございます。






南部鉄びんの皮は、しっかりもので、さびを防ぎます。 地中に長い年月埋もれていた鉄は、多少黒色を帯びた褐色となります。










Hello everyone, this is Staff N.


An acquaintance sent me a picture of beautiful autumn leaves.


I haven’t been to see the autumn leaves yet this year, so it looks like it’s going to be winter.


Since I can’t go to the autumn leaves, I will have autumn leaves manju at home.


By the way, isn’t it common for women to suffer from iron deficiency?


Recently, N has been interested in iron kettles.


There are some concerns about care and price, but it’s still cool, isn’t it?


Sometimes I meet customers at homes where I buy them, and I feel envious.


Today I did some research on iron kettles.


Iron kettles are highly effective in removing chlorine contained in tap water.


Of course, it also enhances the taste of coffee, black tea, and green tea, and has a reputation for being more delicious than electric kettles and aluminum/stainless steel kettles.


There is iron that is easily absorbed and iron that is not easily absorbed.


80-95% of the iron eluted from Nanbu Tekki is divalent iron, which is easily absorbed.


Once heated, iron is hard to cool down and has high heat retention. The thick Nanbu Ironware stores a lot of heat, so even if you add water or ingredients, the temperature does not drop easily, and there is no uneven temperature during cooking.


Put a small amount of water in an iron kettle, gently remove rust with a tortoise scrubbing brush, rinse well, put the green tea leaves in the tea pack into the iron kettle, pour water up to the 8th minute, and boil for about 30 minutes.

Turn off the heat and leave it for about half a day, rinse lightly, and boil water.


Many people may be worried that rust on an iron kettle is bad for the body, but rust on an iron kettle does not have a bad effect on the human body.


Therefore, it seems that it is okay not to forcibly remove the rust.


However, when boiling hot water in an iron kettle, if the hot water becomes red and cloudy, it is evidence that red rust has started to melt.


How to start using and care for an iron kettle
Remove the lid and lightly rinse the inside of the iron kettle with water. (Do not rub with a sponge or scrubbing brush.)
Add water to the 8th level of the iron kettle and bring to a boil.
Discard the boiling water.
Please use after repeating boiling water and throwing it away 2-3 times.


Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include headache, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, general malaise, decreased ability to concentrate, and loss of appetite. In addition, when myoglobin in muscles decreases, symptoms such as muscle weakness and fatigue may be seen.


Black bark is a very strong rust that prevents iron bottles from rusting.


There is a saying, “Rust with rust,” which means “to prevent rust by creating good rust.”


The black bark of Nanbu tetsubin is sturdy and prevents rust. Iron that has been buried in the ground for many years turns brown with a slight black tint.


In the past, headaches and poor physical condition, which were unknown due to unknown causes, have come to be understood somehow, such as iron deficiency and nutritional deficiencies.


I want to be sensitive to changes in my body and give them the nutrients they need.


At Antique Fukousha, we also purchase iron kettles.


See you soon













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



千種区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










千種区のお客様よりガラス戸、贈答品、着物、ブランド食器 等購入させていただきました。












愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

教科書でみたあの国宝と再会(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術品買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

























先日の再会は、鷹見泉石像(渡辺崋山筆)、法隆寺の「竜首水瓶」「鵲尾形柄香炉」、三代目大谷鬼次の江戸兵衛 (東洲斎写楽筆)、風神雷神図屛風(尾形光琳筆)、遮光器土偶 (青森県つがる市木造亀ヶ岡出土)、そして国宝ではありませんが、見返り美人図 (菱川師宣筆)など。何十年もかけて有名人にやっと会えたような感動であります。














Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Issue. Today is November 11. What day is it?

Pocky Day. Well, that is the standard answer, but November 11 is also “Pocky Day,” “Cheese Day,” and in other places, “Chinago Day,” “Bean Sprouts Day,” “Kiritanpo Day,” “Eyelash Day,” “Dry Cell Day,” “Clog Day,” “Wiring Device Day,” ……, etc. I found many anniversaries that I did not even know about.

According to the Japan Anniversary Association, there are 54 anniversaries on November 11, making it the day with the most anniversaries along with October 10.

The JMA notes that November 11, with its “1” in a row, is easily registered as the anniversary of a stick-shaped object, and says, “There are still many stick-shaped objects and objects related to the number 1 in the world, and the number of anniversaries on November 11 will continue to increase. I’m sure there will be some kind of regulation, but I thought I would try to think about what I would have for an anniversary on November 11, too.

Anyway, today seems to be a good day. I am laughing at myself for having just bought a pile of Pocky on a prominent display shelf at the supermarket without even noticing that it was November 11. (I later learned that it was November 11…)


Now, to get back on track, I would like to continue with the exhibition of national treasures from the other day.

In the first period, we spent some time on the “Pine Trees” by Hasegawa Tohaku, and then moved on to the next target, “Heiji Monogatari Emaki” (Heiji Monogatari Picture Scroll) (Rokuhara Gyokoumaki).


The “Heiji Monogatari Emaki” (Rokuhara Gyokomaki) is a picture scroll based on the “Heiji Monogatari” and depicts the Heiji Disturbance (1159), which involved a power struggle between Minamoto no Yoshitomo and Taira no Kiyomori, who were successful in the Hogen Disturbance (1156), and a conflict between Fujiwara no Shinobu and Fujiwara no Michinori (Nobunishi). The “Rokuhara Gyokoumaki” depicts the scene where Emperor Nijo, imprisoned in the inner palace, attempts to escape and flees to Kiyomori’s Rokuhara residence. The tense situation of the upheaval is beautifully depicted with moving group portraits, such as the size, density and arrangement of groups of figures, crisp lines and beautiful colors. The text is written in a very skilled handwriting, so we can only read the story through the pictures, but we can understand it quite well. The expressions on the faces of the people and the precision with which they were depicted made it possible to read their intentions, and I found myself peering at the scroll for quite a while.


On a different note, one of my ways of enjoying national treasures is to “reconnect with memories of the past. What do you mean? You may be wondering what I am talking about. It is a reunion with exhibits that I remember seeing in my history textbooks, and it is a very moving experience.


The recent reunion included a statue of Takami Izumiishi (by Watanabe Kazan), the “Ryuubi Suibin” and “Magpie-Tailed Incense Burner” from Horyuji Temple, the Edo Hyoue of Otani Onitsugu III (by Toshusai Sharaku), an Byeongbu of Wind God and Thunder God (by Ogata Korin), a Shakogi clay figure (excavated from Kizuki-Kamegaoka in Tsugaru, Aomori Prefecture), and although not a national treasure, the “Mukorogi Bijinzu” ( (by Hishikawa Shionobu), etc. It is a moving experience to finally meet a famous person after decades of hard work.


) And when I actually met these exhibits again, I remembered the first time I saw them in my textbooks. It was a deeply moving time for me to look back on my time in front of them, which have remained unchanged over the decades that have passed since then. I do not know when we will meet again, but let us look forward to another reunion.


There was so much more I would like to tell you, but seeing is believing. If you have time, please come and visit us. Reservations for the fourth and final session are still open.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



東京国立博物館創立150年記念【国宝 東京博物館のすべて】行って参りました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)








東京国立博物館創立150年記念 【国宝 東京博物館のすべて】















今回展示の「国宝 八橋蒔絵螺鈿硯箱」を、自分でデザインしてみようコーナーが。























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The recent cold weather in the mornings and evenings has made the trees along the streets more colorful. I had a very pleasant commute to work this morning, looking at the trees against the blue sky on my way to work. It really is a good season, isn’t it?


Well, today, I would like to send you a report on the National Treasure Exhibition at the Tokyo National Museum, which I had announced earlier, although it contains many photos. Of course, I am not allowed to take pictures of the national treasures on display, so I will try to give you an idea of the surroundings.


National Treasures: All About the Tokyo National Museum” commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Tokyo National Museum.


Currently, there are 902 works of art in Japan that have been designated as National Treasures. The Tokyo National Museum holds 89 items, or about 10% of the total, and boasts the largest collection of national treasures in Japan.

This time, all 89 of the museum’s national treasures will be on display during the exhibition period.


Finally, it was time to visit the museum. Since you can make a reservation in advance and specify the time and date, it is unlikely to be extremely crowded, but the battle has already begun before you arrive.

The National Treasure Exhibition is held in four phases, with the exhibits being replaced by new ones, and tickets go on sale a little before each of the four phases. I also obtained my ticket at the same time the tickets went on sale, but the tickets were sold out before the opening of the exhibition. The battle had begun from here. Let’s get going.


I will start from the front entrance of the main building. Some of you may have seen it on location for the TV drama “Hanzawa Naoki. Turn left at the main staircase to go to the Heiseikan, where the National Treasure Exhibition is being held.


Before heading to the Heiseikan, we will take a look at the exhibits in the Tokyo National Museum collection, and on the way, we will try an interesting project of this season.

There is a corner where visitors can design their own inkstone box with Yatsuhashi maki-e lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlays, which is on display at the Heiseikan.

After scanning the QR code, you can design your own inkstone box in maki-e maki-e lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlay by clicking on the iris, wave, stone bridge, etc. that you can select on the screen. When completed, a three-dimensional drawing will appear on the screen as shown below, and when you click on it at the end, it will be animated on the display at the venue, and you will receive the development drawing below on your cell phone.

Both adults and children were fascinated by this event, and various MY Yatsuhashi maki-e inkstone boxes in maki-e lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlay were being made. Each person’s individuality really shines through.


Please note that this hands-on corner is often overlooked unless you take the route from the front entrance of the main building.


Finally, we headed for the Heiseikan, and since the voice navigator this time was Ryo Yoshizawa, we charged 600 yen. The system is well prepared.

In the first phase of my visit, the “Pine Trees” by Hasegawa Tohaku first appeared before my eyes.


Although this “Pine Trees” is said to be a draft, it is a profound expression of the world of tranquility that can be perceived as a state of Zen or wabi for the viewer, while boldly depicting the casual atmosphere of the pine trees that are hidden and obscured by the haze with a brush of a rough and fast style. It seems as if everyone is stopping to enter the haze, and one’s mind is almost carried away beyond the fading pine trees.


I personally love Tohaku’s (1539-1610) works and go looking for them in various places, but his painting techniques really vary from period to period, and I always feel as if I can see his life in them. In his later years, his works are often ink paintings like this one, in which he seems to have come to capture only the essence of things. I think everyone would agree that this ink painting is the masterpiece of his attempt to be faithful to nature.

It is a National Treasure worthy of welcoming visitors to the first phase of the exhibition.


The National Treasure Exhibition report will continue tomorrow, so please stay tuned.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



442年ぶり天体ショー(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















ちなみに次「皆既月食×天王星食」が同時に起こるのは、なんと2235年6月2日、そして月食中の惑星食を日本で見られるのは2344年7月26日・・なんと322年後!!当然私はもういないのでこれが人生で最初で最後ということです。 とっても貴重な経験でした。
















Hello everyone, this is Staff M.

A total lunar eclipse was seen all over Japan yesterday! Passers-by must have stopped to watch the autumn night astronomical show and take pictures. I also tried to install an app to see if I could shoot with my smartphone somehow, but it was quite difficult and I felt the limits of my smartphone…

In November, mornings and evenings are cold. Last night, I put on a thick jacket and observed the moon, but my body was getting cold, so I kept going in and out of the house.

This time there was also a “Uranus eclipse” where the moon hides Uranus during the lunar eclipse. This is the first time in 442 years since 1580 (Saturn eclipse) that a planetary eclipse occurs during a total lunar eclipse in Japan.


It is said that this Uranus is difficult to see with the naked eye and can be observed with binoculars or a telescope. With my binoculars at home, I could see the moon’s patterns and craters, but I could not find Uranus. I saw it in A small point-like object sticks from the edge of the moon, and it seems that it is Uranus. It was a little different from what I had imagined, but it was still a good memory to be able to see it at this moment.


By the way, the next “total lunar eclipse x Uranus eclipse” will occur at the same time on June 2, 2235, and the planetary eclipse during the lunar eclipse will be visible in Japan on July 26, 2344, 322 years later. ! ! Of course, I am no longer with me, so this is the first and last time in my life. “It was a very valuable experience.”

Going back to the story of the total lunar eclipse, it was said that during a lunar eclipse, even if the moon is hidden behind the shadow of the earth, it turns red instead of being completely dark. What do you think?


In fact, the red color during this total lunar eclipse is called copper-red, and the sunlight passing through the atmosphere that covers the earth appears red due to the influence of Rayleigh scattering. This is the same as sunrise and sunset. In addition, in the missing part of the partial lunar eclipse, a blue band called “turquoise fringe” can be seen, which is created by the absorption of light other than blue light in the stratospheric ozone layer.

Also, although it’s not a very good thing, the copper color of a total lunar eclipse is produced by Rayleigh scattering, so the dirtier the Earth’s sky, the darker the red. Considering this, what color did the moon look like in the total lunar eclipse x Uranus eclipse seen in the Azuchi-Momoyama period? Once I start thinking about it, there is no end to it, so I will stop talking about the moon here.


(By the way, the photo I posted this time was sent to me by my father and was taken with a digital camera he bought a long time ago. The pattern is clearly visible and very beautiful.)











骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN


てっぽう展示室であの有名な銃を鑑賞いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























































もうひとつ、銃と言えば、昔9mm parabellum bulletというバンドが好きでよくライブに行っておりました。






















ただし、中には親指や、その他の指で操作するブローニングM2重機関やスプリングフィールド・アーモリー M6 スカウトなどもございます。











Hello everyone. I am Staff N.


Momoclo Noreni is getting married, Kinpuri is leaving the group, and other entertainment news is hectic.


I think it may come as a shock to the fans, but recently, even celebrities have become able to be honest about their feelings and what they want to do, and I often feel lucky.


Even if you do what people tell you to do, if you don’t do what you really like and want to do, it’s boring.


It may be difficult if everyone is doing what they like, but I want to think about what I can do.


Today I met a black cat and a black and white cat.


Autumn is a good season to meet stray cats.


The only thing N can do is introduce the stray cat I met today lol


On the 3rd floor of the Mikawa Glass Studio Museum, which I went to the other day, there was a teppo exhibition room.


The beautiful glass is also nice, but this gun made N more excited.


More than 200 air guns used by movies and anime characters are on display.


According to the museum’s blog, it’s not a hobby of the museum director, but something for men who come to the museum.


Certainly, I feel that women will be pleased with glass, and men will be pleased with guns.


At the beginning, it seems that they were scolded for not showing it to children, but now it has become an Instagrammable spot.


Even if you don’t know much about movies, Lupine III, 007, and MI3 are famous.


When it comes to movies with guns, N likes Borderline and John Wigg.


My companion seems to like Lupin’s Walther, so I was watching it from the Walther Zone.


In addition, there were rifles, revolvers, shotguns, machine guns, and other guns that you may have heard of before.


I’ve been playing “Sabage” in the late-night drama “Solo Katsu Joshi”, and I’d like to try it, but I don’t have the courage.


Everyone has dreamed of holding a pistol and shooting.


When I ask people who want to shoot a pistol, they say that they can do it in Guam.


It seems that you can experience it in Toyohashi, but I haven’t been able to go yet due to bad timing.


Speaking of guns, I recently bought a popular massage gun to relax my whole body.


The massage gun is a handy type electric massage gear that vibrates the muscles to relieve body stiffness.


It can be used not only for stiff shoulders and lower back pain, but also for conditioning and warming up before exercise, and can be expected to improve blood flow and recover from fatigue.


Speaking of guns, I used to like a band called 9mm parabellum bullet, and I used to go to their live shows.


While writing this blog, I realized that the “Colt Government” in the dress code was also the name of a gun.


Just the name of the gun will tickle your second heart.


Now, let’s talk about guns here.


The oldest gun in the world is called the Tannenberg gun.


It is a touch-hole firearm, named after it was discovered in Tannenberg Castle, and is considered to be the oldest surviving firearm.


Types of hand-held guns include single-shot and double-barreled pistols, revolver pistols, automatic pistols, and machine pistols.


The first gun in Japan is the Tanegashima gun.

It is said to have been made by Kiyosada Yaitakinbei, a swordsmith in Seki.


A firearm’s trigger is the mechanism (trigger) that initiates the firing of a firearm.

Triggers are almost always levers that you pull with your index finger, or buttons that you push.


However, there are thumb- and other finger-operated guns such as the Browning M2 heavy machine gun and the Springfield Armory M6 Scout.


Comedian Impulse Itakura introduced air guns that he has in his home on TV.


I can understand why you would want to collect them if they were that cool.


Why don’t you all sort out what you are sleeping at home and collect your hobbies?


See you soon











骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN


#骨董品#茶碗#掛軸#買取 #銃

三重県・津市のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN

出張買取(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















Hello everyone. This is staff M.

Today, I went to Tsu City, Mie Prefecture on a business trip purchase.

Speaking of Mie Prefecture, it has long been famous as a place of trade, especially Yokkaichi Port, which was the largest commercial port in Ise Bay from the end of the Edo period to the beginning of the Meiji era, and it seems that it was a busy place for ships coming and going, passengers, and goods collection and distribution. . In the 3rd year of the Meiji era (1868), the opening of this liner line, which was the first time for regular passenger transport on steamships between Yokkaichi and Tokyo, led to a dramatic increase in port power.


Sanemon Inaba marked the first step in the construction of Yokkaichi Port and laid the foundation for a modern port. With the civil engineering technology of the time, the repair and construction of the port was more difficult than expected and caused many difficulties. It seems that he devoted his body and soul to.


And on August 4th, 1899, Yokkaichi Port was designated as an open port, literally marking the first step as an international trading port.


When Yokkaichi Port first opened, its trade centered on food and fertilizer imports, but later it began to import cotton and flourished as a port for importing raw materials for textiles. After the war, while imports of wool increased significantly, crude oil overtook this with the location of petrochemical complexes, and Yokkaichi Port developed into a typical “industrial port.”


In the mid-1950s, Japan’s first large-scale petrochemical complex opened in the Shiohama district, and after that Yokkaichi Port has three petrochemical complexes.


Speaking of which, as an aside, the Yokkaichi Oil Complex is well known among young people, and it is very popular as a “Yokkaichi Factory Night View Spot” as a light art created by cutting-edge technology. I have been there once, and it was absolutely beautiful.

Going back to the topic, Yokkaichi Port is still a major import base in Japan for not only crude oil but also LNG (liquid natural gas) and coal. is. It also continues to develop as a port with container routes.












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骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN

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