お知らせ - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜 - Page 59




昭和区のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



今夜はゆず湯が楽しみです(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)































Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It was cold again this morning. It was below freezing in Nagoya as well. The winter army has arrived at once, hasn’t it? I am writing this blog with cold hands, and there is a yellow customer next to me.


Today is the winter solstice.

As you know, it is the day of the year when daytime is the shortest and nighttime is the longest. The Winter Solstice is one of the 24 solar terms, which are determined by dividing the year into 24 equal parts according to the movement of the sun.

After the winter solstice, when the days are shortest, the days gradually get longer. The Winter Solstice is therefore considered to be the day when the sun’s power revives and the winter ends, marking the border of spring, and is also called “Ichiyo raibetsu” (meaning “the sun comes back”). It is also called “Ichiyo-raibetsu,” or “the day when the sun comes back to life” or “an important day when luck comes back to us,” and is considered a day of happiness and good fortune in many parts of the world.


Since the Winter Solstice is an important day that brings luck, do you know that there is a custom to eat something with “n” in it to bring luck?

The foods with “N” in them are called “Nanakusa” (seven kinds of foods on the Winter Solstice) and are believed to be especially auspicious.

Among them, pumpkin is a vegetable that is originally in season in summer. However, it is said that the sweetness and nutritional value of pumpkin increases when pumpkin picked in summer is preserved until winter. Kabocha is rich in β-carotene, which is necessary for health and beauty, and vitamin C, which is good for preventing colds, making it a perfect food for surviving the harsh cold weather. Eating a delicious winter pumpkin may bring you good luck.


There is an old custom of taking a yuzu bath on the winter solstice.

The reason for taking a yuzu bath is derived from the fact that it is an important day for good luck. It has long been said that the strong fragrance of yuzu dispels evil spirits. The day of the winter solstice, when the sun comes out for the shortest time of the year, is also said to be a day to watch out for evil spirits, and yuzu was used to ward off evil spirits. Yuzu is also said to be a symbol of hope that all the years of hard work will bear fruit, as it takes many years for the fruit to ripen.

Another reason for the name is derived from a “pun” that children love. The pun is based on the combination of the words “toji” (winter solstice) and “yuzu” (yuzu), meaning “to take a hot bath on the day of the winter solstice and have a hot-spring cure to improve one’s health. It was popularized during the Edo period (1603-1867), when the culture of public baths was spreading, by the Edo kko (people of the Edo period) who liked to be fashionable.


Yuzu baths are believed to promote blood circulation, alleviate sensitivity to cold, warm the body and prevent colds, and beautify the skin due to the citric acid and vitamin C contained in the rind. The juice and peel of yuzu contain many nutrients, and the amount of vitamin C, which is said to be good for the skin, is one of the highest among citrus fruits.


The juice in 100 g of yuzu contains 40 mg of vitamin C, but the peel contains particularly high amounts of vitamin C (150 mg). Vitamin C improves the water retention properties of the skin and has antioxidant properties, so it is expected to help prevent dry skin, prevent aging, and protect the skin barrier function.


Yuzuyu is usually imagined as a scene where the whole yuzu fruit is floated in hot water. However, in order to obtain the various medicinal effects of yuzu, it is better to chop the yuzu finely and put it in a bag such as a net and float it in the hot water. Rubbing the body with this bag of yuzu is said to have the effect of smoothing the skin as well as the healing effect of yuzu’s distinctive fragrance.

Since it is the season when infectious diseases are prevalent, relaxing and warming yourself in a bath with the good scent of yuzu may also be a good way to prevent infection.

I could smell the fresh scent of yuzu coming from my neighbor. As the cold weather is getting colder and colder, I would like to take a yuzu bath to warm up my body from the core and avoid catching a cold.

See you soon.











骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN


阿久比町のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN



こんな時に限ってピンチが訪れます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨とう買取 古美術風光舎)















ポーラーロウとは、冬季の中高緯度の海洋上で発達する 水平スケール200~1000kmの小低気圧でして、温帯低気圧や台風と比べてサイズは小さいですが、 海上で急速に発達し強風や大雪を伴うため社会的な影響も大きな現象のようであります。バレンツ海、ノルウェー海、北海、グリーンランド海、 ラブラドル海、ベーリング海、南極海など高緯度の多くの海洋上で発達するのですが、比較的に緯度が低い日本海でも発達するそうでして、北海道の西海上にもポーラーロウと呼ばれる小さな低気圧が発生する可能性があるそうです。






























Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It was cold this morning. It was a cold morning here in Nagoya as well, and the weather is looking stormy across the country.

There is a possibility of heavy snowfall not only along the mountains but also on the plains over the weekend, and for the first time this season, there is a possibility of warning-level heavy snowfall from northern Kyushu to the Kinki region on the Sea of Japan side and in Tokai (Gifu Prefecture). This morning, the TV showed snow in Shirakawa-go, and the reporter who was covering the snow there had the illusion that his black hat was white because it was covered with snow. The black hat of the reporter who was covering the scene was covered with snow so much that I was under the illusion that it was a white hat.


Last year, I learned the term “Japan Sea polar air mass convergence zone (JPCZ)”. The JPCZ is bringing active snow clouds into Hokuriku (including Niigata Prefecture), and there is a risk of heavy snowfall and blizzard conditions due to the winds. It is hard to keep up with such rough weather, which was unimaginable until just last month.


I learned a new weather term the other day. I wonder if it has been around for a long time (I’m ignorant). (I don’t know, I’m just ignorant.)


Polar Row.

Polarlow is a small low-pressure system with horizontal scale of 200 to 1,000 km that develops over the mid- to high-latitude oceans during the winter season. It develops over the Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, North Sea, Greenland Sea, Labrador Sea, Bering Sea, Antarctic Sea, and other high latitude oceans, but it is also said to develop over the Sea of Japan, which is relatively low in latitude.


Due to this polar low, the city of Rumoi experienced the heaviest snowfall in recorded history on the 17th, and it was a very heavy snow storm that made it impossible to see even an inch ahead of time. There is a possibility of another heavy snowstorm, so please be careful.



Compared to such cold weather in other parts of Japan, the cold here in Nagoya is not so bad, but it is only at times like this that we are in a pinch.

Our 15-year-old microwave oven has finally broken down.


Although we have always taken care of it, it is a little hard to have it broken during this cold season. I am not saying that I am grateful for the electricity, but I have been making full use of the microwave oven to cook short and simple meals, so I felt its gratitude very keenly.

I was so excited about the new functions and knowledge that I finally decided on a new model, and after a little cleaning of the old microwave, I said good-bye to it. Saying goodbye to an electric appliance is always a bit sudden.


The new one has been sitting there since yesterday,

Ding ding. This morning, he was using the microwave oven as if nothing had happened. The newcomer’s comfort makes us forget about the pinch in an instant, but the pinch also reminds us how grateful we are for it and teaches us knowledge and preparation. It was really inconvenient when I couldn’t use it.


Not to use the weather terminology I mentioned earlier, but there are many times when a pinch or something that happens teaches us what we need to know and how to be prepared.

But at the same time, I am thankful and grateful for the lessons I have learned from them.














骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN


見えない世界が広がっておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)














こちらは中国、明朝末から清朝時代に作られた銅製の龍耳香炉です。名前の通り耳と呼ばれる部分が龍の形をしております。恥ずかしながら最近気づきました。花びらの形の香炉の口をぱくっとくわえている表情が とてもユーモラスに見えます。背中の突起もデザイン性が高く、龍だと気づかなかった要因かもしれません。高さが5㎝ほどで遠目には全体的に黒っぽく見えますが、よく見ると緻密な絵が彫られています。もはや私の視力では見えないのでカメラの力を借りて覗いてみました。
















Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

After reading Staff T’s blog yesterday, I started one new thing, although I can’t say it publicly. I am trying to do what is considered good and not believe what is considered bad.

As I have mentioned several times, I like small, miniature objects and enjoy just looking at them. However, my eyesight has deteriorated considerably and I cannot see details. I was thinking that the incense burners in this glass case are also of a wonderful shape, but in fact, I could not see anything.

This is a copper incense burner with dragon ears made in China during the late Ming and Qing dynasties. As the name implies, the ears are in the shape of dragons. I noticed it recently. The expression of the mouth of the petal-shaped censer being snapped open looks very humorous to me. The protrusion on the back is also well designed and may be the reason why I did not notice it was a dragon. From a distance, the entire figure appears to be black, but upon closer inspection, one can see that it has been painted with great precision. I could no longer see it with my eyesight, so I took a peek with the help of my camera.

In addition to trees and houses, I noticed a person on a boat, a person astride a cow, and a person fishing in an azumaya floating on a pond. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t notice them. Originally, they were probably Buddhist ritual utensils, so there is no end to the fantasy about the meaning of the pictures and what kind of scenes they were used for. I don’t think there were magnifying mirrors when they were made, but I feel more affection for them when I think that they were carved patiently in someone’s hands.


As mentioned in the recent blog by Staff Y about Lanjatai, there is a Japanese art called “Kodo” (the art of incense). In this art form, the act of smelling fragrance is called “monko,” which means to hear the fragrance. In Chinese, the Chinese character for scenting is mainly “ken” (listen), so I had mistakenly thought that the art of incense was imported from China. It is, in fact, an art form that originated in Japan.

The oldest record of incense in Japan is found in the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan). In the 3rd year of Suiko (595), a large piece of driftwood drifted ashore on what is now Awaji Island, and when islanders burned it in a fire, they were surprised to find an indescribable aroma wafting through the air, which they presented to the court. This driftwood was named “agarwood” (agarwood). The name is said to have come from the fact that a tree called jinkoju, which grows wild in Southeast Asia, fell and the resin it secreted deposited on the cut end, becoming so heavy that it sank into the water. During the Muromachi period (1336-1573), “fragrant wood” was favored by samurai, leading to “Kodo,” the art of incense making, in which the aroma is enjoyed and savored. It is said that agarwood, which has an excellent calming effect, played a role in calming down the high spirits before a battle.


By the way, many Chinese and Japanese kanji share the same meaning, but sometimes they have different meanings, as in the case of “ken” (listen), which can cause confusion. Famous examples include: letter = toilet paper, train = automobile, human = world, old woman = wife, sturdy = husband, and dark = secret plan. There is a story that has left an impression on me. The Chinese word “Ku” does not mean “sky” but only “empty” or “empty”, so the name of a certain Japanese airline company sounds really strange to Chinese people.

I’m getting quite off topic. My apologies.


I will see you again.














骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-17:00 OPEN


今日は一粒万倍日です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

It is hard to believe that there are only 10 more days left in this year. I was surprised to see that just a few days ago, I muttered to myself, “It’s the end of the year, isn’t it?

I still haven’t finished my New Year’s greeting cards, I haven’t finished the things I wanted to finish before the end of the year, and I’m still in the state of cleaning up? What is that? I even feel as if it is no longer December. I even have the feeling that it is no longer December. However, I can’t let it all go by, and I’m feeling impatient to get even just one task done before the year-end and New Year’s holidays approach.




December 19 is a day that is considered auspicious because it combines “Ichigum Banbo-hi” and “Daian” (great peace).

Ichiryu-Manbai-ichi is one of the auspicious days that have existed in the Japanese calendar since ancient times. The method of determining these days is a bit complicated, but they are determined according to the 24 solar terms (Risshun, Summer Solstice, Risshu, Autumn, etc.) and the Chinese zodiac (a combination of Kou, B, C, Ding… and Zhi, Ox, Tiger…), and two days between each of the 24 seasonal turning points are Ichigu-Manbai-ji days. It occurs approximately once every six days, or five days a month, or about 60 days a year.

The meaning is “a grain of rice can be produced from a grain of seed rice, and from this rice a ten-thousand-fold increase in the number of grains can be harvested,” or “a small amount of something increases dramatically.

Since it is believed that what is started on this day will eventually produce great results, Ichigum Manyfold Day is considered “the best day to start something.

Because Ichigumabanmabenhi is considered “the best day to start something,” it is considered the best date to register a marriage or to hold a wedding ceremony. It is the image of the seed of happiness expanding. It is also considered a good day to buy a new wallet, start using it, or buy a lottery ticket, as it is believed that if you invest money on this day, it will return as a big profit in the future. However, it is a good day to buy a new wallet, start spending, buy a lottery ticket, etc. However, you will need to be patient as your year-end and New Year’s expenses are likely to be horrendous.

On the other hand, what you should not do on this day is to borrow money or borrow things from others. It is also said that negative events such as fights or disputes between spouses, family members, or friends will be amplified later, and “hardships will be multiplied ten thousand times over.


And this time it also coincides with “Daian”.

Daian is the best of the six days of the week. Daian, as the character suggests, means “very safe,” and it is said that “you can do anything throughout the day. There are no bad times, but it does not mean that good things will happen throughout the day, but rather that the whole day will be peaceful and free from any major problems.


The six days of the week are: Sokatsu, Tomohiki, Sakiyoshi, Futsumetsu, Oyasu, and Akaguchi, and they are basically repeated in this order every day. It is said that the six days of the week were introduced to Japan in the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and their interpretation and order changed little by little as they adapted to the Japanese culture and climate.


I have been trying not to make any complaints on today, the day of “one grain multiplied by ten thousand,” but…well, who knows what will happen.

I hope today is a good day for all of you.

See you later.













骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN


安城市のお客様より買受いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)





















骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-18:00 OPEN



乾燥にはご注意ください(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


みなさまこんにちは、スタッフT でございます。





冬と言えば乾燥ですが、ここ最近、爪が割れてしまい困っています。気付かないうちにと爪が欠けたりすることもしばしば。 最近続けて爪の根元の方まで深く割れてしまい、どうケアしたものかと困っておりまして。



















Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


Today is a cold day as forecasted. The leaves on the street trees have all fallen and the scenery has turned to that of winter. It has suddenly become very cold, so please be careful as it is easy to get sick.


Speaking of winter, it is dryness, but recently I have been having trouble with cracked nails. Often, my nails chip without my noticing. Recently, I have been having trouble taking care of my nails because they have been cracking deep down to the base of the nail.

Come to think of it, my nails seem to be getting harder lately…. I also feel that they are growing slowly. Is it because of my age? I was curious, so I did some research.


Nails are organs attached to the skin of the hands and toes, as we all know. Not only are they attached, but they also protect the tips of the hands and feet. In fact, the bones of the fingers are only halfway up the nail. It is said that fingernails grow to support the parts of the body that do not have bones. The nails allow us to make fine movements with our fingertips, and the toenails are also responsible for stabilizing the body. So nails are not just for the enjoyment of nails, but are an indispensable organ for the function of the limbs.

Nails grow at different rates depending on age and constitution, but a healthy adult grows about 0.1 mm per day. It is said that it takes 3 to 4 months for all of them to be renewed. It is said that nails grow faster in people with active metabolism, and nails grow more easily in summer, when metabolism is higher, than in winter.

I thought that the composition of nails was calcium, but it is not.
The white color and hardness of nails give the impression that they are made of calcium, but in fact, they are made of protein. Among proteins, nails are composed of a component called keratin.


As the saying goes, “Nails are a barometer of health. Among other things, the “decline in female hormones” seems to affect nails.

Nails are supple and elastic because they contain an appropriate amount of moisture. The skin under the nail, called the nail bed, supplies this moisture. The thicker the nail, the easier it is to maintain the moisture content.

The female hormone estrogen is important here because it is deeply involved not only in reproductive functions but also in overall health, including skin, bones, and blood vessels. As estrogen, which is essential for the skin to retain moisture and keratin, declines with age, the amount of moisture in the skin decreases. And nails also become thinner, allowing moisture to evaporate easily. This causes the nails to become dry and hard, leading to splitting and chipping.

In my daily household work, I do a lot of water work, which makes my hands rough and dry, but I never really had the concept of dry nails. They are hard and do not feel cracked or chapped. However, just like hands, nails also dry out. This makes them brittle and prone to chipping and cracking. Of course, aging is one of the causes.

So, I would like to start by moisturizing them frequently on a daily basis.

The key is to apply cream not only to the tips of the nails but also to the base of the nails. It seems to me that it is important that the area remain moisturized and healthy when it grows and comes up to the tip of the nail. It seems to me that the root area should be especially emphasized in the application.

I don’t usually get my nails done, but I will try my best at “nail growing.

See you soon.












骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN


温かくてほっこりするお皿です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)






























Hello everyone. This is Staff H.

The flu seems to be raging this year. It is the end of the year and we are all busy, but please take care of yourselves and don’t overexert yourself.

Recently, there is a plate in the store that often catches my attention. It is an Oribe copy of Banko-yaki made in the Meiji and Taisho periods. The simplicity and warmth of the colors attract me every day. Banko-yaki is famous for earthenware pots and kyusu (teapots), but this is a plate from before those were created.


The simple pattern of the spice “choji” is rhythmical and lovely. It is said that “choji” is one of the motifs of “Takarazukushimon,” a collection of treasures with auspicious motifs. It is a rare item that came from China, and was once considered a very valuable treasure as it was both a perfume and a medicinal herb.


The other day, I wrote about Oribe ware, but the term “Oribe copy” seemed strange to me, so I did some research. The word “copy” is literally a copy, but when “copy” is attached to the title of a ceramic work, there is no image of forgery, plagiarism, or infringement of intellectual property rights. Originally, ceramic works have the difficulty that the same kiln, the same clay, and the same method of firing do not always produce the same piece. The slightest difference in the composition of the clay and glaze can greatly affect the appearance of a piece, so a great deal of knowledge and experience is required to produce an exact replica. For this reason, “copying” ceramics is seen as the work of a skilled craftsman to be admired. The original work of copying is called “honka,” which is a reference to the honka-tori in waka poetry. What a stylish name!

A skilled craftsman makes a copy of the original work, paying respect to the original poem. While preserving the quality of the original work, one can also add one’s own individuality. It is also believed that imitating a great piece of work leads to improvement in technique. This is similar to the process of copying “honmasks” of Noh masks, which I wrote about the other day. Mastering the basics may be indispensable as a foundation for later developing one’s individuality.


Banko-yaki is now a local industry in Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture, but its origins date back to the mid-Edo period, when Numanami Rozan, a wealthy merchant in Kuwana, opened a kiln in Asahi-cho, Mie Prefecture. Some say that the name “Banko-Yaki” came about because Tossan’s works contained the characters “Banko Fueki,” meaning “to remain unchanged and eternal. It is rare that the name of the land is not included.

After Tossan’s death, Banko-yaki was temporarily discontinued, but was revived by Mori Yusetsu, an antique dealer also from Kuwana, and in 1898 Yamanaka Chuzaemon opened a kiln in Yokkaichi and began mass production.

Banko-yaki is classified as a semi-porcelain ware that has properties between those of ceramics and porcelain, and many earthenware pots and other cooking utensils are produced due to its excellent heat resistance. The teapots are made of purple clay, a red clay that contains iron, and are fired without glaze. The iron contained in the clay reacts with tannin, the astringent component of tea, to soften the astringency and bring out the flavor.


Tetsubin is good, but I also want to buy a Banko-yaki earthenware kettle. I think my purse strings will be loosened toward the end of the year.

I will see you soon.














骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN



電気のありがたみに感謝です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



























Hello everyone, this is Staff T.


This morning it was too dark to get out of the futon, probably because of the rain. The sun is setting early in the evening. Here in Nagoya, sunrise is around 6:50 a.m. and sunset is around 4:40 p.m. When the weather is dim, I feel thankful for the bright lights that illuminate the room whenever and wherever I am.




Nowadays, electricity brightens up the night, but in the olden days, electricity was not such a convenient thing. From the Jomon period to around the Edo period, people lived without electricity. In the old days, there was no electricity, gas, or even lamps of any luxury. Once the sun set, it was almost always dark outside, and there would have been only the brightness of the moon. However, the moonlight in those days was much brighter than that of today, and it was even possible to walk on the street at night when the moon was out.


Candles were used for lighting in the past, but they are said to have been brought to Japan with the arrival of Buddhism, and were used in special places such as palaces and temples during the Nara and Heian periods. In those days, all candles were imported and inaccessible to the general public.


Before the widespread use of candles, people used “kerosene,” made from plant and animal oils, as fuel. This is read as “to-moshi-abura,” not “to-yu.

In the absence of kerosene, people used plant-based oils such as sesame oil, sesame oil, and rapeseed oil as fuel. Animal oil called “fish oil” such as sardine and whale oil was also used. Vegetable oil, which is said to have spread during the Edo period, was popular because it had little smell, but it was a very expensive product, costing three times the price of rice. Therefore, common people used fish oil, which was more than half the price of vegetable oil. Cheap fish oil had some disadvantages, such as smelling like fish and producing a lot of soot, but it was valuable to the common people.

Until 1879, when Edison put an incandescent light bulb to practical use using bamboo from Kyoto, “going to bed early and getting up early” to live with the sun must have been unavoidable.




As time went by, lighting fixtures also changed, but it is surprising that there were already candles in the Nara period. In the Edo period (1603-1867), when there were no major wars, Japan’s lighting culture flourished and various new lighting fixtures became popular. One of the lighting fixtures that came to color people’s lives with light was the “andon,” a type of paper lantern that resembles an andon.


Similar words to “andon” include “toro” and “chochin,” but what is the difference between them?


Lanterns were mainly used outside, and are what we now call streetlights. The word “lantern” means “basket” of “light,” and as the name implies, it is a tool used to surround a candle to keep it from being extinguished by the wind. Lanterns are made of various materials, including wood and metal, but those made of stone are called stone lanterns in particular.

While lanterns were installed outside, “andon” were mainly used indoors. They were lit by candles or cloth soaked in oil. Since they were used indoors, most were made of lightweight wood, and the area around the fire was covered with paper to protect it from the wind. Andon that were small enough to be left by a person’s bedside were called Ariake Andon.

Chochin, which are covered with paper like andon, have evolved to be portable. It is light and has a handle. They could be folded up when not in use for easy transportation.


We also have some nice andon in our store, but this is a long story, so I will tell you more next time.

See you next time.












骨董 買取
【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN





