


師走にはいりましたね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)




































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The weather here in Nagoya has been a bit stormy since yesterday, and it was a complete change from a few days ago. It is winter from today, right?

I hope you are all feeling the winter approaching in your areas.


Yes, I realize that today is the first day of December. I am very surprised. I am still not wearing my winter coat this year, because I have yet to put it on. Perhaps it is because we hear the sound of the end of the year without feeling the cold, but the pace of the season seems to be slipping and sometimes we have to rush to catch up with it. Yesterday, I had just such a feeling.

I am sure that the blog of Fumikosha will be a report on the winter season and the flurry of activities during the year-end and New Year holidays, but please bear with me.


Now that the season has come and gone, I thought I would take a moment to look back on the past year at the Nagoya branch of Fumikosha Antiques. (What’s going on all of a sudden?)



In the past year, I have met with many customers who came to Fumikosha, and recently, the most common consultation was the cleaning out of their parents’ house. It is really common.

It is sad to say, but we receive many requests to clean up their parents’ houses that they no longer live in Aichi.


Also, with the recent trend of “decluttering” and “living arrangement,” we have received requests from people who want to downsize their homes and do something about their children who will be inconvenienced if they don’t put their things away. The Showa generation has a lot of stuff, and some of them are worried about what to do with it.


The most frequently requested items were hanging scrolls, tea ceremony utensils, paintings, prints, ceramics, and pottery. We also received requests for works of art, precious metals, old toys, cameras, and swords. (Some of the recipients did not know what to do with the swords, so please contact us if you have any questions.)


Everyone has many fond memories of the items that they have used and cherished near and dear to them over the years, and they talk about them with great fondness. However, there are many situations where we have to let go of items due to lifestyle changes or other unavoidable reasons. Some of you are cleaning up slowly and systematically, while others are doing it quickly because the client is far away.


Looking at the piles of items that have been put away at the house we are asking about, it must have been a lonely but important time to look back on memories, whether slowly or quickly. Although the treasured items are no longer in your home, we hope that you will always cherish the memories of those items that you cherished in your parents’ home. In addition, in dealing with such customers, I have thought several times over the past year that we should treasure the items along with everyone’s feelings so that they can be passed on to the next person who will cherish them.


We understand that organizing and cleaning out a family home is something that no one has ever done before. Many people may not know what to ask or where to ask for help, but at Fumikosha Nagoya, we are happy to provide consultation only. We also have female staff on hand, so please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


Have a good day.













骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】


10:00-17:00 OPEN







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