


暑さが目前にせまってきておりますね汗。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取致します 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













特別展「国宝 東京国立博物館のすべて」が、2022年10月18日(火) ~ 2022年12月11日(日)に開催されます!



その記念の展示や企画などは4月から始まっておりますが、その中でもその大きな節目を記念して、 150年の間に積み重ねられた約12万件という膨大な所蔵品の中から、国宝89件すべてを含む名品を一挙公開。また、 明治から令和にいたる150年の歩みを物語る関連資料を通して、東京国立博物館の全貌を紹介もするという 展示は2部構成。合わせてなんと計150件を展示とのこと。



















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


It’s getting hot here in Nagoya today as well. Is the heat just around the corner?

Staff Y is already sick, even though we have to think about various measures against the heat this year as well.

This is the usual means, and when I was thinking about making some kind of travel, LIVE, event, or something rewarding goal, I jumped in and cried, my next goal.

I’m already uncomfortable, but some of you may have already heard about it in the news.


The special exhibition “All about the Tokyo National Museum, a national treasure” will be held from October 18, 2022 (Tuesday) to December 11, 2022 (Sunday)!


As you all know, the Tokyo National Museum (Tokyo National Museum) is the museum with the longest history in Japan. The Tokyo National Museum will celebrate its 150th anniversary in the 4th year of Reiwa (2022). The commemorative exhibitions and projects started in April, but in commemoration of the big milestone, the national treasure 89 was selected from the huge collection of about 120,000 items accumulated over 150 years. The masterpieces including all the cases are released at once. In addition, the exhibition, which introduces the whole picture of the Tokyo National Museum through related materials that tell the story of the 150 years from the Meiji era to Reiwa, consists of two parts. A total of 150 items will be exhibited.

The collection of Tokyo National Museum is about 120,000. It is the largest collection in Japan as a museum, but this time, in addition to 89 national treasures in its possession, a total of 150 selected works including 24 important cultural properties will be exhibited at a special exhibition. However, it is said that it is the first time in the history of Tokyo National Museum 150 years that these 89 national treasures will be released at once in a certain period.


How difficult this is is that museums usually limit the exhibition period of exhibits in order to balance the preservation and disclosure of cultural properties, so each field has a cycle of about one to several years. It seems that they will make a schedule to release several items in a planned manner. Under such circumstances, it seems that it is necessary to adjust the exhibition plan in anticipation of several years in order to publish it all together in a certain period. The point is, it’s an adjustment every few years to get this far.

With the understanding and cooperation of researchers in each field, these were miraculously done because they were founded 150 years ago, and if they could be done next, it might be 50 years later. A researcher at Tokyo National Museum also said, so for national treasure enthusiasts, it was nice to be able to see these national treasures at once while they were alive. Also, when you hear such a story, I would like to feel the enthusiasm of the people of Tokyo National Museum, their feelings for this special exhibition, and their pride, as well as the masterpieces of national treasures.


The number of national treasures held by the Tokyo National Museum covers eight fields, which is about 10% of Japan’s national treasures (arts and crafts). The details of this exhibit have already been posted on the website, so I checked it all over.


However, these special exhibitions consist of four periods, and when they are partially replaced and exhibited, this is the case. The session isn’t that long, so I’m already annoyed looking at the calendar. Can I go all four terms … This is Nagoya.


For the time being, I was considering a goal for summer, but my goal was to skip the seasons and it was already autumn. For the time being, I will make a detailed plan to carry out this, but there is still time until autumn …


Well then, good luck.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


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