


石黒亜矢子ねこまたごよみ原画展(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)













中国では日本より古く隋時代には「猫鬼(びょうき)」「金花猫」といった怪猫の話が伝えられていましたが、日本においては鎌倉時代前期の藤原定家による『明月記』の天福元年(1233年)8月2日の記事に、南都(現・奈良県)で「猫胯」が一晩で数人の人間を食い殺した という記述があるそうです。これが、猫又が文献上に登場した初出とされており、猫又は山中の獣として語られていました。ただし『明月記』の猫又は容姿について「目はネコのごとく、体は大きい犬のようだった」と記されていることから、ネコの化け物かどうかを疑問視する声もあり、人間が「猫跨病」という病気に苦しんだという記述があるため、狂犬病にかかった獣がその実体との解釈もございます。また鎌倉時代後期の随筆『徒然草』(1331年頃)に「奥山に、猫またといふものありて、人を食ふなると人の言ひけるに……」と記されております。























Hello everyone. This is Staff N.

Unfortunately it was raining today, but it was a thankful day for the purchases to continue from the morning.

The other day, I went to Ayako Ishiguro’s “Neko Matagoyomi” original painting exhibition.

If you like cats, you’ll probably have seen this picture once, but each one has a story, laughter, and always makes you feel dull.

When I first saw it, I thought it was a little frightening, but the more I see it, the more I become attached to it.

The picture book written on the theme of spring, summer, autumn and winter is fun because there is a growth process of the cat family and you can discover it no matter how many times you read it.

It’s fun to find out where the cat family is in the picture, like looking for Wally.

This time, I investigated Nekomata.

Nekomata is a cat youkai found in Japanese folklore, classic ghost stories, and writings. There are two types of cats, one is said to be a beast in the mountains and the other is a cat kept in a private house.

In China, the story of monster cats such as “cat demon” and “golden flower cat” was told in the Sui period, which is older than Japan, but in Japan, “Meigetsuki” by Fujiwara no Teika in the early Kamakura period. In the article on August 2, the first year of Tenpuku (1233), there is a description that “Cat” in Nanto (currently Nara Prefecture) ate several people overnight. This is said to be the first appearance of Nekomata in the literature, and was described as a cat or a beast in the mountains. However, since it is stated that the cat or appearance in “Meigetsuki” was “the eyes were like a cat and the body was like a big dog”, some people questioned whether it was a monster of a cat, and humans said ” Since there is a description that it suffered from a disease called “cat straddle disease”, there is also an interpretation that the beast with rabies is the substance. Also, in the essay “Tsurezuregusa” (around 1331) in the latter half of the Kamakura period, it is written that “There is a cat or a cat in Okuyama, and people can say that they eat people …”.

Nekomata, a collection of ghost stories from the Edo period, is said to be lurking in the mountains or in the mountains, and there is a story about Nekomata, who appeared as a human in the deep mountains. There are many stories about Nekomata in the club. It tends to become larger as it becomes a cat in the mountains or later literature, and it is about the size of a cat or a wild boar caught in the mountains of Kii Province in 1685 (Jokyo 2nd year) “New Book Collection”, 1775 (1775) In “Jokyo Shiori” (4th year of Yasunaga), it is described that the bark of Nekomata echoed in the mountains, so it is thought that it was as big as a lion or a leopard. There was a cat that had a dog in it in 1809 (6th year of culture), or a cat with a total length of 9 shaku and 5 inches (about 2.8 meters).

Nekomata is said to have eaten people in Etchu Province (currently Toyama Prefecture), and Nekomata is said to have eaten people in Aizu (currently Fukushima Prefecture). It may be the name of a mountain. It is believed that Nekomatayama is not only folklore, but that large cats actually lived in the mountains and attacked humans.

On the other hand, in the story of the Kokon Chomonju (1254 manuscript), which was also established in the Kamakura period, the Karaneko kept at the Saga Sanso escaped with a treasured guardian sword, and people escaped. He told him that he had disappeared after chasing him, and left this domestic cat as a monster. It is said that after a while, it will become garbled and eat and kidnap people.

After the Edo period, the idea that cats kept in private houses became old and turned into cats became common, and as mentioned above, it is also interpreted as a cat in the mountains or such an old cat moving from the house to the mountain. It became so. As a result, the popular belief that cats are not kept for many years has been born in various parts of Japan.

In “Anzai Essay” by Sadatake Ise, a profession in the middle of the Edo period, there is a description that “a cat of several years old has a bifurcated tail and becomes a youkai called Nekomata.” Arai Hakuseki, a scholar in the middle of the Edo period, also stated that “old cats become’nekomata’and mislead people.” However, the mystery of such a cat was reported.

In general, it is said that the etymology of Nekomata’s “mata” is that the tail is divided into two parts, but this is questioned from a folkloric point of view, and since cats become older and more garbled, in the sense of duplication. There is a theory that it is seen as “again”, and as mentioned above, it was once thought to be a beast in the mountains, so it means that it can freely move between trees in the mountains like a monkey. There is also a theory that the etymology is “)”. There is also a theory that the origin is that the skin on the back of an old cat peels off and hangs down behind, and the tail seems to increase or divide.

Due to its eyesight and mysterious habits, cats have been thought to be magical since ancient times, and it is feared that they will be revived at funerals and that if they are killed, they will be killed by their 7th generation. It is believed that the legend of Nekomata was born. In addition, it is believed that the popular beliefs about cats and the dead are due to the fact that carnivorous cats have a good ability to sniff out rotten odors and have a habit of approaching dead bodies. And Nekomata are sometimes equated.

Also, there is a ghost cat that is known as a Japanese cat youkai, but Nekomata and a ghost cat are often confused because they must be ghosts.

In addition, a picture of a cat with two tails is taken in Canada.

In the Edo period, many picture scrolls of the youkai style were produced, and cats or their picture scrolls are often the subject of youkai paintings. In 1737 (Hyakkai Zukan) published in 1737 (Hyakkai Zukan), Nekomata dressed as a human woman is depicted playing the shamisen, but at the time of the Edo period, the material of the shamisen was female. Since the skin of cats was often used, it is interpreted as playing a cat or shamisen and singing a song that pity the family, or a kind of irony.

As you can see, cats were feared in Japan in the past.

A long time ago, I met a 22-year-old cat who was as beautiful as a dragon, but I remember being surprised by the transcendental features of a youkai.

What is a cat of a certain age wearing an aura?

How do cats and cats feel in this era when cats have become more popular than dogs?

There are a lot of things in the room, and if they aren’t cleaned properly, Nekomata may come.

If you are worried about youkai, please contact the antique art Fukosha to purchase it.

See you soon










愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』


10:00-17:00 OPEN


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