


そういえば最近、土筆(つくし)をみていませんいませんね。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎)









そういえば、先日弊店にございます 石渡風古作「幼女」の掛軸をご紹介いた際に、画をくまなく観察しておりましたら幼女の足元に「土筆」があることを発見。弊店のブログやSNSをチェックしてくださっている皆さまはお分かりだったでしょうか。

































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


With the cheerfulness of these days, flowers such as cherry blossoms, magnolias, and spiraea thunbergii have begun to color the city. No, it’s lively. I, who loves driving, have been enjoying driving everywhere I go. It’s just fun to make a drive plan for your next vacation.


By the way, when I introduced the hanging scroll of Fuko the other day, I found that there was a “horsetail” at the feet of the little girl when I was observing all over the picture, but I checked our blog and SNS. Did you understand all of you?



It’s in the picture, but by the way, when did you last see the horsetail?


I also had a childhood, and at that time I went to the wide area of ​​the riverbank, and I was absorbed in cutting through the grass and taking a horsetail. I was proud to have taken the tall horsetail, and remembered the evening when I happily brought back the full bag of horsetail with my friends. It’s been a long time since I haven’t seen a horsetail that I haven’t seen.


The horsetail picked on such a riverbank is a simple horsetail that is made by carefully removing the part called the horsetail, damaging it to make it into an egg, or making it boiled. Because of this, the taste and memories of that time still remain very strong. Well, it’s nostalgic.


If you look closely at such a horsetail, it has a slightly unusual form. It is truly a “brush that came out of the soil” and is unique.


As you know, it is a spore stem (spore spike) of a plant called horsetail that emerges from the ground in spring, and is a fern plant of the horsetail family Horsetail genus. From March to April in early spring, I will appear on the slopes of fields and rivers where there are still few greens. Horsetail and Tsukushi (horsetail) are connected by a rhizome, and horsetail has a role of photosynthesis, and horsetail (horsetail) has a role of flying spores.


By the time the horsetail comes out, the horsetail also begins to grow vigorously, so searching for the horsetail is also a struggle while squeezing the horsetail, but by the way, it was a battle while the height of the child was quite high. I have such a memory.


As I mentioned earlier, the horsetail (horsetail) is shaped like an inverted brush inserted into the ground, with a color close to beige, and a burnt brown hakama attached to the knots. increase. It grows from the rhizome in spring and withers when it shoots spores.

Oh yeah, it seems that what I was picking at that time was a horsetail with an open umbrella. The horsetail comes out a little later than Tsukushi (horsetail), and grows vigorously until the end of summer and thrives, but then withers in the fall, and the next spring, the horsetail comes out of the clay brush again, and the horsetail comes out later. A routine that grows vigorously.


Of course, horsetail does not bloom because it is a fern plant, but Tsukushi (horsetail) is like a horsetail flower. However, since it only serves to fly spores, it does not require beautiful petals, scents, or nectar that attract insects like flowers, so it looks like that kind of minimum equipment. .. It should have a unique form.


Of course, it is a well-known fact that “horsetail” is a spring season word.

It is certified as “spring” with its sober and unique form without having flashy petals like cherry blossoms, so the impression is a strong and memorable individuality.

“Horsetail” that I can’t quite meet these days.

If you have a chance this time, I would like you to take a hakama, make an egg binding, and bring out all the memories of the past to make it delicious.

Well then, good luck.
















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


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