


ナルキッソスの表情を拝見いたしました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古いもの買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)





今週末はトンガの海底火山の噴火からの津波など、被害やご心配の尽きない地区の方々もおありかと思いますが、お寒い時期でもありますので体調など どうぞお気をつけくだざいませ。




そんな水仙をどことなく惹かれて遠目で眺めていますと、その小さなお顔にほっそりとしたその佇まいは、とてもはかなげ。そういえば水仙の花をじっくりと見たことがないなと思い 水をやりながら少し近づいてみました。


そのかわいらしい顔を拝見と思っていたのですが、それよりもその香りの方がなかなかの強さでして そちらの方が気になって仕方ありません。



とはいえ、ツンとくるような強さではないので、春を感じ、癒されるポカポカした暖かい香りといった印象。しかも、どことなくフルーティーです。よって、シャネルNO.5 など数々の有名な香水の調香にもよく使われておりますように、私たちにその香りの印象がすでに美しさや優雅さにインプットされております。また、その香りは、酸化効果とメラニン生成抑制効果を持ち、ストレス軽減効果があることが最近の研究で発見されております。

















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

This weekend, there may be people in the area who are not exhausted from the damage and worries such as the tsunami from the eruption of the submarine volcano in Tonga, but it is also a cold time, so please be careful about your physical condition.


By the way, when I went to work this morning, the daffodil flowers were standing on the display in front of the store. When I entered the store while watching such a figure, the inside of the store was surrounded by the scent of daffodils, and today I am heading to the computer while being healed.


When I was attracted to such a daffodil and looked at it from a distance, its slender appearance on its small face was very fragile. By the way, I thought that I had never seen the flowers of daffodils carefully, so I approached them a little while watering them.


I thought I saw that pretty face, but the scent is much stronger than that, and I can’t help but be worried about her.


The scent is an elegant expression when it comes to transparent and strong sweetness, but it has a gentle sweetness, but it has a surprisingly strong scent. If you often notice the flowerbed of daffodils nearby, you will notice it immediately, so it has a pretty scent at such a close distance.

However, it is not strong enough to make you feel spring, so it gives you the impression of a warm, warm scent that makes you feel spring. Moreover, it is somewhat fruity. Therefore, as it is often used in the perfuming of many famous perfumes such as Chanel No. 5, the impression of that scent has already been input to our beauty and elegance. In addition, it has been discovered in recent research that the scent has an oxidative effect and a melanin production inhibitory effect, and has a stress-reducing effect.


By the way, although it is the origin of the word narcissus, narcissus is written as “narcissus” in Chinese characters, but narcissus is a word that came from China. , What is in the water is said to be derived from the Chinese classic “Narcissus”. The scientific name is “Narcissus”. It comes from the Greek boy Narcissus, but yes, it’s also the etymology of the anecdote you all know, “narcissist.”

Narcissus, who was a beautiful boy, is often fascinated by his appearance reflected on the surface of the pond, and it is an anecdote that the goddess Nemesis turns him into a daffodil in order to warn such Narcissus. Therefore, the flower language of narcissus is that “narcissist” becomes “conceit” or “self-love”, but it is said that narcissus blooms as if looking into the waterside, so the appearance is that Narcissus is reflected on the surface of the water. It makes me think that I am watching the figure. It’s a coincidence, but it seems that both narcissists and daffodils have a common point of being on the water’s edge, so in any case, the appearance of blooming on the water’s edge is impressive.


I tried to see Narcissus’s face, but the scent was so strong that it erased the impression of the face, so I tend to forget the clear impression of the face. Today, I took a picture so as not to lose the scent.

Narcissus has a small, fragile face, but he certainly tried to point the camera at him, but he probably was fascinated by his face on the surface of the water, and he couldn’t easily turn to the camera. This makes me want to warn the goddess Nemesis too lol. However, since Narcissus has such a beautiful face and a fragrant scent, I feel like I can understand “I love myself”.


Well, Narcissus is always attracting people.

The appearance gradually began to look like I was looking into my face on the surface of the water, and I was also distracted by the scent, saying, “By the way, I have never seen daffodils nearby.” I’m sure there will be someone like me who is drawn to Narcissus this year too.


Well then, good luck.















愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444



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