


些細な幸せをのがす失態(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)







































Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

Incredibly, half a month later this year. I understand that there are many people like me who cannot hide their surprises.

For me, the New Year’s card hasn’t been touched yet, and I haven’t decided on a heartfelt greeting to those who have taken care of me. I even feel like I don’t have it.


However, only my feelings are somewhat impatient, and I may think that I should pass through all of them, but this is also unpleasant, and in the end I am a small hearted person who is fluttering. It seems that everyone is doing it properly, so it’s okay if you recognize it as a bad example.

Staff Y is escapist, but in the morning when he decides to do something, he is pouring tea from the Kyusu for the start of the day. Isn’t it standing? Is it the first encounter in 20 years?

A large adult was pleased that he thought, “The teacup is standing!”, But even though it is such a trivial matter, when you actually see the teacup with a teacup in front of you, 100% of the adults are probably large adults. I think that there is no doubt that I will be pleased with it.

By the way, it is said that the tea pillars are auspicious because, as you can see from the conditions under which the tea pillars stand, the phenomenon of the tea pillars standing is extremely rare, but even the stems of the tea leaves are rare. In addition, various conditions must be met for the stems to stand in the tea, which is why it is said to be auspicious because it is rarely seen even when drinking tea.

Another reason is that the word “pillar stands” is auspicious in the first place. The pillars are the main pillars that support the house, the Daikoku pillars. He also found the strength of the tea pillars, so it seems that the fact that solid pillars such as “Daikoku pillars” and “floor pillars” lead to the prosperity of the house was a good luck.

Also, since God is counted as one pillar or two pillars, it seems to have a meaning that leads to the blessing of God.

There are many places where such a tea pillar depends on the type of tea itself.

The tea is Kukicha, but in Kyoto it is called “Karigane (Gan ga Oto) tea”. Kukicha is sometimes regarded as a second-class product, but it has a stronger sweetness and aroma than tea with only tea leaves. Not only is the tea pillar easy to stand, but it also has the benefit of being sweet and delicious, but it’s a tea that you usually use.

However, it is rare for high-quality new tea to contain stems, so the fact that the tea pillars stand may indicate that you are using relatively cheap bancha, so some people care about it. Some people think that it is better not to serve tea with a tea pillar (tea with a tea pillar) to customers. Therefore, I think it would be better to use the tea pillar challenge for home use lol.

Also, in order to somehow sell bancha that is inferior to new tea, it seems that there is also a reason for adopting a marketing strategy that “tea pillars attract good luck”, so it is a long time ago that the disadvantages of bancha mixed with stems were taken advantage of. It can be said that it is a good image strategy.

Even though we got on with such an image strategy, I don’t feel uncomfortable with the small tea pillars that stand in the steam of that teacup. Moreover, a large adult tells his family that “the tea pillar is only!” And he is delighted with the small and trivial tea pillar.

However, I am making a big mistake here.

If you tell others that the tea pillar has stood, good things will be transferred to that person, or if you do not swallow the tea pillar before others know that the tea pillar has stood, the good things will escape, so swallow the tea pillar first. There seems to be a saying such as.

I’ve already made a fuss, let my family know, and show off.

I was soaked in a little little happiness for a moment, but it was too late.

Well then, good luck.














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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

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10:00-17:00 OPEN


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