


丹下健三展の続編でございます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



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Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.

It’s suddenly getting cold. I’ve been slacking off because of the warmth these days, so I’m rushing to prepare for heating, but please be careful not to get sick.

As for the story of the Kenzo Tange exhibition the other day, I didn’t mention much about the essential content, so today I will spell it out with photos, so please keep in touch


When you finally get inside, the first thing that comes to your eyes is the large photo panel of the Atomic Bomb Peace Memorial Park and the Memorial Hall, but since it is prohibited to shoot, you will enter while watching the exhibition. , You will be guided to this large exhibition booth.

At the exhibition booth, models of Mr. Tange’s early works, leftover materials, blueprints, etc. are collected and exhibited all at once. I never had such an opportunity again, so I realized that I’m glad I came in that sense as well. It seems that there are Tange school and Kuma school among young children who like architecture, and students and others were enthusiastic about taking pictures and taking notes. Anyway, the impression is that everyone who comes to see it has a long stay. As I said each, I noticed that I had been sitting there for an hour.


Aside from that, among the many materials available, the exhibition materials, models, blueprints, etc. are the most wonderful, and the number one attention is still “National Yoyogi Stadium”. The more you know, the deeper it becomes to the number one attention level


The two gymnasiums of Yoyogi National Stadium, the first gymnasium is 25,000 square meters, and the second gymnasium is one-fifth. Both have a “suspended structure”, with two main pillars in the first and one in the second, and the roof is a space suspended from the main pillars. It seems that the space that Mr. Tange aimed for was a pillar-free space that envelops the players and the spectators as one, so it is not just a design like a tent with a circular roof, but the first gymnasium is a trumpet. The second gymnasium looks like this, with the trumpet bell lying down and twisted a little. These vibrations are controlled by a hydraulic damper, which is excellent in maintenance and has a structure that is resistant to earthquakes.

Dampers were common in the design of bridges at the time, but it seemed that there were no buildings such as facilities that could lift the roof of such a huge space, but Mr. Tange said. He was motivated. It is said that the staff at that time was the first to make a challenge, so it was a very courageous challenge, but after all the pioneer of the times is the challenger. Moreover, I hear that the construction period was 500 days, so I think that people’s feelings were rising toward the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, but even so, I can not hide the surprise in the human wave tactics at that time.

Mr. Tange said that the initial budget was tight and he talked to the Prime Minister at that time, and he seemed to have the ability to put everything together as a producer now. In that sense, it must have been a pioneer of the times.


Also, at the time of the Olympic Games, thousands and tens of thousands of people come and go, and ensuring its liquidity was an important theme, but by shifting the entrance and exit, the Harajuku exit can also be seen from the Shibuya exit. It also creates a flow of people with smooth entry and exit, and also has functionality that allows the audience to evacuate smoothly even in the event of an earthquake, so what is in Mr. Tange’s mind at the examination stage? Did the picture come to mind?

It covers all the elements such as function, earthquake resistance, structure, budget, construction period, what the times demand, and challenges as an architect, but first of all, everyone has to say “beautiful”. I don’t feel like his greatness is concentrated in the absence.


When I was thinking about such things, I noticed the rough scribbles of the Yoyogi National Stadium written in a small notebook.

Everyone, it seems that Yoyogi National Stadium was born from here.

Starting from here, a lot of people were involved, a lot of technology and hard work were gathered, and the Yoyogi National Stadium was built, so that suspended roof that was built stands out even more proudly to me. It will look like this.

Why don’t you visit again as one of Tange’s works, a national stadium that has always fascinated us.

Well then, good luck.















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『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

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