秋の食欲を突き動かす得体のしれないなにかとは。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)
暑さによる夏バテで、食欲が減ってしまった方も多いのではないでしょうか。秋に入ると、うだるような暑さから一変、過ごしやすい気温に落ち着くので、本来の食欲に回復することが多いようで、夏バテが解消されて、食欲が増したように感じるのだと考えられます。これらすべての条件が揃うのですから、秋という季節は、食欲が増すようにできているのですね。難しいことはさておき、秋に食べたいものは何ですか? と、60歳以上の男女に聞いたところ「秋刀魚(サンマ)」(69.0%)と答えた人が最も多く、次いで「梨」(50.0%)、「新米」(49.5%)、「栗」(46.3%)、「松茸(マツタケ)」(44.6%)であるとの結果となったようです。さらに「秋刀魚」と答えた人を男女年代別に見てみると、男性の30代(74.3%)と60代(74.2%)、女性30代(74.8%)が多く、逆に女性の50代(57.6%)と60代(58.8%)で少なかったようです。また「梨」と答えた人を見てみると、女性の20代(70.7%)と30代(55.9%)で多く、逆に男性の50代(39.5%)と30代(44.0%)で少なかったとのこと。全体的には男性よりも女性の方が、若年層より中高年層の方が秋の味覚に敏感のようですね。

Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.
Recently, when I go to the supermarket, I can see the fulfillment of the fruit corner.
Recently, many varieties have been improved, and I am impressed by the abundance of varieties of pears every year. I can’t help but want to eat new varieties, but it’s normal, but like “Autumn of fruit” and “Autumn of appetite”, autumn has a stronger sense of the season of food than other seasons. I thought it was the best season while eating pears the other day.
What’s more, I, who can’t live a polite life, want to eat chestnut rice and struggle with the hard skin of chestnuts. It’s rather troublesome and the kitchen knife is dangerous, but what is the driving force of that appetite that can fight chestnut skin at that risk? I’m sure there is something inexplicable that drives the autumn appetite. (Exaggerated …)
What is that “something that drives your autumn appetite?” What is it? I was worried. In other words, it’s autumn’s appetite, but if it’s done somewhere like every year, I’ll forget it every year, so let’s review it here. Please keep in touch with me.
It seems that a certain neurotransmitter is greatly involved in stabilizing the mental state. That is serotonin.
Serotonin, also known as the “happiness hormone,” has the function of giving a feeling of fullness and suppressing appetite. This component is proportional to the time of exposure to sunlight, and decreases when the time of exposure to sunlight is short, and increases when the time of exposure to sunlight is long. In other words, since the daylight hours are short in autumn, the time spent in the sun is shorter than in summer, and the amount of serotonin secreted is also reduced, which is said to increase appetite. Humans would have been animals that used to move with their biological clocks, so the sunshine duration sensors may still remain.
Is it also related to the drop in temperature?
When placed in a cold environment, it burns fat and tries to maintain body temperature. If your basal metabolism rises, you will consume more energy, so it seems that your appetite will increase in an attempt to make up for the loss. Hunger is also a signal of the body that appeals for energy supply, so it is no wonder that it is said that winter is the best time to go on a diet.
And is it also a factor that it gets cooler and the summer heat is eliminated?
I think there are many people who have lost their appetite due to the heat caused by summer heat. In the fall, the sweltering heat changes completely and the temperature settles down to a comfortable temperature, so it seems that the original appetite is often restored, and it is thought that the summer heat fatigue has disappeared and the appetite has increased. increase.
All of these conditions are met, so the autumn season is designed to increase your appetite.
Difficult aside, what do you want to eat in the fall? When asked to men and women over the age of 60, the most common answer was “Saury” (69.0%), followed by “Pear” (50.0%), “New rice” (49.5%), and “Chestnut” (Chestnut). 46.3%) and “Matsutake” (44.6%).
Looking at the people who answered “Pacific saury” by gender, most of them were men in their 30s (74.3%) and 60s (74.2%), women in their 30s (74.8%), and women in their 50s (74.8%). 57.6%) and 60s (58.8%) seemed to have less. Looking at the people who answered “pear”, most of them were women in their 20s (70.7%) and 30s (55.9%), and conversely, men in their 50s (39.5%) and 30s (44.0%). It was said that there were few. Overall, it seems that women are more sensitive to the taste of autumn than men, and middle-aged and older people are more sensitive to the taste of autumn than young people. However, I feel that personal taste seems to be a stronger factor, but by the way, all I want to eat is here lol.
See you again.
愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取
『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』
TEL 052(734)8444
10:00-17:00 OPEN