


シルバーウィークですね。(愛知県千種区姫池通 骨董買取いたします 古美術風光舎名古屋店)

















ところでさらに元号が5つ変わった明治生まれの方がいらっしゃるのではと調べておりましたら、おりましたよ。なんと存命の日本及び世界最高齢の1903年〈明治36年〉1月2日生まれの118歳、田中カ子(たなか かね)さんです。ちなみに、米国のライト兄弟が人類初の有人動力飛行に成功した年というのですから、飛行機が飛び始めてまだ118年とは、かねさんの生きた歴史は飛行機の歴史でもあったのですね笑。また、金子 みすゞさんが生まれた年でもあるそうです。


















Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located here in Nagoya, which is a clear blue sky with no clouds this morning. It’s a little hot, but the weather is just right for Silver Week.


By the way, in the news this morning, I was doing a street interview such as “How are you spending Silver Week?”, But it seems that many people were spending time in the neighborhood or at home.

In addition, during Silver Week, it is also the time to look back on the connection with the family, such as Respect for the Aged Day on the 20th, the harvest moon on the 21st, and the entrance to the equinoctial week from the 20th (20th to 26th). It seems that there was a lot of news about the family home.


By the way, the news related to Respect for the Aged Day came up the other day, did you know? News that a 107-year-old twin grandmother has been certified as Guinness by breaking the record of the former twin longevity Kinsan Ginsan’s “oldest living identical twins”.


The twins are Umeno, who lives in Kagawa Prefecture, Koume, who lives in Oita Prefecture, and a twin grandmother with a very cute name. I couldn’t find out the date of birth, but I think he was born around 1914 (Taisho 3). Four eras changed while I was alive, so it’s not the case when I was born in the Showa era and masochistically say “living fossils”.


Umeno-san Koume-san is 107 years old, so she was born in 1913 (Taisho 2) before her birthday and in 1914 (Taisho 3) after her birthday. In terms of the times, the first Pacific War began in 1913, and Yoshinobu Tokugawa died in 1913 at the age of 77, and Eiichi Shibusawa is still in the business world. It was around the time when I was active as a leader, so it’s hard to connect that history with the history of the two twins who are now energetic and alive at the same time. Rather, it can be said that you can really feel how quickly the times have changed these days.


By the way, if I was investigating that there might be someone born in the Meiji era with five different eras, I found out. Kane Tanaka, 118 years old, was born on January 2, 1903 (Meiji 36), the oldest living in Japan and the world. By the way, it is said that the Wright brothers in the United States succeeded in manned power flight for the first time in the United States, so 118 years after the airplane started flying, Kane’s life history was also the history of the airplane lol. It is also the year that Misuzu Kaneko was born.


Moving from Heisei to Reiwa, we are talking about a generation gap that is not a big deal for these people, but they have survived four or five eras and turbulent times. It seems that he was just a chick born in the Showa era.


By the way, the reason why I responded to the news of Mr. Umeno and Mr. Koume is that I am an identical twin and I feel sympathy without permission.

The other day, I was doing a delusional production of twin grandmas, saying, “It would be nice to be a twin grandma wearing matching clothes,” and both of them used to be in Shikoku. He said he had visited 88 places. I think they are good friends. Have you ever worn matching clothes as an adult (twins, when you were a kid, you wore a lot of matching clothes)?


When I think about the years that these girls have passed, the road between me and me is endless … I think that the waves of the times and my physical strength that will occur in the future must be overcome for decades. Only twins may know how they are living together in a strong and healthy way. What should I say, “I’ve survived well together as a comrade” (I’m extremely rude to my superiors) I also feel like.


I don’t know if we are alive until the age of 107, but as twin seniors who were born together and survived together, please continue to support us.


That was the case. The antique arts in Fukosha are friends who have survived from a distant era. Well, I survived.














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


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