


鈴鹿にあるパワースポットで…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術風光舎 名古屋店 出張買取いたします)


































Hello everyone. It is staff m.

Yesterday, I had something to think about, and I visited “Tsubaki Grand Shrine” in Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture.It is a shrine that is often called “Tsubaki Taisha” or “Tsubaki-san”, and I always call it “Tsubaki-san” with friendliness. I once asked that favorite “Tsubaki-san” about a year ago. I recently realized that it had come true, and I couldn’t stay even if I was there, so I skipped the car for an hour and came to thank you.


Tsubaki Grand Shrine is a shrine where the god of the road, “Sarutahiko Okami,” is located, and is the head temple of the shrines that enshrine Sarutahiko nationwide. (There are various theories …) It is also famous as a god of guidance and a god of protecting the land, so it seems that road construction companies and construction companies are visiting from all over the country. Also, since he is known to be a god with a face like a tengu, he seems to be a god who is loved by those who are strict about himself and who like training.

And, in the annex next to it, there is a wife god, “Ame no Uzume no Mikoto”, who is the god of performing arts. This is also attracting the faith of many people, such as those who master performing arts such as dancing and singing, and those who speak in public.

Also, since these two pillars are good friends and couple gods, I think that there are many people who come to visit us in a harmonious manner. I saw many couples who seemed to be close friends actually worshiping.

To express Tsubaki Grand Shrine as it is, when you step into the torii gate, the air is different and your spine is naturally crisp. However, it’s not like the air of a strict shrine (which is carefully scrutinized) from time to time, but the feeling of being misogi just by walking. Perhaps the difference in air is because it is a well-purified space, and the waterfalls that flow through the precincts have a high effect of purifying the place. The warm and big kindness of Mr. Sarutahiko and the size of the vessel make me happy to come. Also, when you stand in front of the precincts of the maiden, you will feel bright, cheerful and forgiving. It feels as if you are in front of a bright and cheerful mother. Both of them have a warm welcome atmosphere like grandpas and grandmas in the country, saying “I’ve come often”, so I think they are popular with people.

When I visit Tsubaki Grand Shrine, I often hear the sound of drums and the voices of congratulatory words. At the shrine, they are said to be a sign of welcome from God, which makes me very happy. I think that is also proof that people love it so much that there are people who pray without cutting it.

If the air in the entire shrine is good, there are many people who work there. I have realized that. To tell the truth, yesterday I thanked him for a year, and at the same time, he asked me to pray for the future. At that time, the priest said:

“I came to ask for myself and my family, so of course that request is okay, but if you like, would you like to wish for the happiness of all the people involved?”

“I see, everything is love! It was the moment when I thought. That’s why I thought of my family, friends, and acquaintances that came to my mind while I was being given a congratulatory message, and said, “You said you weren’t feeling well, that girl. I haven’t done it, but I hope you’re fine and happy. ” Thanks to that, after it was over, I felt very full and warm, as if I was alone and with a lot of friends.

Suddenly, I remembered Mother Teresa’s words, “The opposite of love is indifferent.” That’s really true. The world is filled with love just by giving an interest and a gentle feeling. Even if you don’t use words or call, I’m sure you will receive your kind feelings. This was a message that came to me a lot lately, so I was surprised. However, it was important, so I was able to recognize it again by having this priest teach me again. I may have been called by Mr. Tsubaki to hear this. I am filled with gratitude.


Oh yeah, when I go to a shrine, it’s my rule to eat local specialties, but I got delicious food this time as well.

First of all, here. It is a famous “rice cooked rice”. This is not cooked chicken but mixed rice, but the ingredients have a strong taste and the chopsticks do not stop. It’s not a bowl, it’s in a bowl like a bowl, and it’s quite a lot, but it’s delicious and I just eat it. (smile)

Then “Fu Manju”. A cool confectionery that is perfect for hot weather. Perhaps the outer skin is made of fu, it’s chewy and delicious, which makes you want to eat as many as you like. When I recommended it to a friend before, I was addicted to the deliciousness of Fu Manju, but when I bought it at another Japanese sweets shop, Tsubaki-san was more delicious, so I was disappointed. The quantity sold at the shop is limited and may be sold out, so if you find one, we recommend you to buy it! Ah, Kusa mochi is also famous, so that’s a problem.


(Staff m)














愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取

『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』

TEL 052(734)8444

10:00-17:00 OPEN


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