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古いものの魅力とは(骨董買取致します 愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎名古屋店)



























Hello, this is Staff Y.

Today, I would like to introduce a newcomer.

Recently, a vessel that I am very interested in has arrived at our shop.

“Yayoi pottery” [Yayoi period]

Certainly, you took the test when you were a student. I’m sorry if the unpleasant memories of the test come back with Yayoi pottery.

I will review my unpleasant memories when I was a student.

The discovery of Yayoi pottery began in the 7th year of the Meiji era with the excavation of the Mukogaoka shell mound in Yayoi-cho, Hongo, Tokyo. Therefore, it is “Yayoi pottery”. In subsequent investigations, metalware and carbonized rice were discovered along with Yayoi pottery, and that period was called the Yayoi period, and it was found that it would follow the Jomon pottery and Jomon period.

The characteristic of the Yayoi period is the era that has reached a major epoch due to the technology and culture such as paddy rice cultivation brought about by the continent. However, the times cannot be clearly delineated, so in addition to the ones inherited from the Jomon culture from before, the ones brought from the continent and the fusion have created a new culture. The symbol of this is Yayoi pottery. Yayoi pottery is unglazed pottery like Jomon pottery. Yayoi pottery is a unglazed potter’s wheel that has been burned in the open at 600-800 degrees Celsius, and has not yet been made in potter’s wheel.

It is basically the same manufacturing method as Jomon pottery, but there are differences in the type of pottery. Perhaps it’s because we’re in an era where we can produce food ourselves by growing rice instead of relying solely on the blessings of nature, or maybe it has increased the range of cooking, and the uses of vessels have become more diverse. is.

A “pot” with a round body and a wide rim, a “jar” with a long straight body and a wide rim, a “pot” with a short body and a wide rim, a pot There are “Takatsuki”, which is made by joining a small table to a small table, and “Kidai”, which is a table only. The jar is for storing grains and has been propagated along with rice cultivation techniques. The patterns attached to the surface of the vessel are made with tools such as spatulas, combs, and shells, such as spatula, comb, and shell, and are uneven compared to Jomon pottery. It is a geometrical one with few.

By the way, this vessel is big enough to fit in your hand, and the mouth is missing. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was used for. I wondered if an unnamed pottery craftsman wasn’t, or wasn’t this, and tried and errored to put a fire in a hot kiln and took out the baked vessel (the delusional habit is too strong). However, if you understand what you put in and how you used it, my delusion will also be scaled up lol. If you find out, I will report to you with excitement.

Anyway, for over 1700 years, there must have been a lot of things, but now I’m sitting quietly here without saying anything.

Thank you for your long trip.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』





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