


SF映画鑑賞はいいことか⁈(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取 古美術 風光舎より)




皆さま、こんにちは。スタッフ I です。



(Wikipedia によると、ディストピアとはユートピア(理想郷)の逆を表す概念。好ましくない状態に陥った社会。ここでは反理想郷・暗黒世界、またはそのような世界を描いた作品。産業革命後に発達した機械文明の、否定的・反人間的な側面が強調されて描き出された「未来社会」像を言うそうです。)



昨年から続く世界中の報道を見ていても、これが現実⁈ 映画の世界が本当に起こってしまった…と思ずにはいられない映像が度々目に映り、悲しい気持ちになります。























Hello everyone. This is Staff I.

The other day, I read an article called Interesting Survey Results.

People who like science fiction movies depicting dystopia and often watch them tend to be able to maintain a strong mentality even in situations such as the pandemic of the new coronavirus.

(According to Wikipedia, dystopia is a concept that represents the opposite of utopia (ideal town). A society that has fallen into an unfavorable state. Here, a work depicting the anti-ideal town, the dark world, or such a world. After the industrial revolution It is said to refer to the image of a “future society” drawn by emphasizing the negative and anti-human aspects of the developed machine civilization.)

Utopia is familiar to me, but when I hear dystopia, I just feel like I want to get out of the current situation sooner … crying.


Looking at the news reports from around the world since last year, I often see images that I can’t help but think that this is the reality⁈ the world of movies has really happened … I feel sad.


Quoted from this article __

“Watching a science fiction movie about a pandemic in a pandemic whirlpool may not seem like a good hobby, but according to psychotherapist David Waters, this act is unknowingly a store philosophy. It seems that it has the effect of making it possible to stay calm even in the face of fear. It is said that simulating the worst scenario of the world through images enhances our resilience. Moreover, according to Waters, watching a movie like “Containment” that depicts something worse than it is now can even give us a sense of relief that we’ve escaped the worst. ..


In fact, when the first wave of infection shook the world in March 2020, half of the top 10 Netflix distributions were about pandemics and natural disasters. Psychologists call these works “prepper movies.” A prepper movie is a movie watched by someone who acts to prepare for the worst scenario. ”


Certainly, I remember that the number of views of such works increased rapidly.

I was the other way around.

Even though the reality is corona, it is a group that avoids being soaked in dystopia as if to chase after it.

I’m not a fan of science fiction, but the movie “2012” (2009), which is based on the prediction that the earth will be destroyed, and the disaster movie “Day After Tomorrow,” which depicts people who are confused during the ice age suddenly visited by global warming. I also enjoyed “After Tomorrow” (2004).

But that was years and years ago.

I was optimistic that it wouldn’t happen in reality, so I just enjoyed watching it.

Now it’s ridiculous to be a bystander.


“Last year, psychologists found that those who were curious about horror and pandemic-themed movies were struck and kept a strong mentality even under lockdown,” he said. What they’re doing is that by feeling better than these films, they’ll have the skills to deal with psychological stress. Matias Krasen, an associate professor at the University of Orpheus in Denmark, has a worst-case scenario. It is said that developing the habit of assuming is a great power to survive the difficulties. ”


Your imagination is developing and you are ready for social collapse.

It’s kind of like scales from my eyes, and if you ask me, I’m sure it’s convincing! I mean…

Personally, I believe that not only science fiction movies, but also movies that you can enjoy watching and that you can laugh from the bottom of your heart will boost your immunity.

It’s a day when we can’t see where we can settle down, but let’s all overcome it together.

Antiques and antiques have different shapes, but I hope they can be a source of your heart .











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



I think that some people are organizing important items as their lifestyle changes.

Here at Fukosha, we purchase various genres such as paintings, jewelry, and hobby items in addition to antiques and antiques.

Please feel free to contact us even if you have been tidied up and are wondering if this kind of thing is okay.


Fukosha is also strengthening business trip purchases.

We will make business trips not only to Aichi prefecture but also to Gifu prefecture, Mie prefecture and other prefectures.

No matter how close you are, we are looking forward to your call.


Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, antique purchase “Antique Fukosha Nagoya store”

TEL: 052-734-8444


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