ハナミズキとヤマボウシの違いに毎年迷ってます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




ハナミズキとヤマボウシの違いに毎年迷ってます。(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董買取 古美術風光舎名古屋店)






Y 「ハナミズキ咲いたんだね。」

お隣さん 「Yさんちはヤマボウシ?」

Y 「え?これってハナミ?ヤマボウシ?なにがちがうのかなぁ?」

2人して 「......?」

























Hello everyone, is the staff Y.

The cherry blossom season was over, and when I noticed the flowers in the city, I was dogwood. I can’t say the ambiguity of not knowing whether it’s white, pink, or light green. The soft flower colors in the spring cityscape always soothe your feelings.

Anyway, the other day, when I was talking to my neighbor, I saw the flowers in the garden.

Y “The dogwood has bloomed.”

Neighbor “Mr. Y is a Kousa dogwood?”

Y “What? Is this Hanami? Kousa dogwood? What’s the difference?”

Two people “…?”

Well, we had a conversation like this and laughed bitterly at each other.

There are quite a few things that are similar and different, but they often go through every day, so what is the difference between dogwood and dogwood? I will investigate today.

First of all, the decisive difference is that dogwood is an exotic species from the United States, and Kousa dogwood is an ancient Japanese species. Another name for dogwood, “American dogwood,” is derived from the fact that it is native to the United States and resembles a closely related species of dogwood in Japan. Kousa dogwood and dogwood belong to the same dogwood family and have similar flower shapes.

And since they are both used as symbol trees and roadside trees in the same way, it is understandable that there is basically no big difference and it is difficult to distinguish them. However, if you pay close attention to Coco, you can see the decisive difference.

1. 1. Petal shape

One of the characteristics that largely distinguishes Kousa dogwood and dogwood is the “petal shape” (to be exact, the shape of the leaves under the flower). In the case of Kousa dogwood, the petals are generally pointed shaped flowers. However, in the case of dogwood, the whole flower is round and has a cut at the tip like a cherry blossom. By the way, the number of flowers is 4 in both cases.

2. 2. Flowering time is different

Kousa dogwood and dogwood seem to bloom at the same time, but the flowering time is slightly different. The dogwood flowering season is earlier, and a lot of flower buds are attached when the cherry blossoms finish blooming. The flowering time of dogwood is from the end of April to the beginning of May (it varies slightly depending on the area and cultivation place). On the other hand, it is the Kousa dogwood that begins to bloom in the middle of May. The flowering time of Kousa dogwood is from the end of May to the end of June.

3. 3. Whether the leaves come first or the flowers come first

The last point to distinguish is the big difference between Kousa dogwood and dogwood, “Which is faster, leaf or flower?” Dogwood blooms first, while Kousa dogwood begins to prepare flowers after the leaves have sprouted. For this reason, dogwood flowers bloom before the leaves sprout, giving the impression that the flowers are easily noticeable on the entire surface. On the other hand, Kousa dogwood has white and red flowers (pink) in the green leaves, so it can be said that the contrast is beautiful and attractive. Do you mainly want the flowers to stand out, or enjoy the leaves and flowers together?

In addition, both dogwood and dogwood bear fruit, but it is the dogwood that is recommended for fruit tree liquor. I didn’t know I could eat it.


By the way, the dogwood flower language means “return,” “accept my thoughts,” “permanence,” and “glamorous love.” The dogwood flower language “return” comes from the fact that the cherry blossoms, one of the flowers that Japan loves, were given to Washington, DC, and the dogwood was given in return. The flower language of Kousa dogwood is “friendship.” It seems a little different here.

So, the flower that was blooming at my neighbor’s house the other day turned out to be dogwood.

I finally figured it out, but I forget it every year, dogwood? Kousa dogwood? I don’t feel like I’m tilting my head lol.

Oh, anyway, I have to report to my neighbor right away.













愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



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