今も昔もお弁当_その2(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取 古美術 風光舎より) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




今も昔もお弁当_その2(愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取 古美術 風光舎より)










その誕生は江戸時代、娯楽の圧倒的人気 ”芝居見物” が始まりとのこと。




















随分前になりますが、スタッフ I ”キャラ弁”をせがまれたことがあり、数回だけしぶしぶ⁈挑戦しました。







For the past few days, I have often seen families who have had entrance ceremonies and entrance ceremonies.

It’s a smile that is unique to this time of spring.

Today is the second part of the lunch box talk as a continuation of the blog yesterday.


Compared to overseas lunch boxes, Japanese lunch boxes are rich in variety and color, from simple ones to luxurious ones that can be rewarded.

(Each country has its own characteristics, and I personally like that too)

“Makunouchi Bento” is a lunch box that represents Japan and is familiar to everyone.

It was born in the Edo period, when the overwhelming popularity of entertainment, “playing tours,” began.

The play at that time was performed over a day, and the audience watched it while eating and drinking.

The theory that it is a lunch box because it was provided during the curtain, the theory that it is derived from the fact that the actor ate inside the curtain, and the fact that the sumo wrestler is a sumo wrestler, so the lunch box with “small rice balls” is called the Makunouchi lunch box It seems that there are various theories such as the theory that came to be called …

According to “morisadamankou”, which was drafted in the 8th year of Tenpo, 10 pieces of grilled rice, omelet, kamaboko, and simmered dishes were included in the bamboo grass. It was used.

According to the materials, “The caterer” Maku “, which was manufactured and sold, will develop into a high-class restaurant at the end of the Edo period. Behind the success was the spread of soy sauce. In the latter half of the Edo period, soy sauce began to be mass-produced around Edo. The strong taste of simmered soy sauce enhances the taste of cooked rice and enhances appetite. Boiled foods can be made in large quantities at one time, and the bactericidal power of soy sauce will keep them for a long time. ”

Certainly, the seasoning of bento is a little strong, and it is important that it feels delicious even when it is cold.

Because of this, “Makunouchi Bento” became the first bento brand.


In 1868, when the new era, the Meiji era, began, the slogans of the era were “rich country strong soldiers” and “civilization.”

In particular, the symbol of civilization seems to have been the railway.

It is said that the Shimbashi-Yokohama section was opened in the 5th year of the Meiji era, and the trunk network of almost the whole country was completed by the end of the Meiji era, so Japanese people work hard while eating lunch boxes.

The railroad trip was convenient, but it was a long trip, so a lunch box for passengers … “ekiben” was on sale.

It seems that the first ekiben in 1887 was made by wrapping rice and Takuan in bamboo skin, but now there are more than 3,500 types of ekiben that take advantage of the taste and characteristics of the region.

Ekiben, which everyone loves to “enjoy local cuisine on the move,” is one of Japan’s unique cultures.

(Speaking of Nagoya here, the ekiben with Hitsumabushi, Tenmusu, Nagoya Cochin and fried shrimp are the most popular.)

In “Bigot Japan Drawings” published by Iwanami Shoten, a French caricature manga artist Georges Bigot, who lived in Japan during the Meiji era, has a tray of bento boxes and beer-like bottles at the platform of the station. Some of them are placed on a box and depicted as selling ekiben.

It’s a scene you’ve seen in dramas and movies.

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of bento boxes in the basement of the department store, so I just buy it even though I’m at a loss.

The number of bento specialty stores is increasing, which is useful for modern demand with diverse work styles.

A long time ago, I was asked by Staff I “Kyaraben”, so I reluctantly tried it a few times.

It’s a category that can’t be said to be dexterous as a compliment, so I remember getting tired from early morning … (sweat)

I respect the fathers and mothers of the world who are constantly doing such hard work!

However, nothing may feel more affectionate to the family than a bento packed in a small box.

Bento _ Active in various places even now! It’s a good way.











愛知県名古屋市千種区・骨董 買取『古美術 風光舎 名古屋店』



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