愛知県、桜の開花宣言致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎名古屋店 買取ご相談下さい) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




愛知県、桜の開花宣言致しました。(愛知県名古屋市千種区 古美術風光舎名古屋店 買取ご相談下さい)







岡崎公園(岡崎市 ソメイヨシノ800本、圧巻です。)

名古屋城(名古屋市 名古屋城と桜が一緒に鑑賞できます)

鶴舞公園(名古屋市昭和区 750本のソメイヨシノが)

乙川の桜並木(岡崎市 濃いピンクの葵桜の見事な桜並木)

五条川の桜並木(犬山市 五条川に覆いかぶさるように咲き誇ります)

犬山城(犬山市 現存城好きには桜とのコラボたまりません)













Hello, everyone.

The other day, in Aichi Prefecture, where the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store is located, we finally declared the cherry blossoms to bloom.

Recently, spring has come all at once, and not only cherry blossoms but also various flowers and trees have awakened. There are magnolias, spiraea, daphne odora, bokeh, mimosa, daffodils, magnolia kobus, and cherry blossoms in the city. This is the flower of the trees that Staff Y saw on his way to work this morning. For some reason, the cherry blossoms in my neighborhood are probably Yoshino cherry trees, and they are already in full bloom.

I have never come to Aichi prefecture and chased the famous cherry blossom spots, but I would like to introduce it as a famous cherry blossom spot in Aichi prefecture.

Okazaki Park (800 Yoshino cherry trees in Okazaki City, a masterpiece)

Nagoya Castle (Nagoya City, where you can see Nagoya Castle and cherry blossoms together)

Tsurumai Park (750 Somei Yoshino cherry trees in Showa-ku, Nagoya)

A row of cherry blossom trees in Otogawa (Okazaki City, a splendid row of cherry blossom trees with dark pink Aoi cherry blossoms)

A row of cherry blossom trees on the Gojo River (Inuyama City, which blooms over the Gojo River)

Inuyama Castle (Inuyama City, collaboration with cherry blossoms is irresistible for existing castle lovers)

Higashiyama Park, Yamazaki River, and Tokugawaen, which are near the antique art Fukosha Nagoya store, are also famous for cherry blossoms.

In fact, Sakura in Okazaki Park is a park where the ruins of Okazaki Castle, where Ieyasu Tokugawa was born, was maintained, and the restored castle tower on the 3rd and 5th floors rises. The cherry blossoms in the park are mainly Yoshino cherry trees, and about 800 cherry trees are in full bloom in and around Okazaki Park. Many old cherry trees are a masterpiece.

Unfortunately, due to this environment, I’m thinking of refraining from visiting this year, but of course I’m not good at crowds. Actually, I always enjoy cherry blossoms in a different way. That is “Looking for a cherry blossom spot that no one knows.”

Separately, one cherry tree is fine. At this place, I find a cherry blossom spot that I’m looking forward to seeing this cherry tree at this time of year.

My “Sakura spot that nobody knows” is the cherry blossoms on the hill that bloom in a park-like place near my house. Even though it’s the cherry blossom season, the only people who visit there are neighbors who come to play with their children with their lunch boxes. I’d like to tell you, but I’ll keep it a secret. According to Staff Y’s research, I’m sure the best time to see it will come around next week. This year, I’m planning to have the coffee prepared in the pot there, but will it be decided at any moment?










『古美術風光舎 名古屋店』



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