児童書と侮るなかれ…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




児童書と侮るなかれ…(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)



『小学館の図鑑NEOアート はじめての国宝』。

27万部を売り上げている、美術に特化した新ジャンルとして発売された『小学館の図鑑NEOアート 図解 はじめての絵画』シリーズに続く第二弾です。













● 奈良国立博物館「超 国宝―祈りのかがやき―」(2025年4月19日(土)~6月15日(日))









I ended up buying it.

Shogakukan’s Illustrated Book NEO Art, Hajimete no Kokuhou (First National Treasures).

It is the second volume following “Shogakukan’s Illustrated Book NEO Art: First Time Paintings” series, which sold 270,000 copies and was released as a new genre specializing in art.

The “National Treasures” may seem a bit austere, but it also looks somewhat difficult… This “Hajimete no Kokuhou” has completely changed that image. This illustrated book, with its eye-catching, manly-looking standing statue of Ashura on the cover, is not to be underestimated as a children’s illustrated book. Don’t underestimate it as a children’s book. Because it is intended for children, no corners have been cut.


Inside the book, you will find large photos and a wide variety of Japanese masterpieces, including paintings, sculptures, crafts, architecture, and other items that even children can enjoy.

Instead of arranging the national treasures in chronological order, they are introduced according to themes that are easy for children to be interested in, such as “many is good,” “full of grandfathers,” and “painted like patterns,” and they are explained clearly in easy-to-understand language that comes up in everyday conversation.

By comparing works on the same theme, it is interesting to naturally understand the characteristics of each piece, and each turn of the page brings a new discovery, such as “I didn’t know there were such national treasures,” and I felt that the content is satisfying even for adults.

I felt that the book was very satisfying to read for adults, especially with the theme “Are there really 1,000 hands? The photo of the “Standing Image of Thousand-Armed Kannon Bosatsu” (Kondo, Toshodaiji Temple, Nara) with its “1,000 hands” disassembled on each side of the page is a must-see. Children will surely be fascinated by the picture of the statue surrounded by a five-layered circle of hands, from the largest to the smallest. There were many such “fun-to-read tricks.


Speaking of national treasures, a number of exhibitions related to national treasures are scheduled to be held in the Kansai region this year in conjunction with the Osaka Expo.

Osaka Municipal Museum of Art “National Treasures of Japan” (April 26 (Sat.) – June 15 (Sun.), 2025)
Nara National Museum, “Super National Treasures: The Brightness of Prayer” (April 19, 2025 (Sat) – June 15, 2025 (Sun))
Kyoto National Museum “Japan, A Crucible of Beauty: Traces of Intercultural Exchange” (April 19 (Sat.) – June 15 (Sun.), 2025)

*Please check the website for details.

Hajimete no Kokuho (First National Treasures)” is an illustrated book that adults can also enjoy reading. It is also recommended to enjoy it with your children as a preliminary study before visiting the National Treasure Exhibition. Not only children who are new to Japanese art, but also adults may find “national treasures are actually interesting” in this book, so if you keep a copy at home, the whole family can enjoy it together, for sure! Perhaps one day your child will become a doctor like in a certain TV program.


By the way, there are so many “national treasures. Whenever I have a chance, I have to go see them more and more! I feel like I have to go see them more and more when I have a chance.

See you soon. (Staff T)














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