明日、7つの惑星が整列します(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
特徴としては、赤みを帯びた火星(等級 -0.4)は空の高い位置にあり、双子座の南の地平線上に見えます。次に明るい木星(等級 -2.3)はやや低い位置にあり、よく分からないのですがおうし座に輝いています。天王星(等級 5.8)はおひつじ座の境界付近に位置し理論上は肉眼で見える可能性がありますが、完全に暗く澄んだ空が必要のようですすので双眼鏡を使うことをお勧めします。ちなみに、この惑星直列は新月と重なるため天王星や海王星のような暗い天体を観察する絶好のチャンスです。
そして西の地平線に近い位置には輝く金星(等級 -4.8)があり、これは空で最も明るい惑星でので肉眼で観測可能。同じく、うお座にあるのが海王星(等級 7.8)ですが、この最も暗い惑星を観測するには、こちらも少なくとも強力な双眼鏡が必要のようです。
さらに地平線に近い位置では、観測が難しい水星(等級 -1.2)がみずがめ座に見えます。
最後に黄金色の土星(等級 1.1)ですが、土星がこの直列の中で最も観測が難しい惑星のようであります。通常は夜空で容易に見える明るさなのですが、今回は太陽に非常に近い位置にあるようでして、観測するには太陽が地平線下に沈み、土星がまだ沈む前のタイミングを見つけることが大切なようです。
I am already wondering what the weather will be like tomorrow, February 28. Did you know that tomorrow a rare phenomenon will occur: a planetary direct conjunction of seven planets (Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars) will be aligned in the sky. This kind of phenomenon is rare (the next time we will see it will be 150 years from now), so you don’t want to miss it! I am not very familiar with the phenomenon, so I decided to check the time and direction of the event.
It seems that the best time to observe it is just after sunset in the western evening sky, when seven planets (Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars) are aligned in the sky, and four of them (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars) can be easily observed with the naked eye.
Characteristically, the reddish Mars (magnitude -0.4) is high in the sky and visible on the southern horizon in Gemini. The next brightest, Jupiter (magnitude -2.3), is slightly lower in the sky and shines in Taurus, though it is not well defined. Uranus (magnitude 5.8) is located near the boundary of the constellation of Aries and could theoretically be visible to the naked eye, but it would require a completely dark and clear sky, so binoculars are recommended. Incidentally, this planetary conjunction coincides with the new moon, making it an excellent opportunity to observe faint objects such as Uranus and Neptune.
And close to the western horizon is shining Venus (magnitude -4.8), the brightest planet in the sky and therefore observable with the naked eye. Also in the constellation of Pisces is Neptune (magnitude 7.8), which also seems to require at least powerful binoculars to observe this faintest planet.
Even closer to the horizon, the difficult-to-observe Mercury (magnitude -1.2) is visible in the constellation of Aquarius.
Finally, the golden Saturn (magnitude 1.1) seems to be the most difficult planet to observe in this series. Normally, Saturn is bright enough to be easily visible in the night sky, but this time it seems to be very close to the sun, so it is important to find a time when the sun has set below the horizon and Saturn has not yet set.
Personally, I try to make it as easy as I can, and even if I can’t see a planet, I can say, “I saw it! I would like to be able to experience this moment while I am still alive, but it all depends on the weather. But that depends on the weather. I can only pray for the best.
Have a good day (Staff Y)
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
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