いよいよ花粉が飛ぶ季節です(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 古美術骨董品買取 古美術風光舎)
I have been experiencing itchy eyes and an itchy nose sensation recently, and I am dreading the thought that this year will finally be the debut of cedar pollen allergy. Tests have shown a strong allergic reaction to cedar pollen, so I am told that I could develop it at any time.
The amount of cedar pollen dispersed in western Japan is forecast to be twice that of a normal year, and the longer hours of sunlight from June to July are said to promote the growth of male flowers, which in turn increases the amount of pollen the following spring. Since temperatures from the Kanto region to the west were normal or slightly higher than normal during this period, the number of pollen dispersal is expected to be higher than the previous year in the western regions of Japan this spring.
I may have made you even more itchy just by listening to these stories. My apologies.
In May 2023, the government held a cabinet meeting and announced that it would take measures against cedar pollen allergy. The economic loss and medical cost burden must be that great. The goal is to reduce the number of artificial cedar forests by 20% in 10 years, and to halve the amount of pollen produced in 30 years.
You may wonder why it is taking so long, but large amounts of logging weaken the soil in the mountains and may cause the mountain surface to collapse in the event of heavy rains or earthquakes. Thinning the trees will also increase pollen production because of the extra sunlight. It is not as simple as just cutting down the trees.
In Japan, hay fever is said to be a modern disease. The first reported case of hay fever was ragweed hay fever in 1961, and cedar pollinosis in 1963, and more than 60 types of hay fever have been reported to date. Although it may seem like a recently emerged disease, it actually has a long history, with the world’s earliest record of nasal allergies being recorded in a Babylonian incantation from the 1800s. Around 460 B.C., the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates recorded that “constitution, season, and wind are related” to a supposed hay fever, and an ancient record from around 100 B.C. also states that “sneezing, runny nose, and congestion increase in spring,” so it is a condition that has long plagued humanity.
I was mistakenly told that inhaling pollen alone does not cause an allergic reaction. Pollen is too large to penetrate the respiratory tract, they say, and it does so by rupturing. It is the air pollutants that promote this bursting, and it is this polluted pollen that causes allergies. Pollen itself is not to blame.
Various factors have been cited as contributing to the spread of hay fever in Japan, such as too much hygienic conditions and high protein content in the diet, but these factors are not clearly understood.
The cedar trees that were planted in large numbers to rebuild homes after World War II were supposed to be cut down in the 1950s, but the rapid increase in inexpensive imported timber has postponed the logging of domestic forests. Now, cedars with low pollen content have been developed, but for the next 20 years, there will be mature cedars that produce a large amount of pollen. For the time being, we may have to cope with pollen allergy by self-protection.
In addition, hay fever seems to be closely related to oral allergy syndrome, and it is known that common food allergens can cause reactions similar to those of hay fever. Ragweed seems to have allergens in common with melon and watermelon, birch with peach, pear, and apple, and cedar with tomato, melon, and kiwi fruit, so we need to be careful when eating them.
My mother’s mouth would itch when she ate melon, so in our family, melon has always been a dreaded fruit that causes swelling in the mouth. I am not sure if it was because she was worried about my allergy or because it was an expensive fruit…
The first time I was served a melon at a friend’s birthday party, I couldn’t resist the desire to eat it and fearfully put it in my mouth. Fortunately, I had no allergic reaction, and I remember how impressed I was with how delicious the fruit was. I did not tell my mother that I had eaten it for a while.
I also pray that a cure for allergies will be invented so that everyone can eat what they like as much as they like.
Well, I will see you next time. (Staff H)
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