大名行列は想像とはかなり違っておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




大名行列は想像とはかなり違っておりました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
















なにしろ、藩主が日々の生活で使う生活用品を一切合切江戸に持ち込むため、かなりの荷物だったと想像できます。衣服、什器、囲碁将棋の娯楽道具、鷹狩の道具 などまるで城ごと移動するようだったと言われています。

















Today I am looking at a small Satsuma-yaki incense burner, about 7 cm high, in which I can no longer see the details of the design with my naked eye. A procession of feudal lords is painted all around the side.

To be honest, I could not see it clearly even with my glasses on, so I took a picture of it with my smartphone and enlarged it to take a peek. At first glance, the procession looks peaceful, with kimono pulled up to the waist, without a sense of tension.

I had thought that the Daimyo procession was a world where people paraded in an ostentatious manner, shouting, “Down, down, down,” and if anyone tried to interfere, they would be cut down. I had also learned in school that the procession was conducted to put pressure on the feudal lords’ finances by having them travel back and forth between Edo and their territories every year, so that they would not have the power to oppose the Edo shogunate, and I had always believed this, but now it seems that the view has changed a little.


To begin with, it is said that the “daimyo” (feudal lords) used to visit Kamakura during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), and Toyotomi Hideyoshi also called the feudal lords to Osaka Castle and had his wife and children live in his home base, Osaka, to prevent them from betraying the shogunate.

When Ieyasu Tokugawa took over the reign of the shogunate, he personally went to Edo to swear fealty to the feudal lords, but the third shogun, Iemitsu Tokugawa, institutionalized the system as the “daimyo’s visit to the castle. As a result, the daimyo’s finances became strained due to the visit, but this was not the purpose in itself, and the emphasis was on making the feudal lords swear loyalty to the shogunate and confirming the relationship of master and servant.

During the daimyo’s procession, the procession was held at the side of the road so as not to disturb the procession, and it seems that watching the procession was also a pastime for the common people.

I had imagined how difficult it must have been to walk such a long distance in such a large group, but in reality, the procession only showed off its splendor just before entering an inn town, and when passing through mountain paths and villages, the feudal warriors walked freely amongst themselves in comfortable clothing. It is a bit disconcerting.

Also, it is said that “ninzoku” were hired at each inn to carry luggage, and the luggage was relayed to the next inn.

The luggage was quite heavy, as the feudal lords brought all the daily necessities they used in their daily lives to Edo (now Tokyo). It is said that it was like moving the entire castle, including clothes, furniture, tools for playing Go (Japanese chess) and Shogi (Japanese chess), and tools for falconry.

And above all, how did they secure lodging for all of them? Many of the foreign feudal lords were required to go to Edo in April, so were there any double bookings with other clans? In an age without computers and smartphones like today, it seems extremely difficult to plan without making mistakes.

If a traveler was stranded due to flooding of a river or other cause, all subsequent reservations for lodging would be delayed, resulting in a large cancellation fee and other expenses. I can only imagine the hardships faced by the reservation staff.


When the procession finally entered Edo, it would be seen by even more people. In order to make the procession look as luxurious as possible, part-time workers called “watarimonos” were hired on a temporary basis to make the procession look bigger.

The pretentiousness of the procession escalated to such an extent that the cost of the procession became as much as half of the clan’s finances.

This was not what the shogunate wanted, and even the “Laws of the Warrior Clans” stated, “Recently, the number of attendants has become too large. The shogunate also issued an order in the “Laws of the Warrior Clans” that the number of retainers should be reduced to a commensurate number, as it was becoming a burden on the local people who had to cover the cost of the retainers’ services.

However, it seems that the rivalry to show off to other clans did not stop.

However, when one thinks about it, as a result, the roads were improved, commerce in the inn towns flourished, and various cultures had opportunities to interact with each other.

This may have been one of the factors that nurtured Edo’s rich culture. And the fact that there were no more wars is the most important result of all.

By the way, there was a movie starring Yo Oizumi about the journey to Edo. I have an irresistible urge to see it.

See you next time (Staff H)















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