「真・行・草」(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
It is a warm and sunny day in Nagoya today. The easing of the cold weather is very welcome, but the pollen is forecast to start flying out early…. Isn’t it a little early? It could be later, but….
The sanshouyu (Japanese sand daisy) that is on display in the store has blossomed, probably due to the warmth of the outside air. The name “sanshuyu” sounds peculiar, but it seems to be a Japanese name derived from the Chinese botanical name “sanshuyu” (山茱萸), which is read phonetically. It is also known as “harukogane bana (spring golden flower).
In spring, it produces yellow flowers, and in autumn, we can enjoy its coral-like glossy red berries. The berries are edible, but they are too astringent to eat raw, so they can be enjoyed with jam or fruit wine. It was originally brought to Japan in the Edo period (1603-1867) for medicinal purposes, and was also drunk as a health tonic and to relieve fatigue.
Along with these gorgeous branches, you may also notice the copper vase.
In the tea ceremony, flowers arranged in the tea room play an important role, and the flower vase, the container for the flowers, is indispensable to presenting the flowers.
In the tea ceremony, kodo hanabi vases are considered to be the “true” hanabi vases among the “true,” “action,” and “grass” vases. The “true” type is made of old copper and Chinese celadon, while the “flowing” type is made of glazed porcelain. Gyo” is glazed Japanese ceramics. Kusa” is bamboo, baskets, gourds, and unglazed ceramics. Vases were selected for use in tea ceremonies, hanging scrolls, and in combination with other utensils.
Shin, Gyo, Kusa” is a classification system for tea ceremony and flower arrangement, with ‘Shin’ being the highest grade, followed by Gyo and Kusa. In calligraphy, the same division of rank is used for “kaisho,” “gyosho,” and “sosho,” so this may be more familiar to some people.
Shin, gyō, and sō are the three brush strokes used in calligraphy. Kai-sho is called shin-sho, which means “block style,” and gyosho, which is broken down, and sosho, which is further broken down, meaning three brush strokes. The three strokes are used in tea ceremony, flower arrangement, haikai, gardens, etc., and are also used as a form of expressing the prestige of a Japanese room, especially in architectural styles.
As many of you may know, the Chinese characters were first written in seal script (tensho), then in clerical script (reisho), followed by cursive script (sosho), line script (gyosho), and standard script (kaisho). In fact, the last to be born was the standard style, but when you learn calligraphy, you learn them in the reverse order.
If you know the origin of cursive script, you will understand that cursive script was created in order to write clerical script faster. Therefore, cursive is not a corruption of the standard style. Therefore, there are many characters that are not related to each other in character form.
When I studied cursive in the past, it was quite natural that I thought cursive was like a foreign language.
See you soon. (Staff T)
骨董 買取【古美術 風光舎 名古屋店】
10:00-18:00 OPEN