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知らないことがまだまだ多いノーベル賞(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)




















The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded yesterday at the Oslo City Hall in Oslo, Norway. Mr. Terumi Tanaka, a representative member of the Japan Council of A- and H-bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo), who received the award, took the podium and delivered a heart-wrenching 20-minute speech. 92 years old, it must have been quite a feat just to travel to Norway, which is so far from Japan. I could feel the strong sense of mission of the people involved.


The Nobel Prize is considered the most famous and dignified award known throughout the world. When I was in elementary school, whenever I came up with an invention or an idea, I would say things like, “I think I can get a Nobel Prize,” without really thinking about it.

I am still a bit fuzzy about it, and when I saw the award ceremony at the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations this time, I realized that the venue was Norway, not Sweden. Of the six Nobel Prizes, only the Peace Prize is awarded in Norway. The Oslo City Hall is gorgeous. On the second floor, there is a room for Munch, a Norwegian artist, and his oil painting “Life” from 1920 is displayed there. The second floor is the Munch Room, where Munch’s 1920 oil painting “Life” is displayed.


Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize, decided to hold the Peace Prize award ceremony in Norway to pray for reconciliation and peace between Sweden and Norway. Incidentally, December 10, the date of the annual award ceremony, falls on the anniversary of Nobel’s death.


Selection of the Peace Prize laureates is also conducted independently in Norway by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which consists of five members appointed by the parliament and a secretary. Unlike other prizes, the Peace Prize is not awarded to an individual, but to an organization. As with other prizes, the selection process is not revealed until 50 years after the award is made.


Because the Nobel Peace Prize, unlike other prizes, is awarded to people involved in ongoing issues, there has been a lot of criticism and debate about the political nature of the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, the Nobel Peace Prize is also considered problematic because the recipients sometimes behave in ways that are not appropriate for the Peace Prize. This year’s award to the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Hidankyo) is sometimes described as unexpected, but I believe it is a recognition of the association’s unwavering beliefs over the years.


The Nobel Prize also awards prize money from the vast fortune left by Alfred Nobel, but I am not good with numbers and wonder if there is no end to the prize money. The Nobel Prize is not guaranteed to yield a certain amount of profit, and the amount of the prize money fluctuates because some years are good and some years are bad.
In 2001-2011 it was 10 million kronor, but in 2012-2016 it was reduced to 8 million kronor due to poor investment results, 9 million kronor in 2017-2019, and back to 10 million kronor in 2020. I don’t know much about investing as I am a complete novice, but it seems to me that it is not easy to keep making investment gains, even if there is a difference.


At the end of 2018, the Nobel Foundation had assets of 4.338 billion kronor (about 47 billion yen at the time), with 40% of assets invested in stocks, 15% in bonds, and the rest in alternative investments. I have no idea what they are talking about, but I guess they must have some excellent people managing their assets.
I wonder if Mr. Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize, had any idea that this prize would last so long and become so famous when he established it in 1895.

See you next time. (Staff H)















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