秋の味覚を再確認いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




秋の味覚を再確認いたしました(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)























While we look forward to the end of the year and the New Year with all their preparations and events, we are also very busy as our calendars fill up with plans. I try to start cleaning early every year, but I can never seem to get up the heavy lifting.

It is also the season when people tend to get sick, so please take care.


Today, as it is the first day of the month, I went to visit Shiroyama Hachimangu Shrine in my neighborhood. I met a family visiting for the 75th birthday and saw them dressed in cute kimonos for the first time in a long time. The weather was fine, and although I am not a very religious person, I felt refreshed when I put my hands together in prayer.

There is a small Buddha statue that has recently joined the Fumikosha. When I open the door, I see him sitting quietly, and just looking at his face calms me down, but for some reason I get nervous when I open the door.


Well, the other day we received a lot of freshly dug taro. Autumn is the season when many delicious foods are available, and taro is also delicious. Because of its high storability, taro is available all year round, but it is in season from fall to winter.

It is hard to notice because we always buy them at the supermarket, but they are harvested with a lot of baby taro attached to them. The process of separating them from the taro was a new experience for me. I heard that taro grows in clumps at a shallow depth from the soil surface, and grows by dividing from the parent taro to the offspring and grandchild taro. Since taro grows in clumps one after another from parent to child to grandchild, it is said to symbolize the prosperity of offspring and is used for osechi (New Year dishes). Come to think of it, taro was always included in my family’s ozoni.


Actually, taro is not a regular vegetable in our house as much as potato or sweet potato, but in the old days, taro seemed to be the most common vegetable in our house. It seems to have a long history in Japanese food culture.

There are various theories on how taro came to Japan. Some say that it came from China in B.C., while others say that it was introduced by the arrival of Pacific peoples from the south. Either way, it is believed to be older than the arrival of rice.

Before the Yayoi period, when rice cultivation began in Japan, people farmed in slash-and-burn agriculture, and the main crop was taro, which is thought to have been the staple food before rice cultivation. The Engishiki (Engi Shiki) of the Heian period (794-1185) describes the cultivation of taro, and taro was an important crop at a time when grains were not so plentiful. It was not until the Edo period (1603-1867) that people began to eat potatoes and sweet potatoes. The taste of taro may have been imprinted in the DNA of Japanese people.


Taro does not need to be ripened and can be eaten immediately after harvesting, but if harvested taro is stored in the sun without removing the soil, it will keep for about one month. We are taro lovers, so we ate all the taro we received.

It was a vegetable that was hard for me to buy at the supermarket because of the peeling process and itchy hands, so it was a good opportunity for me to enjoy the sticky sweet taro for the first time in a while. I heard that the secret is to dry the taro thoroughly after washing it before peeling it. It is low in calories and contains a lot of potassium, which is said to help reduce swelling. I have a habit of buying them again and again once I get hooked on them, so I am sure they will be on my table frequently for some time to come.


See you next time. (Staff H)














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