どちら派ですか?(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)
一方、手帳の品ぞろえは月曜始まりが主流のようです。 月曜始まりの考え方は1973年のオイルショックなどの影響で、企業などが週休2日制を導入したことがきっかけ。手帳はこのライフスタイルの変化に合わせ、80年代末ごろから月曜始まりが主流となったようです。ビジネスシーンにおいては月曜から予定を書き込める方が使い勝手が良いのでしょう。
Hello everyone, this is Staff T.
It is a morning when hot coffee is sinking in and the days are getting much colder. It is now time to start shopping for next year’s calendars and organizers.
By the way, which calendar do you always use?
What I mean is, “Sunday” or “Monday”?
It is up to each person to decide which week starts first, but it seems that most notebooks start on Monday, while most calendars start on Sunday. There is no rule or standard that says calendars must start on Sunday, but it is said that about 90% of calendars sold in Japan start on Sunday.
Religious factors seem to be behind the fact that most calendars start on Sunday.
Japan adopted the solar calendar in 1872. Until then, a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon was used. In the lunar calendar, six days of the week such as “O-an” and “Tomohiki” were used instead of the current days of the week.
In Judaism, the Sabbath is on Saturday, and in Christianity, the day of worship is on Sunday, although there are differences, but even in Christianity, the week begins on Sunday. Thus, historically and culturally, the beginning of the calendar week is considered to be Sunday. For this reason, with the introduction of the solar calendar, Sunday was also considered to be the beginning of the week in Japan, and many calendars still begin on Sunday.
However, in Europe, where many countries are supposed to be Christian, most calendars now begin on Monday.
This is due to a 1971 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) recommendation that, in practice, the start of the week should begin on Monday to coincide with the start of the work week for government offices and many companies.
Although the roots are the same, the Sunday start is now the norm in the U.S. and Japan, while the Monday start is the norm in Europe.
On the other hand, Monday is still the most common way to organize one’s notebooks. The idea of starting on Monday was triggered by the oil crisis of 1973, which led companies and others to introduce a two-day workweek. In response to this change in lifestyle, Monday-bound notebooks became the mainstream from around the end of the 1980s. In the business world, it is probably more convenient to be able to write down appointments starting on Monday.
The good thing about calendars is that you can tell the date just by looking at it. I am used to seeing it starting on Sunday, but if I suddenly change it, I feel it is difficult to see. This year, I am thinking about buying a dog or cat calendar for comfort, but I think I will always end up using the same one.
Well, I’ll see you soon.
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