ナスカの地上絵、想像以上に親近感がわきます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




ナスカの地上絵、想像以上に親近感がわきます(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)










































Hello everyone, this is Staff H.

I was very deeply moved by Staff Y’s blog yesterday about Kogada-yaki pottery.

A long time ago, when I was struggling with cooking, I received a “flying kanna” medium plate from Kogada-yaki as a gift. It was a moment when I realized the power of plates.


The white porcelain bowls that have joined our store today, with their petal-like patterns drawn spontaneously, give a sense of generosity that will surely accept all kinds of things.

Looking at the bowls for a while, I was reminded of the Nazca Lines that I saw on the news the other day, although this is a bit of an outlandish imagination.


A joint research project between the Nazca Research Institute of Yamagata University and the IBM Research Institute reported the discovery of 303 new terrestrial paintings through a six-month field survey using AI. This has doubled the number of confirmed terrestrial paintings.

I knew of the existence of the Nazca Lands, of course, but I could only think of the famous hummingbirds and monkeys, and was surprised that there were so many different types of paintings.

The Nazca culture flourished for 900 years, from 100 to 800 B.C., and its religious center is the Kawachi site in the Nazca River basin. Nazca pottery is colorful and beautiful, often featuring motifs of animals, plants, flowers, warriors, and gods. As a civilization that did not have a written language, painting is thought to have been an important communication tool.

Nevertheless, the designs are so free and unique. When I looked them up again, I found myself asking myself, “Uncle Karl? Sergeant Keroro? Invader game characters? Some of the pictures are so familiar that it is difficult to see them from the ground.

It was difficult to see the paintings from the ground, and they were first discovered from the sky in 1939, after the invention of the airplane, and registered as a World Cultural Heritage in 1994.


It is known that the painters measured the distance by the number of steps they took and painted while moving pebbles out of the way. Therefore, some of the paintings are not symmetrical due to differences in people’s strides.

The Nazca Plateau, where the paintings were drawn, is covered with pebbles that have turned blackish brown in the sun, and there is a layer of white sand beneath these pebbles. The contrast between the black and white areas created two types of terrestrial paintings: line-type and surface-type.

Line-type paintings were painted only on the plains and 64% of them depicted wildlife motifs, while smaller surface-type paintings were painted on mountain slopes and 81% of them depicted humans and domestic animals.

Line-type paintings seem to have been used for some kind of ceremonial activity, and there are traces of people walking on them. Many of the pottery pieces were intentionally dropped and broken, suggesting that there was a custom of breaking them for ceremonial purposes.

On the other hand, it is assumed that the mask type was used as a marker for people passing by, as it was carved into a hill at the confluence of paths.

There are also other theories, such as the theory that they were used for astronomical observation, and there are still many parts that are shrouded in mystery, so there seems to be no end to the interest.


What is still a mystery is the fact that pictures drawn on the ground more than 1,000 years ago have remained on the ground.

It seems impossible, but the first reason is that there has been almost no rainfall in Nazca for more than 1,500 years. It is an impossibly arid region with an average annual rainfall of 4 mm.

Secondly, the wind blows with exquisite strength in Nazca. It blows away the sand that might accumulate, so even if it is a desert, you will not be buried under sand.

They also do not have to worry about being trampled because the area is not inhabited by animals.

In addition, the soil is hard because it contains a lot of calcium sulfate, and because of the abundance of fog, calcium sulfate and moisture mix to form a stronger soil that protects the paintings on the ground.

After the discovery of the terrestrial paintings, they have been protected by the conservation activities of many people.

Thanks to the natural environment and the efforts of people who have protected it, we can still recall the lives of people long ago.


However, when I think about it, I wonder how people could continue to live in such a harsh environment where there is no rain and no animals can live, but when I see the rich individuality of the paintings, I imagine that the people had rich hearts.


I will see you next time.















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