昨日は早々に諦めました・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎) - 風光舎 | 愛知・名古屋での骨董古美術買取 三重 岐阜




昨日は早々に諦めました・・・(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)















不眠状態を続けた世界記録として認められているのは、1964 年にアメリカの男子高校生による264 時間12 分(11 日と12 分)。実験には最初2 人の友人がつきそい、最後の90 時間はスタンフォード大学の睡眠学者が立ち会って行われました。

このときは、実験開始から3 日で記憶力が大幅に低下し、4 ~ 5 日目には極度のイライラ状態に。人に対して疑い深くなったり、白日夢を見たり、記憶障害が現れたり、簡単な計算をすることもできなくなったそうです。



11日間の断眠を達成した後、一体どうなってしまったのか。その後も幻覚に悩まされたのか? 記憶障害の後遺症が残ったのか? はたまた不眠症に陥ったのか?…いえいえ、彼は断眠終了後にたった(?)15時間ほど爆睡した後に自然に覚醒し、精神面でもなんら後遺症を残さなかったのだそう。眠りの質は必ずしも量だけで測れるものではなく、深く眠れば不足した睡眠を補うことができるのは驚きです。









調べていると夜更かし・徹夜はオススメできない! といった内容ばかりでした。しかし今は期間限定の夜更かしですので、仕事に響かないようにオリンピックを楽しみたいと思います。




Hello everyone, this is Staff T.

Yesterday’s opening ceremony was wonderful. I was in tears listening to Celine Dion’s “Hymn of Love” at the end of the ceremony.

I am talking as if I saw the Olympics LIVE, but I have decided to give up on the Olympics as soon as possible (lol).

So I was busy checking TV for the Olympics yesterday.

I am now sitting at my computer, feeling a little tired because I was so busy watching the athletes’ heroic performances on TV.


However, if you think about it, I have always been weak at night, and from the beginning there was no way I could stay up late at night. Going back to my distant memories, I don’t think I stayed up all night that many times in my younger days…. I may stay up late, but I can’t stay up. Is there any difference between those who can stay up all night and those who can’t? I don’t feel like it is just habituation and energy….



In fact, how long can a person stay awake?


It is said that animals cannot sustain life if they remain in a state of no sleep at all for a long time.

The recognized world record for the longest period of insomnia is 264 hours and 12 minutes (11 days and 12 minutes), set in 1964 by a high school boy in the United States. He was accompanied by two friends for the first 90 hours, and a Stanford University sleepologist was present for the last 90 hours.

The subjects’ memory deteriorated significantly within three days of the start of the experiment, and by the fourth to fifth day, they became extremely irritable. They became suspicious of others, daydreamed, had memory problems, and were unable to perform simple calculations.

You can see that sleep is very important for the brain to function properly.


What happened to him after he achieved 11 days of abstinence from sleep? Did you continue to suffer from hallucinations afterwards? Did you suffer from memory loss afterwards? Or did he suffer from insomnia? …No, no, he slept only (?) 15 hours after the end of the sleep break. He awoke spontaneously after a 15-hour sleep after the end of his fast sleep, leaving no aftereffects in terms of mental health. It is surprising that the quality of sleep is not necessarily measured by quantity alone, and that a deep sleep can compensate for the lack of sleep.


Since it is inevitable that I will be sleep deprived for some time to come, I looked for tips on how to stay up late or stay up all night without feeling dull the next morning, and found that in order to stay up late or stay up all night without feeling dull, it seems necessary to take small portions of food that does not put a burden on the internal organs.

While a light meal is always a good idea when staying up late, a sugary snack is not. It has been found that the sugar contained in sweet foods provides energy rapidly, but the effect does not last long, and in fact, you may feel more tired than before consuming the food.



Caffeine, which seems to have a positive effect, is also a no-no, as are chocolate, coffee, and energy drinks, all of which are associated with all-nighters, if you want to achieve a less damaging all-nighter.

Although caffeine has a stimulant effect for about an hour, it does not relieve brain fatigue and may overload the internal organs, so it is not recommended.


I found that staying up late or staying up all night is not recommended! I was not sure what to expect. However, since I am staying up late for a limited period of time, I would like to enjoy the Olympics so that it will not affect my work.


See you soon.












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