


オリンピック開会式は、寝落ち派でした。(愛知県名古屋市千種区姫池通 骨董買取 古美術風光舎)


















開会式は慣例にならってギリシャの選手団が先頭の船で入場、難民選手団が続き、フランス語の国名のアルファベット順に各国の選手団が川を航行していきましたが、 バーレーン選手団が通過すると、セーヌ川上に浮かぶサンルイ島の先端に設置された階段に黒いドレスをまとったレディー・ガガさんが現れ、歌って踊りピアノを演奏して会場を盛り上げてているではないか!。なんだかミュージカルをみているようでした。ここまでは、まだ見る気満々。


さらに選手団の入場は続き、その合間合間に華やかな演出が披露されるような演出のようでして、 老舗キャバレー「ムーラン・ルージュ」のフレンチカンカン、フランス発祥のアクロバティック・スポーツ「パルクール」などなどフランスらしい演出。この頃になりますと自分も睡魔に耐えに耐え…。




その後、各国選手団がオステルリッツ橋から6km下流にたどりつくと、式典の舞台はエッフェル塔前のイエナ橋に移された。 オリンピック旗が掲揚され、フランスのマクロン大統領が開会を宣言した。 そして迎えたクライマックスの聖火台点火などなど開会式だったようですが、クライマックスを見届けぬまま朝を迎え、寝不足のままパソコンへむかっております。←いまここ。











Hello everyone, this is Staff Y.


The Paris Olympics have finally started.

In Japan, the opening ceremony was televised from 2:30 a.m. today. Or did you give up? Or did you give up? I’m curious to know which group Staff T was in.


As you know, the opening ceremony of this year’s Paris Olympics was held outside of the stadium, and the city of Paris and both banks of the Seine were used as the stage for the opening ceremony.


The parade of athletes will take place on the Seine River, and boats will be prepared for the national delegations, each boat equipped with cameras so that television and Internet viewers can see the athletes up close. The parade, which will travel 6 kilometers from east to west along the Seine River, will cross the center of Paris, where the competition will be held for 16 days, and will proceed to Place Trocadéro, where various ceremonies and shows will be held. The opening ceremony and other events, including the “Let’s enjoy this festival together, including the athletes. The opening ceremony was a different culture from that of Japan.


This style reminds me of the water parades and guerrilla live performances of idols that are often held in Dotonbori, Osaka. I personally would like to see this style of performance at least once in my lifetime, because the people on the boat, the people watching on the riverbank, and the people watching on TV all get very excited at the different way of seeing and presenting the event.


The weather for this morning’s opening ceremony was unfortunate, with occasional heavy rain, but the 320,000 or so spectators who filled both banks of the Seine River were excited to see the performance unfold on the water, and the athletes and performers on the boats and the spectators on the riverbank seemed to feel the same way about the scenery and the performance. The athletes and performers on the boat and the spectators on the riverbank seem to be in the same mood. Both sides must be looking at the scenery and the performances with excitement, wondering what is going to happen next.


As is customary, the Greek delegation entered in the lead boat at the opening ceremony, followed by the refugee delegation, and then the athletes from each country sailed down the river in alphabetical order of their country’s name in French. Lady Gaga appeared on the stairs at the tip of Saint-Louis Island on the Seine, singing, dancing, and playing the piano to the delight of the audience. It was like watching a musical. So far, I was still ready to watch.


The entrance of the athletes continued, and in between the entrance, there seemed to be a spectacular performance, including a French-style performance by the long-established cabaret “Moulin Rouge” and the acrobatic sport of “parkour,” which originated in France. By this time, I was also enduring sleep deprivation…


Finally, the Japanese athletes made their 93rd appearance, with Shigekix (breakin’) and Misaki Emura (fencing) serving as flag bearers. I was so satisfied that I fell asleep as if my battery had run out. From this point on, I have no memory.



Later, when the national athletes reached 6 km downstream from the Osterlitz Bridge, the stage for the ceremony was moved to the Jena Bridge in front of the Eiffel Tower. The Olympic flag was hoisted, and French President Macron declared the event open. The climax of the opening ceremony was the lighting of the torch. ←I’m here now.


I am not talking about last night’s “which group”, but I was a complete “sleep deprived” person, lol.

So, I am going to go home today and rewatch the second half that I don’t remember, and I don’t think I will be cheering for the Olympics at this rate this season.



Have a good day.












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10:00-18:00 OPEN





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